Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vol. 65 No. 41

President's Time

This week we heard all about the courts ruling that the Washington Redskins now have to provide captioning for all the songs played during their games so that the deaf are not denied the game experience. An Arizona teenager who cut himself and bled on the sidewalk was billed $2,000 by the City of Peoriafor the biohazard team  to clean up the droplets. And then there was the Florida lady who eats furniture stuffing?  A world gone made for sure!

COMMUNITY SERVICE:  Bill Quesenberry is leading a drive for school supplies for a village in Honduras that our International Committee is helping.  For the rest of this month bring school supplies, notebooks, pencils, paper, crayons and the like.  When we have a goodly quantity they will be shipped to Copan, Honduras.  And if you don't feel like going shopping, if you donate a couple of dollars the committee will do it for you. 

Veteran's EASTER Bingo is Saturday, April 23 from 1 until 3 p.m.  If you like to dress up like a bunny, join us.  It's only two hours out of your life, but it means the world to the Vets.  Sign up and help out.

APRIL 29TH IS 5TH FRIDAY!  And since Morgan Stanley Smith Barney has so many fine Rotarians in their employ, we're going to visit them.  Hosted by Abe Horowitz, VP Wealth Management and Ed Morris, VP Wealth Management AND Rotary Retention Chair, both of these fine individuals urge you to attend!  It's 6:00 until 8:00 p.m.. at 220 Alhambra Circle, 10th Floor.  Bring somebody with you, your spouse, your significant others, a prospective member ... it's all about fellowship.  Catering by Lovables.  $10 per person.  RSVP to Terry Long or sign up in the back of the room.

Pat Morris is in Doctors Hospital with a busted ankle.  No macho story, he slipped on a seed or nut or something and had to have surgery on Wednesday. AND,  Eddie Snow had open heart surgery last week.  Word is that he is home, doing well and expected back in no time at all.  Keep both in  your thoughts.  Send them "healing vibes."

Daring, adventurous, creative, impulsive and intolerant, Aires is the "baby" of the zodiac.  Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to Pat Morris on the 19th and Diane Thurston on April 20th.

We celebrate two ROTARY ANNIVERSARIES this week, Steve Magenheimer ("Go Canes") 20 years and J. Guarch ("Go `Noles") with 12 years.  Thanks for your years of Service.

Six Years of Perfect Attendance
for President-Elect Debbie Swain today!!

However she wasn't at the meeting
to accept her recognition (!?!)

Happy $$$$
Try though he might, Dr. Randy wasn't able to Groh Scholarships very much today ... he must be out of practice!  First up was RETENTION CHAIR Ed Morris who wanted everyone to sign up to come to 5th Friday at his place of business on April 29 because he wants members to be happy and have fun so that they are happy, satisfied members.  Bill Quesenberry was announcing the first-ever "Hire a Barbershop Quartet for Mother's Day" program by the Singing Miamians.  If you want to treat  your Mom to a singing holiday, call him.  Ted Pappas came up, mumbled something about Ed Morris and sat back down ... don't know if he was happy or not!  Felix Pardo was happy that his youngest is graduating from high school, he's finished playing hockey and he has no broken bones, torn ligaments or other assorted injuries.  And finally, Randy was happy that he too has a kid graduating from high school...his daughter the softball pitcher!  Keep on smiling, happiness pays!

Working Rotarians - April 14, 2011
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz & Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton & Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Abe Horowitz
Invodation - Miki Speijers
Pledge - Rosendo Castillo
Singer - Bill Quesenberry
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Rodney Langer
Given to - Rolf Frankfurther & Tom Dixon
Pin Drawing Gift - NONE
Pin Drawing Winner - Lan Nghiem Phu
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns & THE Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Rolf Frankfurther
5 Way Test 

Today's Program
Is Your Retirement Plan Complete? 
George H. Braddock for CSI 
 Caregiver Services Inc., Florida's largest registry of skilled and compassionate caregivers enabling persons of all ages to maintain independence at home.

In case you think conventional health insurance during your working years or Medicare when you're retired will come to your rescue when you can no longer live alone, think again.  Both are designed to pay for skilled recovery care, not extended, long term care (i.e., nursing home).  Medicaid does pay for some long term care but only for those eligible for welfare.  And not in your own home, where you'd likely prefer to stay.

You can cross your fingers and hope for the best or plan now for that inevitable future.  Long term care insurance is much more affordable than most people think.  But most people wait until they've lost their health to plan for the future.  Buy it now, while you don't need it.  Odds are you'll use it.  61% of the policies are used.  They pay for in-home care, assisted living, ALF's and nursing homes.  

It lets you keep your dignity. It keeps you from worrying about who is going to pay for your care and how can you save enough in case you need it.  It's a great investment if you plan to live a long time!  

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Rotary Foundation Annual Programs Fund.  Elihu Phares, District 6990 Foundation Chair.

 Thought of the Week
by Diane Thurston

FRIENDSHIP is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe 
with a person having neither to weight thoughts
or to measure words.

Georges Eliot 

Scene Scenes

See you next week, same time, same place,
same great group of Rotarians.

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