Thursday, December 29, 2011

Vol. 66 No. 27 Notes from the Podium

President's Time

President Cleo, true to her word, visited today to help generate a little buzz about our upcoming major fundraiser.  It's pretty obvious that Debbie will be coming as her idol, Elizabeth Taylor.

Moose Milk Cometh
Sunday, January 1, 2012
1:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Richard DeWitt's Secret Garden
1113 Castile Avenue
Fund Raiser at the Junior Orange Bowl Parade

The Parade starts at Alhambra Circle and Ponce de Leon and ends at City Hall in downtown Coral Gables on Monday, January 2 beginning at 3 p.m.  Our club received a donation o 3,360 cans of Coke Zero from the Junior Orange Bowl to be sold for $1 a can.

Sally B is recruiting sales people who are willing to hit the streets selling drinks.  All of the money will go to our Club's Foundation.  Think of the things we can do with that money!  Call her if you can spare two hours on Monday afternoon!

Rotary Blood Drive 
Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Bloodmobile will arrive at 11 a.m. and remain here through the meeting until at least 2 p.m.  Mark your calendar and come prepared to donate.  Rotary blood is good blood.

Practical, patient, reserved, prudent and a little pessimistic describes Capricorn natives.  We have only one birthday this week, but a special one for sure!  Say Happy Birthday to Terry Long on January 1st.

She's a Moose Milk Baby!

Hadley's Perfect!

Cleo had two perfect attendance pins today. One for Arne Perry for 26 years, (but of course he wasn't here!).  Another for  Hadley Williams who has chalked up 10 years of Perfect Attendance.  Thanks for all your years of showing up!

Happy Rotary Anniversary this week to Mike Freeman who celebrates 36 years, Bonnie Blaire, 24 years, Margarita and Rick Tonkinson who have two years in our club and ten previous years at Rotary Club of Miami.  Thanks to you all for so many years of SERVICE.

Introduction of Visitors & Guests

Cleopatra introduced us to her Mark Anthony, husband John.  Greg Martini brought 3/5 of the Martini family, his wife Nancy, daughter Grace and youngest son Joey.  Bill Oates brought his daughter, Liz.  THE Donald Trombly brought son Nick.  Mr. Bullman himself brought his handsome grandson Nick.  Sally B. introduced us to Jill Daley a Commercial Interior Designer.  Everyone is welcome to come back again - it's the family of Rotary.

Happy $$

THE Donald volunteered to stand in for the very absent Dr. Randy and considering the light crowd he didn't do half bad today finding happy Rotarians today ... First thing he did was let Dick Golden tell a really lame joke about praying for a hearing.  Everyone looks good after Dick, at least that's what Bill Quesenberry said when he voiced his happiness at having been part of the Orange Bowl Youth Sailing Regatta. There were 150 boats in four fleets with children 9 to 16 handling the boats.  They were awesome and Bill said he had the time of his life. Carlos Bolado was happy for all the good things that happened last year and is looking forward to an even better 2012.  Chris Tyson was happy that his daughter Ellen was able to be here from Switzerland for the holidays.  He said that this year he permitted the Junior Orange Bowl Golf Tournament to play by his house but they'd better ask his permission next year! Nancy Martini was happy today because it's the first time she's visited the club in five years and she's happy to be here, happy for all we do and appreciates being part of the
 Family of Rotary.  Nicky Trombly was happy that his in-back neighbor was 
 happy living at The Palace.

AND Donald took a few moments to encourage (beg) everyone to take an end of the year tax deduction of $150 and buy a Rotary Raffle Ticket!  NOW!!  If you buy it now you'll be entered into an early drawing to win Starwood Points AND your ticket goes back into the pot for the BIG drawing March 9th.

Working Rotarians - December 29, 2011
Greeter - Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Frank Sexton
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Bill Quesenberry
Pledge - Aaron Glasser
Singer - Bill Quesenberry
Pin Drawing Gift - Gloria Burns
Pin Drawing Winner - Lan Nghiem-Phu
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Dick Golden
4 Way Test - Aaron Glasser

Today's Program

Former Ambassadorial Scholar Fiorella Juarez reported on the amazing time she had in Madrid during her year representing our Club and Rotary in this 65 year old Rotary Scholarship Program.

She said that learning to say "Yes" is the biggest take-away from the year abroad.  It has reset the direction of her career path.  She marvels at the fact that she is only one of 37,000 people who have gone through the Ambassadorial Scholar Program and if you multiply the impact on her life by 37,000 ... WOW!

She is a Peruvian American.  She graduated from University of Miami with a BS in Communication and worked for five years in an Ad Agency here in Miami.  She went to Madrid only as a Student.  She was not working, except on getting her Masters in Business Administration.  She attended an English speaking program at the public university in Madrid along with students from 28 countries. It was an amazing experience.

She was attached to the Rotary Club of Sierra de Madrid while she was there.  It's a small club of only 25 members and they are exactly what Rotary always used to be ... old men.  But they were good Rotarians and well connected to Rotary progams.  She got to know some Rotary Youth Exchange Students and became engaged with two Rotaract Clubs in Madrid. 

Her first experience in learning to say "Yes" led to the project that she undertook for her year as and AS.  It was a fund raising venture for the Lamay Foundation called the Wichi Art Project.  It was to provide sewing machines for a village in India that specializes in really cool hand woven bags.  They threw a "Get Happy" Party that raised $1,500 Euros.  They had 80 people attend.  This project helped her to gain an appreciation for balance in life.
Things she's glad she said "Yes" to while she was an Ambassadorial Scholar were:  Food, alternate transportation, the arts, three-hour lunches, speaking your mind, saying yes to different points of view, getting lost and finding inspiration.  She is satisfied that she accomplished the point of the Ambassadorial Scholarship program - Cultural Understanding.

NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM:  Coral Gables Canine Unit

Thought for Today
by Sally B.

"New Year's is a harmless annual institution of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, friendly calls and humbug resolutions and we wish you to enjoy it with a looseness suited to the greatness of the occasion."
Mark Twain

Scene Scenes


See you next week,
Same time, same place,
Same great bunch of Rotarians.


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