Presidents Time
This is the first meeting back at our old home. Welcome everyone to the Coral Gables Country Club for the 2011-2012 Rotary Year.
As I face the upcoming year, I am genuinely excited to have the opportunity to serve as your Club President. I hope to bring some changes that will be welcomed by our members. First, we are returning to the Coral Gables Country Club – our home for so many years. Second, I will strive to re-energize our Club by reaching out to many of you who haven’t served on committees in recent years. Third, I want everyone to enjoy their Rotary experience, with professionalism. Fourth, I want all of us to remember, every time we meet, why we are part of the most incredible service
organization in the world, together with 1.2 million like-minded individuals. And last, RI President Kalyan Banerjee has selected the Rotary International theme for this year, “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity” – something I hope we all experience together this year. Please let me or any one of your Board members know if you have suggestions to make this a great year.
organization in the world, together with 1.2 million like-minded individuals. And last, RI President Kalyan Banerjee has selected the Rotary International theme for this year, “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity” – something I hope we all experience together this year. Please let me or any one of your Board members know if you have suggestions to make this a great year.
DUES ARE DUE: Pay your dues before July 31st to take advantage of the 15% discount on lunches. If you would rather pay in two annual payments you can take 5% off of the price of the lunches. Or if it's more convenient you can pay monthly by automatic debit. See the Treasurer at the Registration Table for more details.

The First 5th Friday of the new Rotary year is scheduled for Friday, July 29th. Since 5th Fridays usually take place at a member's business, this time we're having it at the Allapattah YMCA. Pat Morris is the CDO for the Y, so this fits right into the tradition. Our Club donated nearly $70,000 and countless man hours to this branch of the YMCA to help them build their Infant &Toddler Center. Now we will get to see the fruits of our labor and PARTY at the same time. 5th Friday starts at 6 pm. It's $10 per person for cocktails and munchies by Lovables Catering. So bring your spouse, your best friend or a prospective Rotarian. Don't miss it!
Visiting Rotarians from Miami, South Miami and an International Rotarian from Kiev.
Thanks to the members who brought guests today including Greg Martini, Carlos Bolado, and Richard DeWitt. Keep bringing new people. Rotary is worth it!
Two Rotarians are celebrating their birthdays this week. July, as you know is the sign of Cancer. Cancer natives tend to be intuitive, loving and just a little bit moody. Say Happy Birthday to Don Vickers AND PRESIDENT DEBBIE, both on July 12.
Two Rotarians are celebrating their anniversary too, Dick Golden (Mr. Smile) has been fighting to tell his stories for three years now. And Alfredo Iglesias who, although he spends a lot of time in Russia, has been our Club for four years this week.
Besides that, the Past President accepted her 16 years PERFECT ATTENDANCE pin today too. Actually it would have been 17 years BUT she missed one meeting the first year in the Club!
Happy $$$$
Diva has returned! And she is walking without devices attached to her body. In fact she's walking pretty good and it's nice to have her back. There were a lot of dollars donated today in memory of Ted Pappas. First came from J B Spence who was happy to have spent a good bit of his life with Ted. Not only was he a friend, he lived next door for many years. JB will truly miss Ted and his little dog Shatzie. Dick Golden gave his $5 for the memory of Ted Pappas too. He also told a sort-of-clean story about an 8 year old in a cab in New York with his Mom. Rick Tonkinson was really happy to welcome Carlos Ruiz to our Club. Greg Martini was happy to have so much support from so many of his Rotary friends during this difficult time with the loss of his Dad. He also expressed his sadness at the passing of our good friend Ted Pappas. He said that Ted was the first person to arrive at the funeral home last week for his Dad's visitation. Carlos Ruiz is REALLY happy to join our club and he's ready to go to work on many exciting projects. Rob Hatfield was happy to announce that his daughter Maggie, dancer and actress prior to marriage, was recalled by her former dance team to perform on America's Got Talent. Her troupe made it past Las Vegas and is on it's way to Los Angeles for the finals! HAPPINESS PAYS. KEEP ON SMILING AND HAVING FUN.
Welcome to our Newest Members
Once a Rotarian - Always a Rotarian
Once a Rotarian - Always a Rotarian
Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo joins us from the Rotary Club of Miami. He has a long and successful career as an architect. Currently he is with Ron Shuffield at EWM. He's been in Rotary since 1983. He was President of the Miami Club in 2001-2002. He's been an Assistant District Governor and held many other important posts in Rotary. He currently sits on the City of Coral Gables' Green Task Force to focus on sustainability.
Carol Alexander has also been a Rotarian since 1983. Her career in this wonderful organization has been spent with the Miami Sundown Rotary Club which closed last year. We're proud that she has selected Coral Gables as her new home. Carol never does anything only once...she served as Treasurer of her club, Program Chair both for eight years. She was President twice in 2003 and 2008. In her spare time she's an accountant.
Working Rotarians - July 7, 2011
Greeters - Deena Bell & Ana Fournaris
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Rodney Langer & Carlos Bolado
Head Table - George Reeves
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Kelly Sastre
Pledge - Sally B.
Singers - Dan Scipione & Ana Fournaris
Introductions - Dick Bullman
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars -Ana Fournaris
Given to - Greg Martini & John Wallace
Pin Drawing Gift - Rodney Langer
Pin Drawing Winner - Jim Hirschmann
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Fred Baddour
50/50 Winner - Eddie Snow
4 Way Test - Aaron Glasser
Today's Program
Lilly Prellezo, Author of "Seagull One",
the story of Brothers to the Rescue.
Lilly said that it was fate that she was given the opportunity to write this book, her first non-fiction work. It has changed her life. Now she teaches non-fiction writing workshops.
She wrapped her story around Rotary. And she did a lot of research as well. She was amazed to learn that we are over 100 years old. She was pleased to find out that we live by the motto of Service Above Self because that ties right back into Brothers to the Rescue. She likened the work that they and the other volunteers undertook as being in keeping with the Rotary 4 Way Test.
Her book Seagull One presents the never before told story of the men and women of 19 nationalities who came together to fly in rickety Cessnas over the waters between Cuba and Florida to search for "balseros" (rafters) fleeing communist Cuba. It's a fascinating account of how Jose Balsulto, a Cuban exile and Bay of Pigs veteran founded BTTR with the humanitarian mission of saving the lives of the desperate souls who braved the ocean in pursuit of freedom.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Art Kehoe, University of Miami Football Coach on the upcoming season.
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"Service to others is the rent you pay
for your room here on earth."
Mohammed Ali
Scene Scenes
Join us again next week,
same time, same place
same great bunch of Rotarians!!
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