Tuesday, August 31, 2010
We're on Facebook
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Rotary Foundation Minute

In the words of Arch Klumph (founder of TRF): “Money alone does little good. Individual service is helpless without money. The two together can be a godsend to civilization.” Your financial resources combined with your time, energy and talent is critical to Rotary’s mission. It is worth noting that one hundred percent of our Annual Programs Fund (APF) contributions are spent on Foundation programs. These contributions are invested for a period of three years, with a portion of the investment earnings paying for the Foundation’s administrative and fund development expenses.
This unique funding cycle keeps the engine of The Rotary Foundation running throughout the world - “BUILDING COMMUNITIES - BRIDGING CONTINENTS”
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 9 Notes From the Podium

What a good crowd today! It's nice to see so many of you back from vacation and ready to go. Summer is so quiet. We've missed you all!
It wasn't a bad week for a Kentucky man, who recently purchased a bike with two flat tires at a garage sale for $5. Turned out it was a custom made bide that belonged to Floy Landis who used it in a 2007 mountain bike race. Not taking into account it's pedigree the bike is worth $6,000. WE HAVE A YARD SALE COMING UP!!!
Then there was the Manhattan advertising executive who loaned her American Express card to a homeless person despite the fact that everyone thought she was nuts. Ten minutes later the man returned her card, after using it to purchase a bottle of water. Trust in man oh ye of little faith!
COMMUNITY SERVICE has several great things planned for September. On the 11th is our monthly Bingo game with the Vets. Saturday, September 18 is Special Olympics and Saturday, September 25 is the sweatiest project we do all year ... Coastal Cleanup. There are sign up sheets in back. Wear your Coral Gables Rotarian at Work Shirt and come and help.
7th ANNUAL ROTARY GOLF CLASSIC is held on the same day as the Gates Challenge Golf Ball Drop. Yoli is selling balls for $25 each. All of the proceeds go to End Polio Now. Chris Morrison is selling sponsorships, tee signs, golf hats, anything that you can put your company logo on - for the Golf Tournament. Both on November 4.
ROTARY DAY AT THE DOLPHINS GAME is nearly sold out. If you really want to go you'd better contact Dick Golden as soon as possible. Space is limited.
HABITAT FOR GRANDMA Mark your calendar for Friday, March 4, 2011. That's the night we celebrate Rotary Club of Coral Gables' 65th Birthday. That is also the night that we we hold our major Fundraiser, Habitat for Grandma. The beneficiary for this year's major fund raiser is CoralGables@Home, an organization dedicated to making it possible for the elderly to remain in their homes and out of nursing homes for as long as possible. CG@H is a membership based organization and seniors can take advantage of the services they have to offer for $650 a year. But, believe it or not, there are seniors who live in Coral Gables who are BELOW the poverty level (approximately 7%). They need the services but are unable to afford the membership. Proceeds from this event help provide funding that will allow these people to join CG@H for only $100 a year. AND, there's a community service aspect to this project as well. More than half of the seniors in Coral Gables live in homes that are more than 40 years old. They haven't engaged in home improvements since their spouse died or their kids moved away. Now they need to paint the living room, empty the garage, clean up the yard ... all projects that Rotarians can do really well. So look for some senior projects to be showing up on the Community Service Project List and sign up to help. We've all have aging parents. We all know how good it would be to know that they have the help they need to stay in their homes. You know that you'll hear more about this in the coming months. Stay tuned.
CELEBRATING THIS WEEK ... Modest, meticulous, practical perfectionists who worry a lot, born under the sign of Virgo. Say Happy Birthday this week to the 4th female member of our club, Betty Metcalf on the 28th and to Consigliere Abe Horowitz on the 30th.
Foundation Chair Rick Tonkinson has a life outside of Rotary (hard to believe but true). He is President of Rick Tonkinson & Associates, money managers, not investment counselors. His wife of 32 years (also a member of our club) Margarita and their son (Shelter Box maven) Steven and a Russian Ambassadorial Scholar they brought in 10 years ago are also part of this family business. If you want to know how good they are, get the July 26 issue of Forbes Magazine and read the profile on Rick. If you want your money managed right, contact Rick Tonkinson & Associates. He makes early retirement possible! Watch for him on CNN and Fox on Today in America.
