Happy New Year to everyone! President Debbie wanted everyone to know the good news about our "little" donation to Smile Trek several months ago. when Winston Fiore, the Marine who is going around the world to raise money and awareness for cleft palate surgeries, visited our club. He's currently in Bangkok and is 70% of the way to raising his goal of $50,000. Our Club's small donation, when matched by our Foundation and by District became $4,100. We are #1 on his website, www.smiletrek.org. We are his favorite Rotary Club! Rotary Rocks!!
Don't forget to purchase your Winner's Choice Rotary Raffle Tickets. Only 300 tickets are being sold, each for $150. That's 300 chances to win your choice of a brand new Fiat 500, a Mako flats boat OR $20,000 in cash. AND, in mid-January, if you've already purchased your ticket you will be eligible for a preliminary drawing to win two nights in any Starwood Resort of your choice or two choice tickets to the Miami Heat. There will be a second preliminary raffle held in mid-February as well. Those prizes will be announced later.
COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE: January 21 is Veteran's Bingo from 1 until 3 in the afternoon. January 26 the Community Blood Bank Bloodmobile will be here at the Country Club from 11 until 2. Plan to come early or leave late and leave a pint behind. January 27 there will be a meeting of the Community Service Committee at Chair Deena Bell-Llywellyn's home at 6 p.m. February 12 is the date for Tour for a Cure for Diabetes. Volunteers are needed throughout the day for this big event.
Foundation Minute
Past President and Foundation Chair Abe Horowitz started off the new year by awarding two more Paul Harris Fellows. First one went to President-Elect Walter Alvarez who achieved his Paul Harris +2 sapphire pin.
Congratulations to Club Treasurer John Porro who received his first Paul Harris Fellowship today too.
Still deep into Capricorn, disciplined, practical, patient and reserved say Happy Birthday this week to Associate Member Lorraine Sheldon on January 10 and Axel Ulrich on January 11.
There's only one Rotary Anniversary this week. Hank Langston is celebrating 16 years in Rotary Club of Coral Gables. Thanks Hank for all your years of service.
New Member Introduction
Greg Martini introduced us today to our newest member, Serre Murphy, an investment banker with Northern Trust. Serre is a graduate of Lake Forest College and received his MBA from UM. He's married to Alina for 19 years and has three children, Marissa, 17, Nicholas 14 and Alina, 12. They all moved to Miami from New York City in 1996. He has a golf handicap of 18. Says his blood type is Z+ and claims to be a very enthusiastic do-it-yourselfer. He's willing to tackle most any home improvement project except for plumbing. Sounds like a good addition to our Habitat for Humanity work crew for sure! Say hello to Serre and let's get him involved.
President Debbie gave out some more Perfect Attendance Pins this week. First went to Pastor Perry - who wasn't here last week - for 26 years. Abe Horowitz has perfect attendance for 10 years. Paolo Possenti is celebrating 28 years and Rolf Frankfurter is celebrating 44 years of perfect attendance. Congrats to you all for an amazing 108 years of perfect attendance!
Introduction of Visitors & Guests
Great turnout today for the first meeting of the new year. We had visiting Rotarians from Coconut Grove, Susan Wilson and Roger Langer from the Miami Club (Rodney's dad). Sally B brought Jill Daley to the meeting again today. Ralph Cabrera's guest was introduced by Yoli Woodbridge but he's not really a "guest", he's past president, former member, Joe Lancaster. Felix Pardo thought it might be a good idea to reintroduce us to his brother-in-law, and a member missing for awhile lately, J Guarch. George Reeves introduced us to his friend Ron Gerstle. Dick was a little upset that there were no kids at the meeting today. So bring your kids next week and make him happy.
Happy $$$
Maybe it's something in his demeanor or maybe he shoots laughing gas through the place, but whatever his secret the good Dr. Randy knows how to make scholarships Groh. Lan Nghiem-Phu did a not happy dollar to let us know that Chris Tyson fell and broke his shoulder. He's okay, in a lot of pain but expects to be here next week. Sally B. was happy for all of the volunteers that worked at the Junior Orange Bowl Parade (check earlier blogs for more on this). Greg Martini was happy about his son's Eagle Scout project and the help he got from Fred Baddour, including a $100 contribution. Chris Morrison is just back from the Fiesta Bowl. Stanford lost in overtime. But one thing for sure ... the Orange Bowl does it better! Jim Roen is happy that his son Brandt is turning 18. He labors under the misconception that he's not going to have to feed him, clothe him or board him anymore! LOL. Deena Bell-Llewellyn had a wonderful vacation for two weeks in the mountains of North Carolina where they got snowed in. She was also happy that Lovables catered Charlie's 50th Birthday Party on New Year's Eve. Dick Golden told us all about the fights he's been having with his wife, all a matter of semantics! And funny for a change!! J Guarch was grateful for all the outpouring from Rotarians after the death of his mom, and happy for his daughter's miraculous recovery from her horrible accident last summer. She's in Miami to stay. She's moved with her boyfriend to a 1940's bungalow in Coconut Grove and her life is moving right along. Aaron Glasser wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. He says he's proud to be associated with such a great group of people. He was also happy to see Coral Gables finest as the program today. Pat Morris is happy to be back after two weeks in Maui (with the President?) He and his family did all the touristy things like bike to Haleakala and take surfing lessons but the best part was they are not in an episode of Animal Planet about the mating season for a pod of 20 hump back whales. Noelle Galperin is happy that she will have an opportunity to travel to Haiti with President Banershee and two Rotary International Directors to bring them up to speed on our District Partnership with Project Medishare. She is sure this will be the start of many great things. See how it's done? Happiness pays for scholarships. Keep on smiling!
Working Rotarians - January 5, 2012
Greeter - Steven Spann & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Joe Witz
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Steve Magenheimer
Pledge - Keith Phillips
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Carlos Ruiz
Given to - Fred Baddour & Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Gift - Rodney Langer
Pin Drawing Winner - Dick Golden
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Fred Baddour
50/50 Winner - Elizabeth "Lovables" Silverman
4 Way Test - Diane Thurston
Officer Alex Engmann and Hunter - Coral Gables Police K-9 Unit
They've been together for the past eight years. To become part of the K-9 Unit you have to apply just like any other job. You're screened. You get to pick a dog. Hunter was brought here from Amsterdam and Alex picked him as a puppy. Then Hunter went through 450 hours of intensive training with the FDLE before he was ever allowed out on the street. He has to be re-certified every four years. He is trained in drug detection and can recognize five different drugs by smell. If you want to know what their sense of smell is like - imagine a hamburger - you can just smell the burger - Hunter can differentiate between the sesame seed, the meat, the ketchup and the pickles.
When Hunter is retired he will live permanently with Officer Alex. That's no problem at all now that their female Greyhound has made it perfectly clear who is in charge in the house. But it is obvious that the bond between the officer and the animal is amazing.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Actors' Playhouse entertains us!
by Abe Horowitz
"Giving money and power to government is like giving
whiskey and the car keys to teenage boys..."
P. J. O'Rourke
Scene Scenes
See you next week.
Same time, same place
Same great bunch of Rotarians!
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