President's Time
June is Fellowship Month in the Rotary World. President Debbie could think of no better example of Fellowship than to have Dick Golden tell six really bad jokes with the clean punchline ... hmmmm.
DUES ARE DUE and time is running out for the 20% discount. Pay your 2012-2013 Dues and Registration (lunch) on or before June 30th and you'll get 20% off your lunches next year.
Mark your calendar now for June 29th. President-Elect Walter Alvarez and the 2012-2013 Officers and Board of Directors will be installed at a "Fifth Friday-Style" party at Fred & Annette Baddour's home. Stay tuned for more details.
The Blood Drive Cometh ...

Time to double up on your iron pills! Our summer Blood Drive is scheduled for next Thursday. Please sign up and plan to donate. The Community Blood Center will be parked in the back parking lot from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., or later if there's a long line waiting.
You can come early. You can go out during the meeting. You can hang around after the meeting. Pick the most convenient time to give.
For more details contact Greg Martini or RSVP to Terry Long at
Intellectual, lively and inquisitive describes people born under the sign of Gemini. Say Happy Birthday to Dar Airan on June 10th.
Ana Fournaris is celebrating 13 years as a Coral Gables Rotarian on June 10th too. Congratulations Ana, you're an asset to our Club!
Terry's is Perfect!
Terry Long celebrates 10 years of Perfect Attendance on June 5th.
And she did that in spite of going on a safari and taking a cruise last year!! Weekly meetings aren't the only way to get Perfect Attendance. Ask your Membership Chair for more information!
Introduction of Guests & Visitors
by Dick Bullman
Happy $$$$$
Dandy Randy returned this week to Groh scholarships as only he does! He was ecstatic to be able to announce that this year's photo safari will leave on October 16th for Zimbabwe. It will be be Terry Long's third trip of the seven that he's made. Join up, sign up, call Dr. Randy for more information. Walter Alvarez was happy for two reasons. The first is that he just came back from Tallahassee where he attended orientation for his youngest who's going to FSU. The second is that his installation will be held on Friday June 29th at Fred Baddour's house beginning at 7 p.m. Be there or be square. Tom Dixon was twice happy too. First because he picked up Andrew at the airport after his trip to London. The second because he took him back to the airport so he could go to a Bachelor Party in Boston. Pat Morris is happy because Judge Leifman is being honored by us today. He's also got a problem ... being from Boston he's a life long Knicks fan and has a reasonable hatred for the Celtics. Game 7 of the playoffs is Saturday night. He really wants to see the Celtics get it handed to them. BUT it's the YMCA's annual gala and there are 420 people coming so he must be there .... choices. Judy Pantoja, in her role as a member of the board of the UM Sports Hall of Fame is pleased to announce that their fishing tournament is a "go". So far 35 boats have signed up. The proceeds from the tournament will benefit Shake-A-Leg. She hopes to have a few Rotary boats in the flotilla too. Frank Sexton, Chairman of the Shameless Commerce Division of Rotary was pleased to let us know that Greg Martini was featured in the Business Review for closing a $25 million real estate deal. This on the heels of Catarna Jimenez being honored by Miami Today. What, you might ask, do these two people have in common? They both presented a Craft Talk at Rotary and voila! Their lives turned around! Happiness pays so keep on smiling.
Working Rotarians - June 7, 2012
Greeter - Yoli Woodbridge
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Steven Spann & John Porro
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Invocation - Pastor Arne Perry
Pledge - Judge Steve Leifman
Singers - Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Tom Dixon
Given to - Chris Tyson & Betty Metcalf
Pin Drawing Gift - A Box of Chocolates
Pin Drawing Winner - Greg Martini
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Alfredo Iglesias
4 Way Test - Aaron Glasser
Today's Program
A resident of Coral Gables for the past 12 years, Judge Leifman received the honor at the Thursday, June 7, meeting of the Rotary Club of Coral Gables.
In nominating Judge Leifman for the award, Pat Morris cited the judge’s concern for criminal defendants with mental illness. Time and again the same defendants appeared before him, having fallen through the cracks of a dysfunctional public mental health system.
In response to this, Judge Leifman began to convene stakeholders on the local and state levels to organize resources and to develop more effective, humane, and sustainable responses to people with mental illness.
In 2000, Judge Leifman created the 11th Judicial Circuit Criminal Mental Health Project, which he continues to chair today. This program, which has become nationally recognized for its innovations and effectiveness, diverts individuals with serious mental illnesses charged with less-serious offenses away from the criminal justice system and into community-based treatment and support services.
This has resulted in fewer arrests and incarcerations of people with mental illnesses, reduced crime, reduced injuries to law enforcement officers and people with mental illnesses, improved public safety and reduced burdens on taxpayers.
A former public defender, Judge Leifman graduated from The American University in 1981 and earned his law degree in 1986 at Florida State University. He became a judge in 1995.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Amanda Hermes, 2012-2013 Ambassadorial Scholar outbound to Mexico.
by Sally B.
"It's not how much you do but how much love
you put in to what you are doing."
Mother Teresa
Scene Scenes
President Debbie Swain
with Judge Steve Leifman
Citizen of the Year
President Debbie with
Son Adam & his new
wife Andrea
Left to right Andrea, Andrea,
Andrea & Andrea - it can get
pretty confusing!!
Chris Tyson & Grandson John |
Join Us Next Week.
Same time, same place.
Same great bunch of Rotarians!
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