Presidents Time
With a very full agenda today, President Debbie took a few minutes to update us all on our busy Rotary schedule:
Saturday, August 20th is VA Bingo from 1 until 3 p.m.
Friday, August 26th, Community Service Meeting at 6 p.m.
Saturday, September 17th, Coastal Cleanup at Matheson.
Saturday, August 20th - Rotary Leadership Institute at American University in Weston
Saturday, August 27th - Rotary Marketing, PR and Membership Summit
Wednesday, August 31st - Rotaract Wine Wisdom at Calamari's from 7 until 9 p.m.
Monday, September 12th - Rotary District Mixer at Seasons 52 from 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 13th - International Committee Meeting - contact Bill Quesenberry
Thursday, November 3rd - Fall Fun
8th Annual Rotary Golf Classic - contact Chris Morrison
Thursday, November 17th to Sunday, November 20th, District Conference
Saturday & Sunday, December 3 & 4 is Rotary Service with the Miami Dolphins
Congratulations to Jack Witty
This week he celebrates
Don't you wish you could beat that record!
Way to GO Jack!
Thank you for all your years of Service.
Membership Minute
by Greg Martini, Chair Membership Committee
Greg asked a really simple question, "Who here likes to spend their evening with good friends, good food and great conversation?" The answer was obviously, unanimously, everyone. And the Membership Committee is working towards that goal. Please sign up to either host or participate in a Membership Retention Pot Luck Evening. Get to know your Rotary friends and their spouses, outside of the Thursday meetings. It'll be fun.
City of Coral Gables Employees of the Month
Walter Foeman, City Clerk for the City of Coral Gables introduced us to the July and August winners of this always-well-deserved award. First was the July Employee, Susan DaCosta who just happens to be the Clerk's secretary, has been working for the city in the City Attorney's office since May, 2006 and was made Secretary to the Clerk in 2008. She is reliable, hard working, conscientious and just wants to get the job done! She is the Employee of the Month for JULY. Congratulations Susan!
Raimundo Rodulfo is in the Information Technology Department of the City and he works on special projects in the IT Deptartment. He provides team support for all of the new software and systems that are being installed, he's built their database, the new management system and the system that is used by the Clerk's office, TRIM. He is an invaluable employee who loves his job and works well with everyone. Raimundo is the Employee of the Month for AUGUST. Keep up the good work!
Civic & Charity Donates to
Coastal Cleanup
Kelly Sastre, Chair of the Civic & Charity Committee presented a check from our Foundation to Sunny Middleton from the organization that is coordinating for the upcoming Coastal Cleanup (September 17th at Matheson Hammock Park beginning at 9:00 a.m.). Sunny has just started at University of Miami and Kelly is working on getting her involved in Rotaract! Our $500 donation buys us a sponsorship, with recognition. It also means that we are required to work. So sign up today for Coastal Cleanup. The sweatiest service project that you'll ever do!
Here we are on the cusp of the Lion and the Virgin! That could almost be a joke for Dick Golden. They are confident, ambitious, melodramatic, reliable, analytical perfectionists. Stay out of their way! But do say Happy Birthday to Elizabeth "Lovables" Silverman on August 22nd, Margarita Tonkinson on the 23rd and Bill Oates on the 24th.
We have only one Rotary Anniversary this week and it's Ms. Lovables herself! Elizabeth has been a member of our Club for six years. Thank YOU Liz, for all you do!
Introduction of Guests and Visitors
Quite a few members brought guests today but Mr. B didn't do a great job on the names! So we'll just say thanks to the members who brought them. Joe Witz was here again. He's from the Miami Club. Lara Bersano was here all the way from the Buenas-Aires Club! Gloria Burns brought Ray the Printer once again. He used to be a Rotarian and we're trying to interest him in our Club. Deena Bell-Lewellyn brought her friend Lorraine Sheldon once again. Catarina Jimenez brought someone who once was once an Interactor. Yoli Woodbridge wasn't here today but her guest Carlos came anyway. Margarita Tonkinson introduced us to one of our Ambassadorial Scholars, Daniel Duarte, who leaves in a few weeks for England for a year on Rotary. We probably missed someone who brought someone ... we apologize for that error. It was great to meet you anyway. Come back again and often. We're a fun bunch!
