President Debbie Swain |
President's Time
My goals for 2011-2012 were to bring Rotary back to our
meetings, to re-energize our members, and to ensure the financial stability of
the Club and the Foundation.
To bring Rotary back to our meetings, I brought you the
Rotary International monthly themes and Rotary stories to every meeting. To re-energize members, I made sure that our Board and
committee composition included some members who otherwise had not been involved
in our Club governance.
Most of you know that I'm an accountant by training. So you can understand that I would be fanatical about our financial stability. I developed a detailed conservative
budget, and worked hard to stick to the budget to ensure that we did not lose
money in either the Club or the Foundation this year. As our membership numbers declined
dramatically in the past several years, we were in jeopardy of financial
losses. Fortunately, this year our membership numbers remained stable, for the
first time in four years! And for the first time, we shared our gala proceeds
equally with our Beneficiary, bringing us $11,000 in income for our charitable
The job of President has many rewards and many difficulties.
I am fortunate that there were no disasters,. The only real difficulties were standing
in front of you and begging for money – which is NOT at all in my comfort zone.
And the rewards were from intense involvement in the operations of the best
Rotary Club in the world, and working together with so many generous people was
incredibly rewarding.
I learned many lessons, and will pass some on the
President-elect Walter, and to the incoming Board. The words of wisdom I pass on
to all of you are to participate in your club. This club is a fellowship, a
family. The more you do with your fellow members, the more you will get out of
the experience. Come to the meetings, participate in the community service
activities, come to the social events, come to the galas. Come to the
installation dinner tomorrow night. And join a committee to participate in the
governance of the club. You should all aspire to become President, and leave
your mark on the club.
It has been my honor to stand in front of you every week this
past year, and it will truly be my pleasure to join you at your tables
in future meetings!
DUES ARE DUE NOW if you want to take advantage of the 20% discount. If you renew during July you'll receive 15%. Surely that 5% is better in your pocket than ours! Pay today.
INSTALLATION PARTY TOMORROW at the home of Fred & Annette Baddour. Join President-Elect Walter Alvarez and the Officers and Board of the Club for 2012-2013 and party hearty. $35 per person includes dinner (Catering by Lovables) and all you can drink. Pay before you leave today.
Thanks to President Debbie
Soon-to-be-President Walter Alvarez presented Debbie with a couple of really special "Thank You" gifts to show our appreciation for the fantastic job that she did for Rotary and our Club this year. He gave her two of the most important things you can give a woman - diamonds and food. To show the Club's appreciation for all she's done, a Rotary pin with a REAL diamond in the center and a gift certificate to Morton's Steakhouse. You GO Girl!!
Membership Minute
Membership has been a challenge for most of Rotary and for our Club as well. Our three years at the Westin Colonnade, coupled with the poor economy, cost the club some 30 members. On June 30, 2011 we ended last year with 124 members. Over the course of this past year we lost ten members, some who moved away, some who passed away.
The move back to our old home here at the Coral Gables Country Club has been a good thing. Sponsorship pins are going this year to Gloria Burns, Rick Tonkinson, Greg Martini, Ralph Cabrera, George Reeves and today Bill Oates for helping us to grow our club this year. We lost ten members and we added ten members and so the good news is that as of today we are ending the year PLUS ONE!
Say "Hello" to our 125th member and the last for this Rotary Year ... Andrea Stone.
Andrea is being sponsored by Bill Oates. She is an attorney with Goldman Felcoski & Stone here in the Gables and her field is Trusts & Estates. She's a graduate of FSU and Palmetto where she studied music with an emphasis on piano. While in law school she started Florida Public Service Network. She's a member of Friends of the Everglades and comes to us from our own Rotaract Club. She's ready to move into the Service world of Rotary. Welcome Andrea!
Introduction of Visitors & Guests
by Greg Martini
We had two visiting Rotarians from the Miami Club today, PDG (and past President of our Club) Owen Freed and Glenn Pritzer. It's always nice to see the members of the "other" Thursday Club at Coral Gables. Yoli Woodbridge introduced us once again to Elena Heath. Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo brought Hector Fernandez to lunch today. Margarita & Rick Tonkinson brought their son Steven who's back from Shelter Box and President Debbie brought husband John for her final meeting of the year.
Rotary Anniversaries Abound
Carol Alexander, Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo and Joe Witz are all from the Miami Club are celebrating one year in our Club. Dick Golden celebrates four years here after many in St. Thomas. Frank (shameless commerce division) Sexton has been with us for 17 years. Gloria Burns celebrates 23 years. Carlos Bolado has been a member for 26 years. Congratulations and thank you for all your years of Service!