Working Rotarians - August 26, 2010
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Bolado & Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge to the Flag - Walter Alvarez
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - "Timeless" Patrick Puton
Given to - Abbey Vicencio & ??????? Yo no requerdo
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Digger Martinez
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Jerry Fernandez
5-Way Test - Walter Alvarez
Today's Program - Gene Witherspoon
David J. Birnbach, M.D., MPH,
Vice Provost Associated Dean,
Director of the UM-JMH Center for Patient Safety
Miller School of Medicine.
“Patient Safety"
Since a 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine, medicine has transformed to focus on patient safety. The UM – JMH facility provides training with the use of patient simulators. It is provided to physicians, nurses, interns, medical students and nursing students, as well as medical training for armed services medical personnel. The Report found that up to 100,000 individuals are harmed in the nation’s hospitals annually. That number is equivalent to a plane crash every three days. People get hurt at hospitals. Sometimes professionals catch it, more often than not they don't. Some patients are harmed and recover and some patients never do.
The most common cause of harm is through infections – which can be avoided with the proper hand hygiene by medical staff. It has been estimated the number of patients harmed increased 3% a year since 1999, but this may be due to better reporting rather than an increase in actual incidents.
Improper communication is the biggest cause of most medical accidents. Training is key to helping to learn and implement proper communication. Several films demonstrated how the failure of doctors and technicians to communicate seriously impacts the patient's outcome. Miller School of Medicine is in the forefront of Patient Safety research and programs.
Dr. Birnbach quoted an often stated fact in hospital circles, "Some patients we can't help, but there are none that we can't harm. He closed with the message that patient safety “Is In Your Hands.”
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Florida Panther Hockey with Randy Moller, Steve Goldstein and Bill Lindsey.

Thought of the Week
by Chris Morrison
"The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse? You cannot post 'Thou shalt not steal,' 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' and 'Thou shalt not lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment."
-George Carlin
Friday, August 20, 2010
Roots by Cholly Capps
On August 6, 1987, the first woman was inducted into the Rotary Club of Coral Gables. Judy Greene, wife of District Governor Mel Greene, was accepted into membership as an Honorary Member in June, 1987. Judy was very much involved in the life of our Rotary Club. She was part of our new member orientation meetings for several years before her own induction. She was the first woman principal of a Dade County Senior High School and pioneered many "firsts" as a top administrator in the Public School System. It would have been very tough for the all-male Board to deny her this honor.
The Board resolution allowing the admission of women was promulgated by the Membership Committee and approved in May, 1987, under the leadership of then-President Chip Withers. At the June meeting, Chip's last, the Board approved Judy's membership. At the July Board meeting, under President Bob Strawser, we aproved three community leaders as new Active Members. They were all women: Charlotte Lorber (inducted August 13), Roberta Hulce (September 3) and Betty Metcalf (September 24). From this small beginning there are now 24 women Rotarians in our Club. They make up 18% if our membership. Certainly room for more good female Rotarians in the Rotary Club of Coral Gables!
A Rotary Foundation Minute

The Annual Programs Fund is the primary source of unrestricted support for the programs of the Rotary Foundation. It funds programs in more than 160 countries on seven continents. From digging clean water wells for villages in Africa to teaching basic literacy skill to children in Latin America, during any given moment in a day, thousands of Rotarians volunteer their time and expertise ensure that all contributions given to The Annual Programs Fund are spent wisely on quality Rotary projects. Only if Every Rotarian makes a gift to the Annual Programs Fund Every Year, will we will be able to continue to do the great work of our Rotary Foundation. Make your EREY contribution early this year to help in “BUILDING COMMUNITIES - BRIDGING CONTINENTS”
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 8 Notes From the Podium
President's Time

We had a very full schedule today and pulled it off despite the echo chamber. Only one table thought I was speaking Czechoslovakian!
This Week In America, Las Vegas is banning hula hoops. Seems gyrating tourists block the sidewalks,impeding foot traffic and affecting sales!
