President's Time
This week in the land of fruit and nuts the stories are bi-coastal. In California a police officer resonded to a late-night noise complaint, found three lovely women drinking in a backyard pool, took off his gun belt, got naked and jumped in. He's on administrative leave.
While in Florida they pulled over a man for speeding and found that he had two plastic bags wedged between his buttocks, one containing a "green leafy substance" and the other containing 27 pieces of crack cocaine. He admitted that he'd hidden the marijuana there but insisted that the white stuff didn't belong to him.
It's Friday, October 29 from 6 until 8 p.m. at the just-opened Coral Gables Museum. As usual it's $10 per person. Catering by Lovables. Costumes are recommended ... there will be at least one prize for the best ghoul. RSVP to
THE ROTARY GOLF CLASSIC is only three weeks away and Chris Morrison was happy to announce a whole slew of new sponsors for this year's event including Smith, Ortiz, Gomez & Buzzi, David B. Mitchell and Withers Transportation Systems as Tee Sponsors. Walter Alvarez has signed up as a Captain. as has new member Bill Beckham and Keith Phillips. Abe Horowitz and Frank Sexton will be co-captains. Brown & Brown Insurance bought four Tee Signs as well. Things are looking good. Sign up now with Chris Morrison.
DON'T FORGET THE YARD SALE. It's Saturday and Sunday, November 13 & 14 at 7000 Old Cutler Road. We're still collecting stuff. And we don't have enough yet! Proceeds from this sale will benefit our International and Community Service Projects. It's the one fund raiser we have that doesn't require you to reach into your pocket for a donation ... all we need is your junque. Remember, your trash is somebody else's treasure. Clean out your storage unit. Empty your kids room. You can put it in the warehouse whenever it's convenient.

Say "Hello" to our newest member. Bill Beckham, principle of Brown & Brown Insurance is officially a member of RCCG as of today! Bill has been a Rotarian since 1989 so he's certainly not new to the concept. He's pretty well known among members of our club as well, since he's been very active throughout the years. His sponsor, Rick Tonkinson, said that Bill was a real asset to him when he was President of the Miami Rotary Club a few years ago. He also shared that Bill has a "secret talent." It seems that in his spare time between work, his wife and five children, he's a really fine Elvis impersonator! We can have fun with that!! Welcome to Coral Gables Bill. Nice to have you.
Urbane, easy going and flirtatious pretty much describes the two Libra's with birthdays this week. John Wallace on October 15 and Guillermo Villar on the 16th.
Happy Birthday boys!
Happy $$$
Randy's back from his photo safari and now the challenge is to see if he can Groh scholarships as well as his competition! First up today was Yoli Woodbridge who has just returned from two weeks and two Rotary Clubs in Sevilla. She says she's going back because these guys really know how to party. Lunch starts at 2 and ends at 7. Right up her alley! Dick Golden was "permitted" to go early in the cue. He told one about the dentists talking about vacation plans and how one dentist said that for the past few years everytime he goes on vacation his wife gets pregnant and this year he's going to take her with him...LOL? J Guarch advised that there has been a WIley Hicks sighting. He was playing golf with Felix Pardo and the gang at a tournament earlier this week. Apparently he's doing well and doesn't miss us. Also J said that he was humbly happy that FSU snuck by the Caines in the game on Saturday. He didn't want to rub anyone's nose in it but...AND Auburn won and the Gators lost! A perfect weekend of College football for him. Debbie Swain was so happy she paid by credit card for double miles but for those who didn't read her Facebook page on Monday, her oldest son came home to take part in an event planned by her youngest son, Adam. On Sunday the whole family went to the Zoo and during the show her son went up on stage and proposed to his girlfriend in front of everyone. Ted Pappas was happy to see that Dr. Randy came out - of Africa! But he was ecstatic that the 33 miners had all been rescued and were safe and unharmed. Rick Tonkinson is happy that Margarita is returning from ten days in Colombia at a family reunion, except that now he's going to have to pick up the house and get used to not being a bachelor anymore. Luis Boue is truly excited that Friday is October 15th and in the tax business that's a big day. But he's been working overtime all week long to get ready to leave at 9 am on Friday to go and watch Notre Dame play. Chris Tyson was happy that he was named an official representative for the American Society of Civil Engineers. They presented him with a business class ticket which he promptly traded in for two coach seats and took his wife Chris with him. Terry Long has returned from the photo safari with the good Dr. Randy. They spent two weeks in Botswana shooting photographs from 5 am until 10 pm every day. He did allow them some naps, once in awhile. And Randy is really happy to have his daughter Ali home last weekend for the FSU game. That was more fun than the outcome of the game! Keep smiling. Happiness pays!
Working Rotarians - October 14, 2010
Greeters - Mead McCabe & Rolf Frankfurther
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz & Carlos Bolado
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Ed Morris & Frank Sexton
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge - Jack Witty
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Arne Themmen & Dan Scipione
Introductions - Keith Phillips
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Keith Phillips
Given to - Ed Morris & Yoli Woodbridge
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Bill Quesenberry
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Deena Bell
5-Way Test - Patrick Morris
Rusty McClure, Author
"Coral Castle"
Rusty McClure fascinated us with the remarkable story of Edward Leedskalnin and his Coral Castle. Ed’s 16 year old fiancé in Latvia, Agnes, broke off the engagement the night before the wedding. Ed fled to the United States, taking up logging in the Pacific Northwest. Then in the early 1920’s, he was found on the side of the road in Homestead suffering from tuberculosis. Although doctors told him he had only one week to live, at the end of that week, he was cured. He claimed he cured himself with “magnetricity”.
Ed then bought himself a 10 acre parcel, where he mined the oolite (aka “coral rock”) to build Agnes a castle with the hope that she would come live in it. Because he built it in secret, no one knows how he was able to do it. He was only 5 feet tall, and 100 pounds, but was able to build the castle out of huge rocks. He also built obelisks weighing at least 30 tons, a sundial, an electric generator, and a radio. We heard other odd facts including the relationship between the location of the castle to Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle. If you want to know more – buy the book!
As part of the All Keith - All Day show ...
Thought for the Week
by Keith Phillips
"I usually take life with a grain of salt,
a slice of lemon and a shot of tequila."
Next Week's Program: "Marketing Your Business", Jack Hardy. The Core Value Proposition, a four step process on how to capture the power of business building.
Scene Scenes - Today at Rotary
A lovely Rotarian, Franchesca from Venice, Italy visited today. |
Dandy Randy, J (humbly happy) Guarch & Ted Pappas |
See you next week, same time, same place.