President's Time
Lots of announcements today but the most important was that January is "Rotary Awareness Month". So President Debbie made sure that we are all aware of the outstanding things that have happened in Rotary so far this month including ...
1. India is Polio FREE! India passed the one year point with NO new cases of Polio! Rotary is winning the battle to rid the world of Polio!
2. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded an additional $50 million dollars to fight the Polio battle with Rotary!
3. We met the first challenge from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation matching the $200 million dollar grant on January 17 with $207 million and still growing!
4. The new theme for the 2012-13 year was announced "Peace Through Service" at the International Assembly in San Diego, CA

Buy Your Raffle Tickets NOW!

COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE: This Saturday is Veteran's Bingo from 1 until 3 o'clock at the VA Hospital. It's a monthly service project that we really enjoy. It's only two hours out of your life but it means the world to the Vets. Join us.
Blood Drive Next Thursday,
January 26th
January 26th

Vocational Service Minute
(a/k/a Craft Talk)
City of Coral Gables
Employee of the Month
Michael said he loves his job, it's a hard job, but he's passionate about it. He keeps the contractors in line and the City Beautiful! Congratulations and keep up the good work. We appreciate all you do for us.
Here come those cusp babies again ... remember they share the positive and negative traits of two signs. Right now that's Capricorn and Aquarius. Natives born under this cusp are practical, disciplined, independent and inventive and a little unpredictable. Say Happy Birthday this week to Lloyd Miller today and Joan Reitsma on January 23.
Only one Rotary Anniversary this week. Carol Brock celebrates eight years of service on January 22.
Introduction of Visitors & Guests
Dick Bullman is really pleased that we're again in the big room. He pointed out that when he joined Rotary (a long, long time ago) we had the entire ballroom because our membership was nearly 200 people. Maybe we'll get there again! Visiting us today from the Rotary Club of Miami is Roger Langer. and from the Bella Vista Rotary Club in Santo Domingo, Mauricio Operino who exchanged Club flags.
Terry Long brought her brother and sister in law, Ken and Kathy Long. Mead McCabe introduced us to Max Pecina and Kevin Good. Andrea Fusero brought his mom and dad all the way from Italy. Yolanda Woodbridge introduced us to Joe Lancaster, a past president of our Club who is back!
Happy $$
Working Rotarians - January 19, 2012
Greeter - Steven Spann & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - John Porro
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Kelly Sastre
Pledge - Jerry Santerio
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Serre Murphy
Given to - Steve Spann & Greg Martini
Pin Drawing Gift - Yoli Woodbridge
Pin Drawing Winner - Dick Golden
50/50 Raffle - Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Rob Hatfield
4 Way Test - Paolo Possenti
Today's Program
Max says he has always felt a need to give back. His father-in-law, Kevin Good has given him that opportunity. Faithful Home Services is a not for profit organization that does emergency based home repairs for needy individuals and families throughout Miami Dade County. Founded in 2009, this group has performed more than 40 repairs in the past year.
Faithful Home services exists to help the economically disadvantaged homeowners of our community maintain a safe and healthy living environment for themselves and their families by making a network of home improvement resources available to them free of charge by licenses contractors in the Miami Dade County Area. The do not provide Mortgage subsidy, utility subsidy, cosmetic or architectural maintenance or upgrades, asset enhancement to the property work on any rental property.
The services they do provide are limited to what is essential in preserving the health, safety and welfare of the home’s occupants. Plumbing repairs, electrical, window/exterior door repairs, roof repairs, upgrades for physically disabled persons.
The people who can qualify for their Services include single mothers, wives of inmates, wives of deployed military personnel,widows, handicapped or physically disabled persons, the elderly and foster & adoptive parents.
The services they do provide are limited to what is essential in preserving the health, safety and welfare of the home’s occupants. Plumbing repairs, electrical, window/exterior door repairs, roof repairs, upgrades for physically disabled persons.
The people who can qualify for their Services include single mothers, wives of inmates, wives of deployed military personnel,widows, handicapped or physically disabled persons, the elderly and foster & adoptive parents.
Max urged Rotarians to recommend them anytime we see a need. That's what they're here for and we are out there enough to help them to make a difference.
NEXT WEEK'S MEETING: Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason with the State of the City Address.
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."
Richard M. Nixon
Scene Scenes
Special guests show up all the time!
Rotarians doing what Rotarians do,
Planning projects!
Flag Exchange from Rotary Club
of Bellavista, Dominican Republic, presented by Mauricio.
Fellowship is important to us!
Andrea Fusero brought his parents all the way from Italy.
Yes it's THE Donald, begging people to buy raffle tickets again!
See you next week,
Same time, same place,
Same great bunch of Rotarians.
Sorry to have missed seeing my friend Lorraine do her 'craft talk'...I bet she did an amazing she does with anything she does.
Someone is actually reading the blog!!!!!
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