August Community Service Planning Meeting
Friday evening eight Rotarians, their guests and spouses gathered at the home of Cathy & Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo with all kinds of good munchies and a wide variety of wine, both necessary components to an effective and successful "meeting".
Chairperson Deena Bell-Llewellyn gave us a month-by-month breakdown of the projects that are already planned for this year. Several in attendance added a few more projects. But we still need some more worthy uses for our volunteer efforts.
Be sure to mark your calendar for scheduled projects for September, Coastal Cleanup on the 17th and VA Bingo on the 24th. October 1st there will be a Charity Spin-a-Thon hosted by Gables Fitness, proceeds will go to the Jo Burke Memorial Fund in our Foundation, to continue to support the projects that our friend so generously supported during her years in our Club. October 23rd, our Club is the official volunteer sponsor of Coral Gables Bike Day (because our President is the volunteer coordinator for the event!). This will be an all day event including historic bike tours, races, bounce houses, music, and fun for bicycles. If you don't have a bicycle, rentals will be provided. Or, maybe you're the perfect volunteer!
Other Service Projects in the works include another visit from the Bloodmobile, some volunteer days with Paws4U, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Junior Orange Bowl Parade, Habitat for Humanity, Serving food at Camillus House and more.
Got a pet project or charitable organization that needs manpower? Bring it to the Community Service Committee and get other members involved. That's what we're here for. Service. Service Above Self.
And let's not forget the wine and food either ... it helps to get the good ideas flowing! Present at the meeting this month were Chair Deena, President Debbie, Sally B. Yoli, Frank Sexton, Bill Quesenberry, Walter Alvarez, Carlos Ruiz and prospective Rotarian friend of Deena's, Lorraine.
The Next Community Service Meeting will be Friday September 23, 2011. Join us with your ideas!
Thanks for attending the meeting and sharing your ideas and great energy~ Hope to see more of you at the next meeting on Sept. 23!
Community Service Chair sure knows how to throw a "meeting"! A big t
thank you to our hosts, Carlos and Cathy.
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