Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vol. 66 No. 2 Notes from the Podium

President's Time
Debbie began the meeting with a little bit of herstory today.  Her paternal grandmother was one of two women to graduate in the first graduating class at University of Miami.  She's got ROOTS!     She gave us a brief quiz too ...

QUESTION:  What did President Warren G. Harding, President Gerald Ford, Adalai Stevenson and Earl Warren have in common? 
ANSWER:  They were all Rotarians!  Cool, huh?
 DUES ARE DUE: If you want to take advantage of the 15% discount on lunch you have to pay before August 1st.  If you prefer twice a year, pay by August 1st to get 5%.

COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE:  VA Bingo is this Saturday.  Join us from 1 until 3 p.m. and play bingo with the boys at the VA.  It's two hours out of your life but it means the world to them.

Next Thursday there will be a blood drive right here at the Country Club in the parking lot from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Community Blood Service needs our help.

FIRST 5TH FRIDAY is coming July 29th, hosted by Pat Morris.  Join your Rotary friends at the Allapattah YMCA. $10 per person so bring your spouse, friend or a prospective Rotarian.  Munchies and cocktails by Lovables.  Please plan to come.

Visitors & Guests Today

Dick Bullman introduced us to lots of football players from the Denver Broncos - guest of Judy Pantoja (Go Judy!!).  Greg Martini brought two guests from Northern Trust Bank.  Andrea Fusero brought Andrea Coure.  Yoli Woodbridge brought Saray Noda.  Ana Fournaris brought Alex Garcia and Dan Scipione brought the lovely Jiana.  We only had one visiting Rotarian today, John Sorgie from South Miami.  COME BACK AGAIN SOON.

Imaginative, cautious, changeable, confident, stubborn and a little melodramatic are the characteristics of people who are born on the cusp of Cancer and Leo.  We have two of these ... President Debbie on the 19th and the good Dr. Groh on July 20th.  Happy birthday to them both!

Congratulations to Gloria Burns who is celebrating 22 years as a Rotarian in our Club! 

Foundation Minute

There are lots of ways to give to The Rotary Foundation.  In addition to cash, you can become a Benefactor.  Benefactors sign a pledge to leave between $1,000 and $10,000 to The Rotary Foundation in their will or estate.  It's the gift that keeps on giving after you're gone.  And it doesn't cost you anything until you die.

Foundation Chair Abe Horowitz presented John Wallace with his Benefactor wings today for his pledge to leave something to The Rotary Foundation.

 Happy $$

The good Dr. has returned from vacation and did his utmost to Groh Scholarships again today.  First up was Greg Martini who was pleased to introduce us to Alina from the Community Blood Center and to tell us a little about their needs.  Felix Pardo spoke emotionally of the trials of J Guarch's daughter (Felix's niece) who was struck by an SUV and is at Boston Hospital.  It's an awful story but she has come through two surgeries, 16 hours total, with flying colors.  Prayers are accepted.  Rick Tonkinson is happy to be a UM Graduate and wanted everyone to know that Rotary was one of the founders of UM along with Jackson Hospital, Bascom Palmer Eye Clinic and the Orange Bowl.  Diva was happy about how well she's healing.  But after listening to Felix tell his story she is truly grateful that she only broke her ankle.  Saray Noda, Yoli's guest, invited everyone to a fund raiser on July 28th for the Law Library.  It's from 5:30 until 8 p.m. in the loggia of the courthouse. And finally Randy announced this year's photo safari will be to Zimbabwe for two weeks at the end of October. If you're interested in coming along, call him.  HAPPINESS PAYS, KEEP SMILING.

Working Rotarians - July 14, 2011
Greeter - Ana Fournaris
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Head Table - George Reeves
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Bill Quesenberry
Pledge - Deena Bell-Lewellyn
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Dan Scipione & Ana Fournaris
Introductions - Dick Bullman
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Gene Witherspoon
Given to - Ana Fournaris & Mead McCabe
Pin Drawing Gift - Gloria Burns & Sally B.
Winners - Debbie Swain & Visitor
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns &THE Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Tom Dixon
4 Way Test - Jim Hirschmann 

Today's Program

Art Kehoe, University of Miami Football Coach, spoke to us about all that's happening good with the UM Football Program.  He thinks that the absolutely best thing that's happened is that UM hired Al Golding as Head Coach starting in January of this year.  He's made a difference in the program already.  Golding is a player's advocate but he demands a lot from his people.
In addition to coaching them in football, he coaches them in life and expects them to perform everywhere with the same level of excellence.

Golding has a specific set of goals that begin with winning the AAC Title.  From there he wants to play the BCS Bowl.  Next he wants them to be ranked in the top ten teams in the country.  From there it's a short hop to National Champions. 

Their first game this year is Labor Day in Maryland to be aired on ESPN.  The game they think is probably the toughest ... FSU.  They "hate Florida State."  Looks like UM has thrown down the gauntlet.  Stay tuned.

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Captain Dan Kipnis, "Global Warminig - The Changing Oceans."

Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz

"Don't complain about the snow on 
your neighbor's roof
when your own doorstep is unclean."


Scene Scenes

See you next week, same time, 
 same place, 
same great bunch of Rotarians.

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