Congratulations to our International Committee. They were just awarded a Grant from Rotary International for $10,250 for the water project we're doing with our twin club in Chandigarh, India.
Chris Morrison needs a few good men (and women) who will volunteer for the upcoming Rotary Golf Classic Committee.
Did you buy your balls yet? Remember, we only need every Rotarian to sell one ticket to END POLIO NOW. Buy your balls from Yoli. Incidentally, you get credit towards your next Paul Harris Fellowship equal to what you spend on balls. So it's a win/win.
COMMUNITY SERVICE invites you to come to the Veteran's Hospital on Saturday from 1:00 until 3:00 to play bingo with the Vets. It's FUN for all concerned.
Mark your calendar for Wednesday August 25. The Pawtini Party at The Biltmore Hotel benefiting Paws4You from 5 until 8:30 AND Rotaract's Late Summer Fund Raiser is being held at Sci-Sci on Brickell Avenue from 6 until 8 p.m. Somehow there's a way to do both - with a designated driver!
If your plan is to go to the District Dolphins Day on December 5, Dick Golden says you really need to sign up now because seats on the bus are going fast. Contact Dick or Ed Morris.
Coral Gables Employee of the Month
Glenn Kephart, the City's new Public Works Director introduced us Boris Lazo, August Employee of the Month. Boris is just one of those people who never says no. He's a credit to his job and the department. Keep up the good work Boris. Congratulations on the recognition. Thanks also go to Ron Shuffield and EWM Realtors for sponsoring this Award for our Club this year.
A Membership Minute
Walter Alvarez reminded everyone of the importance of bringing guests to our Rotary meetings. After all, how are we going to get the word out if we don't bring the guests in. So bring one soon and often.
This Week's Birthdays ... Here come the cusp babies once again ... half lion/half virgin, people born on the cusp of Virgo are generous, enthusiastic, reliable, analytical people who are fussy, dogmatic worriers like Elizabeth Silverman and Barbara Stein who celebrate on the 22nd, Margarita Tonkinson and Bill Oates who celebrate on the 23r and Chief Jim Skinner on the 25th. Say Happy Birthday when you see them!
This Week's Program - A Double-Header!
Vanessa Snyder
2009 – 2010 Ambassadorial Scholar
Oxford University
Ms. Snyder shares many of the qualities of all of Ambassadorial Scholars we have been fortunate to have come present to our club – she is dynamic and enthusiastic, and appreciates the incredible opportunity that Rotary gave her. She spoke of the goals she set for herself - earning a degree, immersion into student life, all things Rotary, learning about the English culture, and traveling. Ms. Snyder was amazed that she so impacted the people she encountered, and found that she formed lifelong friendships, achieved all of her goals plus gaining a new perspective. Her poise and success as an Ambassador for Rotary is just one more reason to support The Rotary Foundation. Ambassadorial Scholars are funded from the $100 that Every Rotarian should give Every Year.
Martin Gould
Rotary Club of Weston
"The Untapped Web Tools"
Mr. Gould, Public Relations Web Specialist, explained that effective marketing requires that people to “see our stuff”. Old paper advertising was formal and instructional. In contrast, Internet advertising content is dynamic, interesting, collaborative, highly detailed, and authentic. To get the content to the right people, we can use social media, articles, BLOGS, and email. Going online, Mr. Gould demonstrated the Weston Club’s use of Facebook and Twitter to get information out, as well as weekly announcements by email. Challenges faced using Internet marketing includes finding the time to keep information current. He advised that next we should focus on our niche, identify our market, evaluate the content, surround our customers, and make a commitment. Mr. Gould then extended an invitation to visit the Rotary Club of Weston at their breakfast meeting at the Weston Hills Country Club (Thursdays at 7:30am). If you have any questions you can reach Martin at gould@focalizenow.com or by phone at 949/649-4203.
Ed. Martin's Presentation sure set one Rotarian on fire! PE Debbie Swain has already set up a Rotary Club of Coral Gables Fan Page.
