President's Time
This week a New York man rescued an elderly gentleman who had fallen onto the subway tracks because if the man was hit, the rescuer couldn't go to work and Sunday is the day he gets paid time and a half. Prison officials in Tennessee reported that an inmate escaped by smearing himself in grease and squeezing between the 4 1/2" spaces between the bars of his cell. The prisoner was 5'11 and weighed 165 lbs so that was no little feat. And finally, a Spanish woman filed papers staking legal claim on the sun. She says that she is now the "official owner" of a star of spectral type G2, located in the center of our solar system 149,600,000 kilometers from earth. She is looking to impose a reasonable fee for use of the sun's rays with the proceeds split between the Spanish government, the world's poor and of course herself. Hmmm.
Toy Drive Benefiting THE LODGE is moving right along. Bill Quesenberry filled his suitcase again today and collected another $103 to go shopping for toys. So all in all we gave nearly $400 cash to purchase toys for these abused children residing in the shelter. That will give them a VERY Merry Christmas indeed. Thanks to everyone for supporting Bill's efforts.
COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS. This Saturday is VA Bingo from 1 until 3 p.m. at Veteran's Hospital. We're giving them a little Christmas party in addition to entertaining them for a couple of hours. It's only two hours but it means the world the remaining members of the "Greatest Generation". Join us.
Junior Orange Bowl Parade Band Ambassadors. Every year Rotarians babysit the bands in the parade from the time they arrive at the staging area until the time they begin their march into the parade. It's four hours and a lot of fun ... you get to preview some really great bands. This year the parade is on Sunday, January 2. Volunteers need to arrive at Noon. You'll be done by 4 p.m.
BEAUX ARTS FESTIVAL - JANUARY 8 & 9, 2011. We're gonna try one more time this year to make some money for our Foundation by selling Bruce's Wings. Bruce Kerestes has been "aging" his secret sauce and as long as mother nature doesn't go "north" on us again this year, we should be able to sell 5,000 chicken wings over the two days of the festival. Sign up to work. Whatever your skill level, we can use the help. You can cook, you can serve, you can be the carnival pitchman. It's a great opportunity for FUN and FELLOWSHIP. And after all, isn't that what Rotary is all about?
COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS. This Saturday is VA Bingo from 1 until 3 p.m. at Veteran's Hospital. We're giving them a little Christmas party in addition to entertaining them for a couple of hours. It's only two hours but it means the world the remaining members of the "Greatest Generation". Join us.
Junior Orange Bowl Parade Band Ambassadors. Every year Rotarians babysit the bands in the parade from the time they arrive at the staging area until the time they begin their march into the parade. It's four hours and a lot of fun ... you get to preview some really great bands. This year the parade is on Sunday, January 2. Volunteers need to arrive at Noon. You'll be done by 4 p.m.
BEAUX ARTS FESTIVAL - JANUARY 8 & 9, 2011. We're gonna try one more time this year to make some money for our Foundation by selling Bruce's Wings. Bruce Kerestes has been "aging" his secret sauce and as long as mother nature doesn't go "north" on us again this year, we should be able to sell 5,000 chicken wings over the two days of the festival. Sign up to work. Whatever your skill level, we can use the help. You can cook, you can serve, you can be the carnival pitchman. It's a great opportunity for FUN and FELLOWSHIP. And after all, isn't that what Rotary is all about?
GET YOUR PAUL HARRIS FELLOWSHIP NOW!! Foundation Chair Rick Tonkinson is offering terrific end of the year discounts on Paul Harris. Our club has 3,000 matching points available. We lose at the end of the year. That gives you two weeks to do the deal with Rick. If you've already donated say, $400 and you need another $600 to get your Paul Harris, the club will kick in $300 and you kick in $300. If you've never donated to the Annual Programs Fund, now's the time. It's 50% off. And in this economy who can ignore a 50% discount - on anything? Especially on the good work that The Rotary Foundation does worldwide with this money.On the cusp of the Archer and the Goat, people born this week are honest and straightforward, restless, pessimistic, ambitious, patient and disciplined. Say Happy Birthday to Judy Pantoja on December 19 and Bob Downey on the 20th.
