This week in America a Florida man was awarded $650,000 after being hit in the face by a dancer's shoe at a strip club. A roofer by trade, he was accidentally struck by the platform-heeled shoe of a bar dancing stripper at the Chetah nightclub in 2008. Since then he's had double vision and dizziness, which is not a good thing for a roofer.
The Vatican's newspaper proclaimed that The Simpson's is one of "the few TV programs for children in which Christian faith, religion and questions about God are recurrent themes.
Today we realized the primary joy of the echo chamber is how good we sound when we sing!!
Club By Laws Revisions: President-Elect Debbie Swain, as chair of the By-Laws Committee asked for a Motion to approve the proposed revisions that were approved by the Board of Directors at the October meeting. Walter Alvarez moved, Bruce Kereses, seconded a motion to accept. Two-thirds vote of the membership carried. Motion passed and so did the revised By Laws.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Scorpios Bob Schreiber today and David Mitchell on November 3. Remember they are determined, emotional, compulsive and obstinate, so don't mess with them.
Celebrating 18 Years Perfect Attendace!
Congratulations to William Isaias. That's a long time to be such a good boy! But it's no problem for William, he's a Past District Governor from Ecuador. He's a born Rotarian.
Happy $$$
We knew this would happen ... Dr. Randy was unable to Groh scholarships today anything close to what Diva did last week. He's out of practice! Steve Magenheimer was happy that his 12 year old grandson was inducted into the deer season last Saturday morning. Debbie Swain was happy to announce that California Pizza Kitchen was participating in fund raiser for Citizens for a Better South Florida. Eat there on Monday and 20% of your check goes to Citizens. Miki Spiejers is happy that she and her talented husband Tom are celebrating 24 years of marriage on Halloween ... some say that's scary! Judy Pantoja was happy by proxy ... she had to leave early so instructed the Diva to do Happy $ on her behalf for the Rotarians who scared the kids yesterday. And finally, Chris Tyson, in anticipation of next week's Rotary Golf Tournament, told us that his house is on the third tee and so all golfers will please genuflect when passing by. Keep on smiling. Happiness (usually) pays!
Working Rotarians - October 28, 2010
Greeters - Mead McCabe & Rolf Frankfurther
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Rodney Langer
Invocation - Jack Witty
Pledge - Jim Hirschmann
Singers - Arne Theemmen & Bill Quesenberry
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Wings Kerestes
Given to - Ed Morris &
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Brandt
Pin Drawing Winner - Rosendo Castillo
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Edgard Mann
5-Way Test - Deena Bell
Today's Program
Darden Hood, President
Beta Analytic, Inc.
Beta Analytic is the world's largest professional, and only private, Radiocarbon dating lab. Most other labs are associated with universities. Beta Analytic is located in Miami-Dade County – near the Palmetto and Miller Drive.
Carbon dating is based on determining the amount of carbon 14 isotopes are contained in the test subject. Since all living entities on our planet breath the same air and drink the same water, etc., they all contain the same amount of carbon. Once the entity is no longer alive (drinking, eating and breathing) the carbon starts disintegrating. The measurement of the quantity of carbon can be used to determine the years since “death”. Using the method works for items between 250 and 50,000 years old. This works for humans and other living things. However, it cannot be used to determine the age of a work of art since it can only determine the date that the material stopped being alive (i.e. the canvas, the wood frame). Furthermore, the testing other labs did on the shroud is questionable since there wasn’t ever any photographic documentation done to evidence that the material tested didn’t include things like soot or mold which could have a different age than the actual shroud. Beta Analytic most commonly tests native American remnants, bones and geological samples.
by Miki Spiejers
The liberty of democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of priv ate power to a point where it become stronger than their democratic state.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Former Miami Dolphin Kim Bokamper is the featured speaker AFTER the Rotary Golf Classic. REMEMBER THE MEETING WILL BE HELD BEHIND THE BILTMORE HOTEL ON THE 19TH HOLE.
Until then, have a great week.
See you on Thursday at 12:15
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