President's Time
President Debbie updated us on a list of projects, parties, meetings and events that are coming up in September and October. You'll be hearing more about all of them.
September 17 is Coastal Cleanup.
September 24 is VA Bingo, rescheduled because of Coastal Cleanup.
October 1 is our first Spin-a-thon at Gables Fitness - $20 fee goes to the Jo Burke Memorial Fund in our Club's Foundation.
October 23 is the first Coral Gables Bike Day. We've been volunteered to be the volunteer organization for this all day festival event.
September - New Generations Month
September is New Generations Month (aka Youth). New Generations Chair this year is Pat Morris who spent a few minutes giving us a long list of project and events being undertaken by our Rotaract Club and both the Coral Gables High and Gulliver High Interact Clubs.
Last night Rotaract had a Wine Wisdom & Tasting event at Calamari's Cava Wine Cellar. What a terrific alternative to an ordinary meeting. There were 22 Rotaractors there along with four Rotarians, one of whom was none other than Todd Dayton, our District Governor.
Chris Morrision, Golf Tournament Chair, was pleased to announce that the Tournament brochures are now out. Expect to receive one via email and please, forward it to friends and golfers. He expects that the Tournament will be a sell out because of the co-beneficiary, VAVF. That's the service organization that provides for the needs of the soldiers at the VA Hospital. The organization is comprised of people from many other charities that support the VA. That translates as MANY GOLFERS and sponsors. And speaking of sponsors, the first stepped forward today. Don Slesnick has come forward as the Cart Sponsor once again. THANK YOU DON!!
Congratulations to Yoli Woodbridge
for 17 years
of Perfect Attendance!!
Thanks for your devoted Service.
Diligent, intelligent, analytical and conservative describes Virgo natives and this week's birthday boys. Say Happy Birthday to Fred Ortiz on September 6th and Steven Spann on the 7th.
We've got lots of Rotary Anniversaries this week and if you add them all up they represent 82 years of Service above Self. Congratulations to Joan Reitsma - 14 years, Tom Dixon - 17 years, Eddie Snow - 23 years and George Corrigan - 28 years. Congratulations and thanks to you all!
Vocational Service Minute
Vocational Service Chair, Frank Sexton asked Past President Sally B what she really does for a living. He felt it was something inquiring minds would like to know. Especially since she has multiple business cards, each with a different title! In a nutshell she said she's been managing properties since 1977, including luxury hotels, office buildings, condominiums and private real estate portfolios. She is a licensed Community Association Manager for residential and commercial condominiums. Her real estate expertise is Tenant Representation. After many years in the Landlord's shoes, she's really good at negotiating the best deal for everyone. She also consults on lease negotiations even when she's not the Tenant's Agent. It saves the clients legal fees because the lease is negotiated when the attorney gets it. All they have to do is go over the lease for legal sufficiency. Her two skills come together quite well as a Receiver for foreclosed commercial properties. If you have need of her expertise you can depend on her. She is experienced, dedicated, efficient and provides excellent service. It's the rent she pays for her space on earth ... and she will always call you back! Thank you PP Frank and PP Sally!
Guest & Visitors Today
Dick Bullman returned to his post today and introduced us to two visitng Rotarians from the Miami Club, Joe Witz and Gary Sisler. Rotarians brought guests today including Gloria Burns who brought Ray Dehbozorgi the printer again. Noelle Galperin brought Joe Fila, Dick Golden invited his visitng brother Bill today. Carol Alexander brough Franklin Christopher who was a member of her old club and Don Slesnick invited Seth Gordon to visit today. Turns out he went to FSU with President Debbie but he was much older when he went to college. Welcome to you all, please come back again.
Happy $$$
Dr. Randy loves to Groh Scholarships but today he found himself between the proverbial "rock and a hard place" attempting to keep the two jokesters under control. First came Bill Quesenberry who was very happy that his wife Melissa's paralyzed hand is nearly back to normal thanks to Sally B's husband, Dr. Larry Goodman, Felix Pardo was very happy to announce that his brother-in-law J Guarch was on his way up to Boston for the removal of his daughter's external fixator that's coming off tomorrow. They expect her to be back in Miami by October. Chris Tyson came up to provide "comic relief" but forgot what he was going to say. He was just helping Randy keep Dick and Ed at bay. Then he remembered ... he was disappointed that nobody brought him any Kickapoo Joy Juice today. Dick Golden told a REALLY clean joke today and it was even funny about the lousy sermon, the preacher's mother and a parishioner whose name she didn't know. And finally Ed Morris was permitted to express his happiness at the request of his granddaughter Katie ... she wanted everyone to know that she has a brand new baby sister named Allie who was born on Tuesday and she loves her very much! Happiness pays so remember to keep on smiling.
Working Rotarians - September 1, 2011
Greeters - Keith Phillips & Steven Spann
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado & Jorge Triay
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu & Bonnie Blaire
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Steve Magenheimer
Pledge - Keith Phillips
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Yoli Woodbridge
Given to- Jim Roen & John Wallace
Pin Drawing Gift - Rodney Langer
Pin Drawing Winner - Franklin Christopher
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Fred Baddour
50/50 Winner - David Mitchell
4-Way Test - Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo
Today's Program
Alberto Borrero
Camp Boggy Creek,
A year-round camp serving seriously ill children.
Alberto is with an organization called Grove Cares Foundation. Camp Boggy Creek is one of their chief charities There are Camp Boggy Creek's all over the US. They were started by the late actor, Paul Newman. In fact all the proceeds from his salad dressings go to fund this operation. The Grove Foundation raised $45,000 over the summer, mostly from their annual Coconut Grove Pub Crawl which they've been doing since 1999.
Camp Boggy Creek in Florida is located in Orlando. It is a camp that's for only seriously ill children and their parents. It gives them a week to look forward to every year when they can forget about treatments and being sick or different and just have fun Illness is the great equalizer. They forget they're sick. There are no other camps that will take children with serious conditions. All of the medical personnel that work at Camp Boggy Creeks do so on a volunteer basis. Each camp has a fully staff medical facility and the Camp Counselors are all volunteers as well. It costs $1,000 for each child to go the camp. They're there to have a good time.
This is the second year that our Club's Foundation has donated to Camp Boggy Creek. The Foundation Board feels this is a very worthwhile place to donate our money. So today, Civic & Charity Chair, Kelly Sastre presented Alberto with our check for $1,000 for the 2011-2012 Rotary year.
NEXT WEEK'S MEETING: We will be hosting the Rotary Clubs of Miami, South Miami and Dadeland Pinecrest here at the Country Club. The speaker will be John Smarge, Rotary International Director. He is an awesome speaker and we guarantee you will be moved. DON'T MISS THIS MEETING.
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
Do not pray for easy lives,
Pray to be stronger men.
John F. Kennedy
Scene Scenes
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