Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving at the Chapman Partnership

Thanksgiving at the
Chapman Partnership 
for the Homeless

This is the 12th year that our Club has supported the Chapman Partnership for the Homeless at Thanksgiving.  Our Foundation granted them $1,000 to be used for the purchase of the food for a perfect Thanksgiving Dinner.  And this year, because of the generosity of Sam's Club and one of our new members, Bruce Siddens, they also receive $1,000 from Sam's Club as well. And that kind of money goes a very long way at Sam's Club!

More than 20 Rotarians and their families turned out on Thanksgiving morning to serve an excellent lunch of Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac n' cheese, collards, salad, rolls, pumpkin pie and holiday cake ... more than your average person could possibly consume!  The food is excellently prepared by the CHP kitchen crew and properly served by our members. 

Chapman Partnership for the Homeless (originally known as Community Partnership until it's founder, the late Alvah H. Chapman passed away), is a model program that is copied all over the country.  They provide housing for (currently) 546 individuals and families who do not have the money to provide for themselves.  The Chapman program lasts six weeks.  Anyone who is clean and sober and down on their luck can apply there for assistance.  While in residence, their children get schooling, they gain job training skills and receive assistance in both finding employment and a place to live.  The campus has separate dormitories for families (so that they can stay together), women and men.  

This is one of our club's favorite service projects - primarily because Rotarians recognize the blessings we all have and want to make it good for those who aren't so fortunate.  And they bring their kids along so that they too can get a sense of just how lucky we all are.  So, during this Thanksgiving and holiday season, take a few minutes to reflect on the good things you've got.  Be grateful.  We are blessed. 


Helping Judy get dressed!

PE Carlos Bolado, Community Service Chair Lorraine Sheldon and Jesus Guzman.

Brad Forte and son, Tyler

The food line - we served and dished and bussed the tables.


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