The Golf Ball Drop. Tickets will be sold from now until November 29. Vanessa and Elena are selling the tickets, please buy!
October 4, 2012. International Meeting 5:30 PM, Andrea Covre’s Office.
October 5, 2012. Book Review with Author at Stanfill Funeral Home, 7-8 PM.
October 6, 2012. American Heart Association Walk, FIU Campus, 8 AM.
October10, 2012. Scholarship Meeting, 5:30 PM, Tonkinson Financial.
October 12, 2012. Community Service Meeting, 6:00PM, at Deena’s home. These meetings are a lot of fun.
October 20, 2012.Veterans Bingo at the VA Hospital.
October 28, 2012. Gables Bike Day, 7AM – 6PM.
October 30,2012. Halloween Party, International Kids Fund, at Jackson Hospital.
November 29, 2012. Golf Tournament and Golf Ball Drop at the Biltmore.
All of you are invited to participate in these events and remember: they count as make ups!
Happy Birthday:
Gloria Burns September 27
Introduction of Visitors and Guests
Happy Dollars
Yoli Woodbridge- On October 13, the GSE team from India is arriving and she will need some help with transportation. Mary Lou Cold, visiting Rotarian, was happy the Rev. Jabriel Ballentine, Assistant Rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, was in good company. Rodney Langer- is very happy that his father is out and about and visiting with us today.
Today's Speaker
Our Speaker today was Rosendo Castillo who has twice walked the "Camino de Santiago."
The Apostle Santiago (James in English!) was one of the twelve original Apostles. In the 8th Century, in Galicia, Spain, they found what they believed were the remains of St. James. They built a church that became a site for pilgrimages: The Basilica of Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims from all over the world walk to Santiago all year round.
The classical pilgrimage covers a distance of 800 Kilometers from the French Border to the Basilica. If one does the entire walk, it takes 31 days. Rosendo did two portions of the road in 2 trips. Before undertaking this endeavor, you have to train, take proper shoes and socks and a backpack of no more than 20 pounds. You have to stop at least every two hours. There are “albergues” (small inns) along the road where you can eat and sleep.
Along the way, you go through big cities with beautiful cathedrals like Burgos and Leon and small little villages. In Leon, they visited a magnificent church built in the middle ages. It was also a Monastery and a Hospital. The modern day pilgrims walk on dirt roads or big highways. Rosendo stayed in the home of the Balboa family.
All and all, it was a wonderful trip during which Rosendo met people from all over the world: Rotarians from Vancouver, ladies from Madrid, etc. He even danced with a Dutch lady. Once, after going up a mountain, he had to go back down again to see the four cows of an old man they had met.
At the end of the walk, when Rosendo and his companion reached the Basilica, they attended mass with 3 priests. A great trip!
The Apostle Santiago (James in English!) was one of the twelve original Apostles. In the 8th Century, in Galicia, Spain, they found what they believed were the remains of St. James. They built a church that became a site for pilgrimages: The Basilica of Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims from all over the world walk to Santiago all year round.
The classical pilgrimage covers a distance of 800 Kilometers from the French Border to the Basilica. If one does the entire walk, it takes 31 days. Rosendo did two portions of the road in 2 trips. Before undertaking this endeavor, you have to train, take proper shoes and socks and a backpack of no more than 20 pounds. You have to stop at least every two hours. There are “albergues” (small inns) along the road where you can eat and sleep.
Along the way, you go through big cities with beautiful cathedrals like Burgos and Leon and small little villages. In Leon, they visited a magnificent church built in the middle ages. It was also a Monastery and a Hospital. The modern day pilgrims walk on dirt roads or big highways. Rosendo stayed in the home of the Balboa family.
All and all, it was a wonderful trip during which Rosendo met people from all over the world: Rotarians from Vancouver, ladies from Madrid, etc. He even danced with a Dutch lady. Once, after going up a mountain, he had to go back down again to see the four cows of an old man they had met.
At the end of the walk, when Rosendo and his companion reached the Basilica, they attended mass with 3 priests. A great trip!
Next Week Program: October 5, 2012 Actors' Playhouse - Selections from Godspell
Working Rotarians – September 27, 2012
Greeter - Deena Bell-Llewellyn
Registration - Lorraine Sheldon
Collections - George Reeves
Head Table - Steven Spann
Special Means - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Arnie Perry
Pledge - Carol Brock
Singers - Bill Quesenberry
Introduction of Visitors/Guests - Jerry Santeiro
Pin Drawing Donated by - Yoli Woodbridge
Winner - Paolo Possenti`
Thought of the Week - Gene Mariuto
De Witt Silver Dollars - Elizabeth Silverman
Given to - Deena Bell and Joe Witt
50/50 Raffle - Don Trombly
Winner - Felix Pardo
Four Way Test - Carlos Bolado
by Gene Mariutto.
"FINIS ORIGINE PENDANT" The End Depends on the Beginning"
(The Thought of The Week was written by Marcus Manilius, Roman poet and astrologer and author of a poem in five books called Astronomica (1st Century AD). [the phrase is found on the School seals of Exceter and Andover]
Fellowship - and Welcome to our Visitors and Guests!
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