Working Rotarians - August 19, 2010
Greeters - Rod Langer & Rolf Frankfurther
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge - George Reeves
Singers - Arne T, Dan S, Ana F, Rosendo C & Bill Q
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Aaron Glass
Given to - Terry Long & George Reeves
Pin Drawing - Deena Bell
Pin Drawing Winner - John Wallace
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Wiley Hicks
5-Way Test - Dr. Phil
Thought of the Week
by Chris Morrison
"Some people see things that are and ask, "WHY?" Some people dream of things that never were and as, "WHY NOT?" Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that."
George Carlin
Next Week's Program: "Patient Safety" The UM approach to an imporant subject. Davi J. Birnbach, M.D., MPH, Vice Provost Associated Dean and Director of the UM-JMH Center for Patient Safety at the Miller School of Medicine.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 7 Notes From the Podium
President's Time This week a 6 ft. tall Oklahoma Mall thief was tackled and brought down by a 5'2', 16 year old cheerleader from Moore High School. "Cheerleading makes you strong!" And ... there's a new treatment facility protocol for alcoholics in the Netherlands. They serve a half-liter of beer to the patients every hour. Apparently it keeps them kinda buzzed and makes their head clearer? Who would've thought ...
Chris Morrison spent a lot of time telling us what a wonderful time we're going to have at the upcoming 7th Annual Rotary Golf Classic. It's November 4 at The Biltmore Hotel. Our meeting will be at the 19th Hole that day too. Our speaker will be Kim Bokamper, formerly of the Miami Dolphins Killer B's. But a tee sign, be a sponsor or just sign up to play. Last year we raised nearly $15,000 for our Foundation. We're looking to do the same or better this year. It's one of our major fund raisers.Don't forget that YOLI IS SELLING BALLS. Golf balls that is. $25 buys you a shot at a winning ball in the drop on the day of the tournament. The $25 goes to help End Polio Now
August 21 - Veteran's Bingo from 1 until 3 p.m.
August 25 - Paw4You Pawtini Party at The Biltmore 5 until 8:30
Ed Morris was pinch hitting for Dick Golden today - peddling tickets for the December 5th District Day at the Dolphins. They're $45 including the bus trip to Sun Life Stadium (that's the name now, right?). If you want to go to the tailgate party you can get tickets to that separately. Kind of a "build it yourself" day at the football game. Word is they're playing Cleveland and the seats are much, MUCH better than last year.
Three of our erstwhile members are celebrating their Rotary Anniversary this week. Bill Forshee has been in the Club 15 years; Elizabeth "Lovables" Silverman celebrates 5 years and Community Service Chair Judy Pantoja, although it seems like forever, has only been with us for the last 3 years. Good Rotarians, all of them.
When the Diva Does Dollars we get quality, rather than quantity. She wastes no time taking prisoners ... she's always between men! Happy Rotarians today included Bruce Kerestes, proud grandfather to his second grandson, Deacon Bruce dela Fe, 8lbs, 12 oz., born August 4th. They're sure he's going to play for the Dolphins. Bill Quesenberry spent a miserable week working through the end of days for his computer. Now it's dead and been replaced with a new one. The next hurdle is will all of the old financial records be able to be transferred to Windows 7. Rosendo Castillo recognized Bianca Fernandez and Kristie House for the fine work that they do in our community. He and his wife toured the facility last week and were so impressed and thankful that such a facility and organization exists to assist children in Miami-Dade. We raised $1,100 for their school uniforms and two trunk loads of school supplies. Wiley Hicks was happy to be back from a 2,300 trek with his 20 year old son. They drove from Park City Utah to Miami by way of Chicago (for a Cubs game). He was also happy that his friend Tim Plummer gave him the $20 to be happy with today! J.B. Spence was happy to have voted but happier about his dear friend, Steve Zack who was just elected as President of the National Bar Association. Dan Scipione stood in for the absent Dick Golden with a story about a bronze rat some guy bought in Chinatown that came with a $10,000 story. Soon he had 10,000 rats following him. The punchline was that what he really wanted was a bronze lawyer??? Dick, come back soon! Luis Boue wanted J.B. to know that he also voted this morning and that cancelled out J.B.'s vote. Keep smiling. Happiness pays!