Happy $$$$$
Randy was intent on Grohing Scholarships today. He asked President Debbie to earmark the $1,000 surplus from her year to Scholarships. First up was Dick Golden with another challenging joke about test results being back! Richard DeWitt is happy that the wedding is over and Sasha is married! Rodney Langer thanked Debbie for trusting him with Club Meeting Service this year and also thanked his faithful cast of regulars. Rick Tonkinson was happy to pay to tell Debbie what an outstanding job she did this year AND that he, Margarita and Steven are going shark tagging in the Keys this weekend. Eddie Snow has $20 today in celebration of the opening (FINALLY!) of his new store at 270 Miracle Mile. The doors are open now it's time for him to host a Rotary party?? Owen Freed is always happy to be back at the Club that hosted him as an Ambassadorial Scholar 50 years ago! Terry Long was helping Randy promote the last two seats for his safari by telling us how spectacular his trips are and she wanted to thank Debbie, it's been fabulous working with her for this year, they have a great friendship. AND the rest of her $20 was devoted to the introduction of the latest Community Service Project for school supplies. Ana Fournaris is happy to be back from NYC. She saw the Book of Mormon and says that it presents an interesting perspective on current political candidates. Walter Alvarez was thankful for all the help he's gotten from Debbie so far AND to make sure everyone signs up and comes to the Installation Celebration tomorrow night at Fred Baddour's - LOTS OF LIQUOR. Luis Boue told us that if we stop laughing at Dick Golden's jokes maybe he'll stop telling them. He also said that the trip to Africa with Randy last year was one of his greatest experiences ever and he is doubly happy because tomorrow he closed on a new house and they get to move out from his mother-in-laws! Judy Pantoja was wearing her UM hat today as chair of the Sports Hall of Fame. Their fishing tournament is this weekend. They've got 62 boats and the proceeds go to Shake-A-Leg and Habitat for Humanity. Margarita Tonkinson had a wonderful year working with Debbie on the Board. Carlos Ruiz is happy to have spent his first year in our Club under Debbie's Presidency and Randy owes a debt of gratitude to Debbie for letting him get up here every week in the name of scholarships. Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Working Rotarians - June 28, 2012
Greeter - Yoli Woodbridge
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Steve Spann
Head Table - Rodney Langer & Debbie
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Kelly Sastre
Pledge - Rodney Langer
Singers - Sally B., Greg Martini, Debbie Swain & Ana Fournaris
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Rick Tonkinson
Given to - Debbie Swain & Walter Alvarez
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Walter Alvarez
4 Way Test - Walter Alvarez
Today's Program
President Debbie Swain's End of the Year Recognition Program
First with thanks to the 2011-2012 Officers and Board of Directors:
Walter Alvarez - President-Elect
Sally Baumgartner - Past President
Rick Tonkinson - Vice President
Dan Scipione - Secretary
John Porro - Treasurer
Jack Witty - Sergeant-at-Arms
Deena Bell Llewellyn - Community Service
Greg Martini - Membership
Mead McCabe - Programs
Bill Quesenberry - International
Rodney Langer - Club Meeting Service
Bill Martinez - Membership Retention
Margarita Tonkinson - Major Fund Raiser
Terry Long - Membership Development
Frank Sexton - Vocational Service
Yoli Woodbridge - Rotarygram
Gloria Burns - Public Relations
Kelly Sastre - Civic & Charity
Pat Morris - New Generations
Abe Horowitz - Rotary Foundation
In addition to her heartfelt thanks, President Debbie presented each member with a Rodney Langer Coral Gables Rotary Club Coffee Mug, a really cool pin of the 4-Way Test and a $20 gift certificate for CIBO on Miracle Mile.
Honorable Mention and $10 Certificate for Liberty Cafe
was Given to ...
Aaron Glasser & Steven Spann
for being so dependable.
Lorraine Sheldon - Associate Member of the Year
Andre Covre - Red Badger of the Year
Rotarians Recognized for their Outstanding Service to the Club ...
Sally Baumgartner - Rotarygram Blog
Terry Long - Chair of Scholarship Committee
Bill Quesenberry - Treasurer's Assistant
Rotarian of the Year
2011 - 2012
Margarita Tonkinson - Major Fundraising Chair
Margarita worked hard, tirelessly, to make this year's Gala
such a huge success. We kept $11,000 in our Foundation!
Margarita was blown away!!! She a Debbie were both crying.
For Margarita, "it was an honor and a privilege to work with Debbie."
She again thanked her dedicated committee members
for all their time and hard work.
Congratulations Margarita Tonkinson
Coral Gables Rotarian of the Year!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: President Walter Alvarez introduces the 2012-2013 Officers and Board of Directors.
Thought of the Week
by President Debbie Swain
”Friendship was the foundation rock on which Rotary was built
and tolerance is the element which holds it together."
Paul Harris, 1948
Scene Scenes
Fred & Gloria are happy!
Rotarian of the Year!
President Debbie with
Vice President Rick Tonkinson
Terry Long
Chair, Scholarship Committee
Sally B
Rotarygram Blogger
This is the face of happiness!!
Congratulations to John Swain,
President Debbie's devoted husband.
He gets his wife back today!
See you next week.
Same time, same place.
Same great bunch of Rotarians!