Happy $$$

No Dandy Randy and no Diva today but THE Donald stepped up and enriched our scholarship coffers with the help of a lot of happy Rotarians including Dan Scipione who is simply ecstatic that his daughter's school started TODAY! Carlos Ruiz was happy to report that he learned yesterday that he was going to have a new granddaughter. Dr. Phil Boswell was really happy to see Pat Morris and his sneakers at the meeting today. They are busy planning things for the New Generations for the upcoming school year. Anyone interested in working with the Youth, contact either one of them. Swiss Chris Tyson merely stood up and sang .... a song that many recognized from their misspent youth ... "Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer" ... something to remember from the good old days. Luis Boue was so excited to hear the tune that he had some nasty flashbacks to his college days, hangovers and headaches! J B Spence was happy to be a Grandad again but like his good friend said, the title has one problem. You're sleeping with a Grandma! AND FINALLY ... welcome back to Dick Golden. He brought back an auction item that kinda fell flat, "Adopt a Bat" with a nude photo of a real bat. Then he couldn't give up the mic without a clean but silly joke about a dying man being denied his wife's chocolate cake because she was saving it for the wake! Yes, believe it or not, this happiness PAYS. Keep smiling.
Working Rotarians - August 18, 2011
Greeters - Steven Span & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glaser
Collections - Bill Forshee & John Porro
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Frank Sexton & Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Bill Quesenberry
Pledge - Dick Bullman
Singers - Dan Scipione & Bill Quesenberry
Introductions - Dick Bullman
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Edgard Mann
Given to - Rolf Frankfurter & Gloria Burns
Pin Drawing Gift - Rodney Langer
Pin Drawing Winner - Debbie Swain
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & THE Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Jerry Santiero
4 Way Test - Dr. Phil Boswell
Today's Program
Deena Bell-Lewellyn, 2011-12 Community Service Chair made a presentation to the Club today about SERVICE ABOVE SELF, Rotary Club of Coral Gables' Service Projects.
"I think the purpose of life is to be useful, honorable and compassionate. It is above all, to matter. To count. To stand for something. To have made some difference that you have lived at all." Leo Rosten, 1908-1997.
Deena had a really complete photo presentation of most all of the service projects our Club is involved with throughout the year. She was assisted by members to whom each project was near and dear including
Frank Sexton who spoke about
VA Bingo,
Bill Quesenberry who told us of the wonders of sailing with the disabled at
Judy Pantoja spoke for a few minutes about
International Kids Fund Halloween Parties. Walter Alvarez who makes arrangements for our
Habitat for Humanity projects,
Sally B who extolled the virtues of working up a good dirt at
Coastal Cleanup,
Lan Nghiem-Phu advised us of the problems that
Special Olympics is facing because of funding cuts and
Bruce Kerestes introduced many to the
International Fellowship of Hunting and Fishing Rotarians. The list of projects and organizations that we work for every year is much longer and itemized below. It's really awesome when you see how much we do!
St. Patrick's Day at John Martins
Community Partnership for the Homeless Thanksgiving
Camilus House
Empowered Youth
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Paws 4 U
Humane Society
Caroling Competition
Junior Orange Bowl Parade
Kristi House
And this year we will be adding:
Gables Bike Day
Fitness Spin-a-thon
Citizens for a Better South Florida
Earth Day
Drowning Children Program
Mentoring Program
Community Blood Drives
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:"Experiences in Shipboard Medicine" presented by Dr. Jim C. Hirschmann, Senior Ship's Physician, Carnival Cruise Lines.
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"I hated every moment of my training,
but I said to myself
if you work really hard
you can live like a champion
for the rest of your life."
Mohammed Ali
Scene Scenes

See you next week, same time, same place, same great bunch of Rotarians!