President's Time
Today's meeting was the second "Fellowship Meeting" that we've had this year. It's a chance for us to talk to our friends as much as we like, without interrupting the speaker! Attendance was light - what do you suppose that means? Probably that it's no fun talking when it's allowed!!
On this date in history in 1955, the Salk Polio Vaccine was developed at the University of Pittsburgh. Today Rotary International PolioPlus is hosting a series of events to celebrate.
Galperin Recognized by Rotary International
By Deena Bell-Llewellyn with Carlos Ruiz
Sunday, April 22nd is the first annual Earthfest Celebration in the City of Coral Gables. Carlos Ruiz, chair of the City's Green Task Force joined Community Service Chair Deena Bell in recruiting volunteers to work at the all-day event. Rotary is the official volunteer sponsor. We're signed up to virtually run the event from set up to tear down. It will be great fun and everything green. From cars to furniture, clothes to food. Even if you don't work at the Festival, you'll want to come out and see all of the green things in your future.
Here come those cusp babies again! Say Happy Birthday to Bill Beckham on the 18th. Like others born on the cusp of Aries and Taurus, Bill is pioneering, courageous, persistent, determined, impulsive and just a little possessive. Happy Birthday Bill!!
George Reeves is celebrating his 4th anniversary in our club today. Trish Hoffman has been a member for 12 years tomorrow and J Guarch for 13 years on the 15th. Congrats to you all on your Rotary Anniversary.
Membership Minute
by Greg Martini & Committee
Greg Martini, Membership Chair for this year, took a few minutes to tell us why he loves Rotary and then to go around the room and ask other Rotarians why they love being a Rotarian. Greg says that he just really enjoys coming here every Thursday and seeing all his friends. Yoli Woodbridge just loves Rotary and because there are a lot of cute guys here AND the Fellowship is great! Rodney Langer says he likes coming here to see Greg! Carol Brock says that the friendships she's developed are wonderful and no matter where you are, whether Tennessee or Bolivia you can be sure that you will have friends you can trust. It is a wonderful network with which to be involved. Tom Dixon says one of the best selling points is that you come every week to hear provocative presentations from really great sources that provide you with a diversity of information you would otherwise not be aware of. Dan Scipione loves the connection that we have to the community and the fact that we have so many different presentations that allow you to learn about our community first hand. Lan Nghiem-Phu says that Rotary goes way beyond the friendship/fellowship thing ... we're more like family! Gloria Burns loves our Club. She says that it's great that no matter what you need, Rotary and Rotarians are always there because we all have the same spirit. AND she gets more kisses here than anyplace else!
Fred Baddour is in charge of the Red Badgers this year. Those are all of the "NEW GUYS" in Rotary. They are the life blood of the organization and he thinks it's really important that we all keep bringing our friends to the club. Andrea Covre said that he is happy to still have organizations like Rotary. Chris Tyson said that he finds it most surprising that the average Rotary Club is only 35 members. That means that our club is five times better than average! That just goes to prove the old adage that "size matters!"

Terry Long is the Director of Development this year. She is very much in favor of the club continuing to get bigger. Once upon a time we had 200 members. Her goal is to help to lead us to that number again. But you sometimes have to make arrangements to bring people into the Club. When she first became a Rotarian in 1992 in Altamont Springs, one of the vendors that she dealt with brought her to a meeting at a club that was more convenient to her. She thinks one of the greatest things about Rotary is that it gives you the opportunity to meet people that you would otherwise never have the opportunity to meet.
Steven Spann now beardless!
Good friends, great Rotarians!
It really wasn't a sad subject,
they're just listening attentively ...
John Arthur and his grand daughter, Colleen
Last week Chris had a new
haircut. This week, Lan went
to the same barber!!!
Terry Long is the Director of Development this year. She is very much in favor of the club continuing to get bigger. Once upon a time we had 200 members. Her goal is to help to lead us to that number again. But you sometimes have to make arrangements to bring people into the Club. When she first became a Rotarian in 1992 in Altamont Springs, one of the vendors that she dealt with brought her to a meeting at a club that was more convenient to her. She thinks one of the greatest things about Rotary is that it gives you the opportunity to meet people that you would otherwise never have the opportunity to meet.