We have a few Rotary Anniversaries this week including Past Prez Chris Morrison with 27 years, Michael Jackson with 24 years, Bill "Digger" Martinez 14 years and PEE Walter Alvarez who has been in the club for nine years.
December, 2010
Margarita Berg, Assistant to the Chief of Police. Margo was introduced by her boss, Chief Joe McNichols. He praised her work ethic and the fact that she is a dedicated employee for the past 12 years. But more than that he praised her for her hard work on behalf of the United Way. She set up bake sales and other various fund raisers in order to raise money within the Police Department. Tireless in her efforts, she approached this job with the same dedication as she shows in her daily work for the Department. Keep up the good work Margo!
Happy $$$
In the absence of our usual happy seekers, Past President Keith Phillips sought funds for scholarship from both happy and ecstatic Rotarians today including Dick Golden who told us how the angel got on top of the Christmas Tree. Former CG Rotarian Mike Baird, visiting from Palo Alto wore his Stanford sweat shirt just for Chris Morrison. Seems he lives right across the street from the practice field. Walter Alvarez was happy to have brought his wife Annette with him today. Margarita Tonkinson is happy to have a full house for the holidays. Pat Morris had a great time ringing bells for the Salvation Army on Saturday at Publix. He said everyone had a ton of fun and helped to close the SA's fundraising gap. Chris Tyson is happy that we're all coming to his house for Moose Milk on New Year's Day but he requests that Randy Groh and Hadley Williams behave themselves (??). PE Debbie Swain is happy to have her parents and her oldest son here for the holidays ... she too has a full house. Jane Durell (Debbie's Mom) is happy to be here with her daughter too ... she adivsed that Debbie is a twin and their next stop is Palm City to visit Debbie's other half. Michael Kesti from Perrine, Cutler Ridge, Palmetto Bay Rotary Club is just happy to be here. Bill Beckham is happy to announce that his only daughter has been accepted to University of Georgia GO BULLDOGS! and finally, Fred Baddour wanted everyone to know that the only reason he's wearing red is because it's Christmas! Happiness pays, so keep on smiling!!
Working Rotarians - December 16, 2010
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado & Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Ed Morris
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Jim Hirschmann
Pledge - Phil Boswell
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Gene Mariutto
Given to - Gene Witherspoon and Jack Witty
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Jack Witty
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner -Dick Golden
5-Way Test - Margarita Tonkinson
Rotary Music Award Winners from the 2010 Caroling Competition
Westminster Christian Middle School under the direction of Paul Whiting.
Westminster has appeared in the Caroling Competition every year since 1990. The middle and senior high choirs win every year because of the outstanding skill of their director. This is the second year that the middle school won the Rotary Music Award. To win the award the school needs to find a piece of music new to the competition. It can be an original composition, a new setting of an old text or a long lost and forgotten carol. This year they won the award for a new setting of the old carol, Silent Night. It was amazing but unfortunately we can't stream it to the blog. If you missed it you can catch them again next year at the Competition.
Rotary Music Award Winners from the 2010 Caroling Competition
Westminster Christian Middle School under the direction of Paul Whiting.
Westminster has appeared in the Caroling Competition every year since 1990. The middle and senior high choirs win every year because of the outstanding skill of their director. This is the second year that the middle school won the Rotary Music Award. To win the award the school needs to find a piece of music new to the competition. It can be an original composition, a new setting of an old text or a long lost and forgotten carol. This year they won the award for a new setting of the old carol, Silent Night. It was amazing but unfortunately we can't stream it to the blog. If you missed it you can catch them again next year at the Competition.
Thought of the Week
by Bonnie Blaire
"Somehow, not only for Christmas
But all the long year through,
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that comes back to you."
John Greenleaf Whittier
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Dick Anderson, "A Dolphin Football Stadium for the Future."
Same time, 12:15, same place, same warm and friendly Rotarians. See you then.
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