“It’s All About U:
Academic and Athletic Excellence”
Kirby Hocutt, Athletic Director
University of Miami
Mr. Hocutt is going into his third year as Athletic Director of the University of Miami. His dream to play Division 1A football was fulfilled when he had an opportunity to play linebacker at Kansas State University. When he first met UM President Donna Shalala, she was amazed that he played line backer since he's not big enough to be one!
What makes his job special is that UM athletic programs not only unify the school, but also unify the community. His position requires that all 357 student athletes receive an excellent education while having a chance to play in the program. Playing on the field teaches them lessons that will make them successful and productive citizens. Demonstrating UM’s commitment to academic excellence, he bragged that UM’s athletes have an 86% graduation success rate. 134 athletes achieved a 3.0 or better GPA, and 56 achieved 3.5 or better. The NCAA announced that Randy Shannon, their Head Coach, was ranked 3rd in the country behind Navy and Army for academic excellence.
UM football teams athletic achievement has propelled it into the national spotlight, bringing its athletes media attention. He tells the story of UM’s starting quarterback, Jackie Harris after UM’s bowl game loss last year against Wisconsin ... Before the buses left, he first boarded the defense bus, then boarded the offense bus. On each bus, he apologized to the seniors for not pulling the game off and losing the last game of their college career. To the returning players, he told them that if they would follow him next year, they would see his work ethic at a level they wouldn’t see anywhere else.
In closing, Hocutt said, “It is our time at UM – and you in the community are part of our team. Tell your friends about our academic success. And support the team by joining us in the stands.”
Working Rotarians - August 12, 2010
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Rolf Frankfurther
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Andrew Dixon
Open the Meeting - Ed Morris
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge to the Flag - Ed Morris
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - William Isiasis
Given to: Gloria Burns & Ana Fournaris
Pin Drawing Gift - Deena Bell
Pin Drawing Winner - John Wallace
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Abe Horowitz
5-Way Test - Yoli Woodbridge
Thought of the Week
by Chris Morrison
No one ever says, "It's only a game" when their team is winning.
George Carlin
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - A Double Hitter!
Martin Gould, PR Web Specialist speaks on "The Untapped Web Tools and the Rotary Club
Vanessa Snyder, the Rotary Club of Coral Gables' Ambassadorial Scholar
Join us, next Thursday, same time, same place.
We start on time. We end on time.
We always have a good time.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Roots by Cholly Capps
The first Secretary of the new Rotary Club of Coral Gables was Mac MacDonald, then operator of Coral Way Cleaners on Miracle Mile. Mac later moved his firm to South Miami and changed the name to MacDonald Cleaners. Mac became the founding President of the Rotary Club of South Miami five years later.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Community Service Co-chairs Judy Pantoja and Bob Schreiber have planned two more
events for the month of August. The Kristi House drive, started July 8th was
successfully completed on August 5th with $1,100 in cash and mountains of school supplies, thanks to the generosity of many of our members.
Volunteers are requested for Veterans Bingo on August 21st, from 1-3 PM. This is a
lot of fun for veterans and volunteers alike and a way to thank our veterans who have
defended our country and our freedoms. See Yoli Woodbridge, ywassociates@bellsouth.net.

The Rotary Club of Coral Gables will support Paws4You's fund raiser, Pawtini Pawty in the Biltmore Court Yard on August 25th. Volunteers are needed from 5 PM through 8:30 PM. Tickets for attendees are $20 and include 1 drink. There will be lots of vendors with freebees too !!! So volunteer and/or bring your pooch and attend. For more information, contact Terry Long, terryclong@bellsouth.net or Bob Schreiber bob@hicksschreiber.com. For more information on the fund raiser visit the website http://www.pawtinipawty.com/
Paws4You saves dogs and cats from euthanasia by rescuing them and showing them every weekend at the local pet stores, which the objective of finding them forever homes. For more information on Paws4You, visit http://www.paws4you.org/.