Introduction of Visitors & Guests
by Dick Bullman
Further reinforcing the Membership Message, Dick Bullman stressed how much we like having visitors come to our Club. John Arthur brought his grand daughter Colleen and let everyone know that although she's a student at Miami Dade, she's in the market for a job! Deena Bell-Llewellyn brought hubby Charlie to see us today. Dan Scipione brought an attorney friend of his, Kim Kolebeck, assuring us that she's a deal maker, not a deal breaker.
Bring more people next week so that Dick can keep his job!
President-Elect Walter Alvarez's
2012-2012 Officers & Board of Directors
President-Elect Donald Trombly
Past-President Debbie Swain
Vice President Greg Martini
Secretary Rodney Langer
Treasurer Bill Quesenberry
Sergeant-at-Arms Jack Witty
Community Avenue of Service Deena Bell
International Avenue of Service Carol Brock
Vocational Avenue of Service George Reeves
Club Meeting Service Steve Spann
New Generations Pat Morris
Civic & Charity Bob Schreiber
Foundation Andrea Fusero
Development Fred Baddour
Membership Bill Martinez
Programs Mead McCabe
Public Relations Gloria Burns
Retention Ana Fournaris
Rotarygram Reza Dehbozorgi
Director at Large Dan Scipione
Happy $$$$
Dr. Randy continued on his quest to Groh Scholarships today but the crowd was light so happiness wasn't bountiful. However first up was Margarita Tonkinson who was delighted at the recognition Noelle Galperin received from Rotary International. Abe Horowitz reported that he got back from his wedding sojourn on Wednesday. The wedding was great and it's day nine and everything is wonderful! Rodney Langer was happy that Monday he and his wife celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary. Carol Brock was happy for the network that Rotary provides. She had a friend who was in the hospital and needed insurance advice and Gene Witherspoon. Rick Tonkinson is happy to announce (once again) that his son Steven is with Shelter Box in Peru and so far they've provided 284 shelters which will house 2,840 people in the flood area. He will be returning home on April 20 and will be happy to share his experiences with us. Also, for extra happiness, Bill Beckham just raised $15,000 for Shake-A-Leg and his next event is to raise money for Project Miami. And finally, he was also happy that there was an article about Tonkinson Financial in the UM Magazine. That was $20 worth! Steve Magenheimer was grateful and thanked everyone for their cards and condolences at the death of his beloved wife, Dawn, they were married 56 years. He's very grateful to Bill Martinez for all of his assistance. He said he's doing better every day but it still hurts. Sere Murphy was happy that although his 17 year old daughter was hit by a car in Coconut Grove, only her shoulder was injured and she is much better today. Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Working Rotarians - April 12, 2012
Greeter - Steven Spann
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Bill Quesenberry
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting & Invocation - Rodney Langer
Pledge - Steve Magenheimer
Singers - Dan Scipione & Carol Brock
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Andrea Covre
Given to - Deena Bell & Yoli Woodbridge
Pin Drawing Gift - George Reeves
Pin Drawing Winner - Rolf Frankfurter
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Kim Kolebeck (guest of Dan Scipione)
4 Way Test - Donald Trombly
Thought of the Week
by Sally B.
"One day you're the cock of the walk.
The next day you're the feather duster!"
Margaret Morgan
Scene Scenes
Steven Spann now beardless!
Good friends, great Rotarians!
It really wasn't a sad subject,
they're just listening attentively ...
John Arthur and his grand daughter, Colleen
Last week Chris had a new
haircut. This week, Lan went
to the same barber!!!
Honeymoon's over -
beard looks great!
beard looks great!
Nine days married
and still grinning like a fool!
and still grinning like a fool!
Betcha he'll shave it off soon!
See you next week,
Same time, same place,
Same great bunch of Rotarians!
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