Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Falls Auto Show

Rotary Service at the Falls Auto Show

Rotarian Fred Baddour put on a really nice Auto Show on Friday night, October 4th.  Some 30 gorgeous cars were on display along with a real fire engine and three young lovelies from Bacardi.

Fred asked Rotary to sell burgers and dogs, soft drinks and beer with the proceeds to be used for our Veteran's Bingo Project.  Well all you have to say to Rotarians is beer and they're there!  Friday night was no exception.  The turnout from our Club was awesome.  Almost as good as the cars themselves!

There was a raffle too and the BIG prize was two, round trip tickets to anywhere in the U.S. with American Airlines. There were lots of gift certificates to local eating establishments too.  We always buy raffle tickets so sales (by the Bacardi girls and Gloria Burns) were brisk.  Those who won the most were those who bought the most ... George Reeves.  But the BIG prize was won by the son of one of the luckiest guys in Rotary ... Nick Trombly!!  Must run in the family!

When the night was over we had made $800 less our expenses. Fred graciously covered those for us giving us $1,000 to use for our favorite VA Project!

Thanks of course go to Fred for making the night possible but also to Greg Martini and Don Trombly who cooked and sold and took the money and Fred's guy Doug the Grillmaster.

Scenes from the Scene

1941 Chrysler

PE Carlos in Andrea Covre's Masserati

Fred's WWII Jeep

'57 T-Bird

Community Service Chair Lorraine Sheldon on the job!

Waiting for the results of the raffle

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