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 6 Notes From the Podium
This Week in America, shoppers have filed a lawsuit against the "99 Cents Only Store" chain for raising the price of items to $0.9999. The chain's CEO says the $0.0099 increase is "a very tiny amount," but concedes that prices are rounded up to a dollar at the cash register, producing $12 million annually. "If they call themselves '99 Cents Only,'" said a lawyer for the plaintiffs, "it should be 99 cents."
DON'T FORGET THE YARD SALE is coming in November. This is one of our club's major fundraisers for this year. And this one doesn't require that you open your wallet. Just clean out your storage units. We have plenty of space to fill up so keep the goodies coming.

Chris Morrison announced the 7th Annual Rotary Golf Classic that creates the excuse for the Golf Ball Drop. The "Drop" is a District-wide fundraiser for PolioPlus. It provides our share of the matching funds for the Gates Challenge to End Polio. Bill Gates gave Rotary a challenge to match his donation of $225 million for the final push to end polio. Rotary accepted and split the responsibility between all of the clubs and districts. The last two Golf Ball Drops have raised almost $100,000. This year's will put us over the top in our donations. The tickets are the same price before ... only $25. The grand prize is a 7-day cruise aboard RCCL (ship to be announced soon). If every Rotarian in the whole District - all 2,600 of us - each sold (SELL, not BUY) one ticket, well you can do the math. Yoli is selling balls. She has a whole team selling balls. Buy your balls today!
The Golf Ball Drop is all wrapped up in the Rotary Golf Classic. November 4th is the date. The Biltmore is the course. Our Rotary meeting that day will be on the terrace in front of the 19th hole. It's a terrific event. We always have a lot of FUN. So will you. We're looking for sponsors, teams, individual golfers, so watch your email for the Golf Classic package.
Dick Golden reminded everyone to purchase their tickets early, and often, for the December 5th Rotary Day at the Dolphins. We've got a bus - leave the driving to us! Tickets including bus fare is $45 per person. It's the Dolphins vs. Cleveland.
Honest, expansive, proud and dogmatic describes just a few of the personality characteristics of Leo natives. Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to Andrew Dixon tomorrow, Graham Miller on the 8th and Ramon Ferrer on August 11th.
Jim Brown is celebrating 35 years as a Rotarian this week. Lan Nghiem-Phu is celebrating too. He's been in our club for 14 years.
Dr. Randy had some questions of Bill Martinez regarding his dress today but black is back! Scholarships Groh when people like Dan Scipione give $20 just to unload. Seems vacation was "good"... three dogs, one cat and his six year old daughter. His wife flew out with the dogs. He followed with his daughter and the cat. They spent vacation walking dogs, taking care of the cat and entertaining his daughter. THEN, to top it all off, he drove home 3,333 miles with all of them in the car. He's happy t be back! J.B. Spence is really happy that Elena Kagan is about to be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice. But don't take that to mean that he's a liberal or a Democrat! Judy Pantoja is back from all her business travel and bout with the flu. She presented us with a banner from the St. Croix Rotary Club that she visited while she was away on business (? business?). Carol Brock is happy that Yoli Woodbridge taught her how to do Matching Rotary Grants. While she's in Tennessee she attends a Rotary Club and she wrote a Matching Grant for them for a school project in Bolivia. The Grant was awarded $30,000 and she leaves for Bolivia next week to start implementing. In an effort to avoid turning the microphone over to Dick Golden, Randy proclaimed his pleasure at having had Elizabeth Lovables cater a lunch for the girls in his office. It was swell and he highly recommends the lovely Liz's treats. Finally, Dick got his turn and told us a story about a fellow who was celebrating 50 years of marriage. When asked how he did it he said he took his wife to Israel for the 25th anniversary. He expected to return to Israel again for his 50th. To pick her up. Keep smiling. Happiness pays!
