President's Time
President Debbie ran through the most important announcements and turned the mic over to Community Service Chair Deena Bell Llewellyn and her guest Marisol Gomez.
Marisol represents Sustainatopia, the national organization that is presenting the Earth Day Festival in conjunction with the Coral Gables Green Task Force, chaired by Carlos Ruiz. The event will be held at Merrick Park at City Hall on Sunday, April 22nd. It will feature all things green (except Kermit). There will be home and design vendors, hybrid cars, electronic recycling, organic farmer's market, and local restaurants serving food. There will be lots of activities for the whole family including Historic Bicycle
Deena is recruiting volunteers as Rotary will be the service organization working at this first time community event. Shifts begin at 5:30 a.m. and run through 8:30 p.m. Pick your job and your shift early to get the best available. There's a sign up sheet in back. We need volunteers for the entire day.
Introduction of Guests &Visitors
President-Elect Walter Alvarez
Visiting Rotarians today were John Sorgie, South Miami and Dick Pratt from Martha's Vineyard. Deena Bell brought Marisol Gomez. Yoli Woodbridge brought her niece Patricia Leyva again this week. Bill Oates brought his son Daniel and Mead McCabe introduced us to Wally DiMarco and John Routh from UM Hall of Fame.
City of Coral Gables
Employee of the Month
March, 2012
Cary Smith was introduced to us by one of the managers in the Public Works Department. Though he's only known Cary for five years, Giovanni Batista says that the minute you meet Cary you know that the Employee of the Month suit fits him just fine. He's worked for the City for 23 years. He's on call and available 24/7 on top of the always there eight hours a day. He comes in ready to resolve problems and create solutions. He deserves this recognition. Congratulations Cary. Keep up the good work!
A Message from a Past President
Abe Horowitz
Abe felt that since he didn't attend the gala, he owed the Foundation some more assistance this year. So even though he's already bought raffle tickets, he's buying another one today. And in hopes that he could encourage and inspire others to follow suit, he challenged that if 12 Rotarians would purchase tickets today, he would buy one more. He was somewhat successful and sold another six tickets today. Buy one now. If you already bought one, buy another. It's good for the Foundation and the good work that we do.
As March (and Pisces) ends, we move into the sign of Aries the Ram. Natives are known to be impulsive, confident, adventurous and energetic. Say Happy Birthday this week to Edgard Mann on March 23, Chris Morrison on the 24th and Bill Martinez on March 28.
Happy Rotary Anniversary this week to Andrea Fusero who celebrates one year on March 24th; Gene Witherspoon and Guillermo Villar each with three years on March 26th and Alan Heard who have been a Coral Gables Rotarian for 32 years on March 27th. Congratulations and thank you for all your years of service.
Happy $$$
Randy was really happy that he hired Lovables to cater his big party tonight for the Executive Club. He knows that Elizabeth is supervising all the preparations and didn't think she'd be at the meeting today .... oops! She's here!
Margarita Tonkinson was happy that today is World Water Day and thanked all those who have engaged in water projects in our club. Chris Morrison was happy that he knew Dr. Randy when he chipped a tooth. Mead McCabe was happy to report that ROTARY DID AN OUTSTANDING JOB on St. Patrick's Day for John Martin's. In addition to the $5,000 we were paid for our efforts, we made $1,180 in tips which were divided up the same as the proceeds. The beneficiaries were Shake-A-Leg and our Rotaract Club. Judy Pantoja was two times happy today. One because of our great program because she is such an avid Hurricane fan and second because on Saturday, Susan Guttmann is being married. Elizabeth Lovables was happy that she has such a good staff so she can come to Rotary and trust that Randy's party will be perfect. She also was happy because she had such a great time pouring beer on Saturday. Chris Tyson was happy that he got a haircut. Happiness pays, keep on smiling!
Working Rotarians - March 22, 2012
Greeters - Steve Spann & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - John Porro
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Pledge - Serre Murphy
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - George Reeves
Given to - Paolo Possenti & Catarina Jimenez
Pin Drawing Gift - Joan Reitsma
Pin Drawing Winner - Chris Morrison
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Reza Dehbozorgi
4-Way Test - Aaron Glasser
4-Way Test - Aaron Glasser
Today's Program
University of Miami Sports Hall of Fame President, Wally DiMarco and John Routh brought us the Heisman Trophy and other great awards that UM has won. Located on Campus at 5821 San Amaro Drive.
The Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1966 but didn't have a building until 1989. They have inducted 259 student-athletes, coaches and administrators since they began. From the wizard college baseball coach, Ron Frazier to the famous George Mira, Vinny Testaverde and Gardner Malloy. They have Gino Torretta's Heisman Trophy (pictured). Nearly 1,000 trophies, awards and memorabilia are on display.
John Routh, the Executive Secretary of the Hall of Fame has a really checkered past. Coach Ron Frazier hired him in 1983 as the Miami Maniac. He then became Sebastian the Ibis and has since moved on to become Billy the Marlin as well.
The Sports Hall of Fame is a 501.c.3 not-for-profit organization whose sole purpose is to promote UM athletics and recognize the winners. They hold an annual induction banquet and an annual golf tournament to raise money to support the Hall of Fame. Visit for more information.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: "Murder on the High Seas"
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"At the lowest point in my life God said to me;
'Look up, get up and don't ever give up.'"
Hurricane Mike Irvin
Hall of Fame Acceptance Speech
Scene Scenes
See you next week.
Same time, same place
Same great bunch of Rotarians.
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