Greeters - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Rolf Frankfurter
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge - Tom Dixon
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Arne Themmen, Dan Scipione and Visiting Rotarian Patricia Pardinas
Introductions - Dick Bullman (solo)
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Rodney Langer
Given to - Yoli Woodbridge & Rolf Frankfurter
Pin Drawing Gift - Deena Bell
Pin Drawing Winner - Bill Quesenberry
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Tom Dixon
5-Way Test - Donald Trombly
Robert Molleda
National Hurricane Center
“Preparing for the Inevitable"
We are now entering the most active part of the hurricane season. September is the peak, but South Florida has the most hurricane hits in the month of October. Over the past 150 years, a hurricane center passed within 75 miles of South Florida every four years on average, which along with the Upper Keys, is the highest frequency of anywhere in the US. South Florida had17 years without a direct impace before Andrew hit in 1992. Hurricane are uncommon events, unless they directly affect you.
The greatest hazard from a hurricane is the storm surge. You can hide from wind, but you cannot hide from the rising water of a storm surge. A category 3 hurricane hitting from the east would cause a 10 foot storm surge. Evacuation zones have been defined based on expected storm surge depending on the storm strength. The 1926 hurricane caused an 8’ – 11’ surge on Miami Beach, and caused Collins Avenue to be buried under 2 feet of sand. Hurricane Irene in 1999 was not a significant wind or storm surge storm, but caused flooding from rainfall. Tornadoes often form in out bands. Much of the wind damage is actually due to flying objects that become projectiles
NOAA has just revised its forecast for this year’s season based on current conditions. Forecasters consider sea surface temperatures, rainfall amounts over Africa, pressure patterns over the Atlantic Ocean, and intra-seasonal activity to develop forecasts. This year there are light winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere, warm sea temperatures, and lower surface pressures – all conducive to increased hurricane activity. The new forecast anticipates 8 – 20 named storms, and 8-12 hurricanes this season. But no matter how active the season will be, where it hits is more important than how many there are! The “Bermuda High” plays a huge role in steering the storms from the east, depending on its exact location.
The National Hurricane Center develops a forecast track known as the “Cone of Uncertainty”. It shows the likely track of the storm. The important thing is to be prepared; and follow the official warnings (meaning a storm is likely to impact in 48 hrs), watches ( impact is expected in 36 hrs); and listen to your local media for information when a storm is active. Everyone is advised to have a NOAA weather radio to get the real scoop!
Thought of the Week

by Chris Morrison
"You are master of the word till spoken and then it is the master of you."
Mary Lou Phillips (Keith's mom)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
First 5th Friday - A Blast
The CITIZENS Bungalow, formally known as the J. Hubbard Alvarez Bungalow, is the best
example of a Belvedere Bungalow in the City of Miami. It was saved from the bulldozer by Dade Heritage Trust, which used its Preservation Fund to purchase the building in August, 2003. Located at 138 NW 16th Avenue, near the former site of the Orange Bowl, the house, built in 1921 was home to Rolando and Mercedes Alvarez for 40 years.
Dade Heritage Trust Executive Director Becky Roper Matkov learned that it was imperiled at a City Historic and Environmental Preservation Board meeting, DHT’s Board decided to act. Empowered with a Preservation Revolving Fund, established with support from Miami-Dade County, DHT acquired the house, secured its historic designation and obtained a historic preservation overlay for office use. They restored the bungalow, making it ADA-compliant as headquarters for the environmental nonprofit.
It's still a "work in progress" as old houses always are. But it's a really neat example of early Miami architecture and it was a terrific site for our favorite fellowship event. Kelly and her staff graciously took us on an extensive tour of the wonderful old home, now adapted as one of the nicest places you could want to work.
And as usual, the food was plentiful and perfect. Elizabeth Lovables cooked up the chicken wings she had left over from our Beaux Arts adventure along with other great treats from her creative kitchens. And of course we had wine ... lots of wine.
And aside from the fact that we published the address for the party - kinda wrong - everyone had a good time - when they finally got there! We apologize for printing the address as N.W. 16th Street instead of Avenue.
The next month with five Fridays is October. Yes, Halloween. Plan now to attend the Halloween 5th Friday on October 29 at the new Coral Gables Museum.
Here's a few snapshots from the evening ...
Walter & Annette Alavrez, Carol Brock, Donald & Amanda Trombly
Jordan & Margaret Steele
Deena Bell Lewellyn
Hadley Williams & Jennifer Kila