President's Time
The 2011-2012 Rotary year is winding down and the announcements are fewer as the club re-groups for the upcoming year - which begins July 1st.
DUES ARE DUE: take advantage of the 20% discount if you pay by June 30th. Don't all rush right up to the table now but be sure to pay this week or next. Contact John Porro or Bill Quesenberry if you have any questions.
Don't forget - NEXT FRIDAY - is a 5th FRIDAY - and the Installation Celebration for President-Almost Walter Alvarez and the 2012-2013 Board of Directors. The party starts at 7:00 with cocktails, the Installation will be at 7:30 and dinner is at 8:00. It's being hosted by Fred & Annette Baddour at their home in Pinecrest. Catering by Lovables. $35 per person and dress casually. RSVP now.
Foundation Chair Abe Horowitz presented George Reeves with his very first Paul Harris Fellowship. This is an important milestone in George's Rotary life. Congratulations, and thank you for your generosity to The Rotary Foundation!
Monday to Friday Dick claims to do nothing. He rests on the weekends so that he can be ready to go again on Monday. Dick claims that his life looks as it does because he wasn't liked by his parents. They gave him a quicksand box to play in! He had a two seated stroller when he was growing up and when he asked his parents where his brother had gone they told him they killed him He is originally from New York City where he had some rough schooling while he was studying to be a mortician. Something he thought he could do if he grew up. Dick went on for awhile about his wife's driving, leaving his grand kids in line at an amusement park, his emotional problems and visits to the psychiatrist. He says he stays healthy by taking placebos. His philosophy for life is to 1) hold on to what others have; 2) don't believe a thing you hear; 3) don't buy a computer, wait to see if they take off and 4) don't use the word happy before you see the money!
Ed. Note: You can understand why this will be Frank Sexton's last presentation for the Shameless Commerce Division of Rotary.
City of Coral Gables
Employee of the Month
June, 2012
Fire Chief Walter Reed introduced us to his Administrative Assistant, Betty Mendoza, the real, behind the scenes Fire Chief in the Coral Gables Fire Department. Besides being on top of everything, she's a great cook and makes birthday cakes for the whole department. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
2012-2013 Board Changes
President-Elect Walter Alvarez advised that Andrea Fusero, who was voted by the membership to be the Chair of the Foundation for next year, is leaving the Club. This necessitates that we vote for his replacement. Walter put Gene Witherspoon's name up for nomination. Don Slesnick moved and Hank Collins seconded Gene to be the 2012-2013 Foundation Chair. Motion carried. Congratulations Gene!
Here come those cusp babies again! Clever, imaginative, restless, impulsive, loyal, adaptable and a little moody describes those born between Gemini and Cancer. Say Happy Birthday TODAY to Luis Sardinas, Miki Speijers and Chuck Whitcomb. On the 27th Hadley Williams celebrates his birthday, but he's pure Cancer ... caring, dependable, responsive and self absorbed.
Introduction of Guests & Visitors
by Dick Bullman
Happy $$$$
Working Rotarians - June 21, 2012
Greeter - George Reeves
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Steven Spann
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Pledge - Steve Magenheimer
Singers - Bill Quesenberry
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Bonnie Blaire
Given to - Betty Metcalf & John Porro
Pin Drawing Gift - Sally B.
Pin Drawing Winner - Steve Spann
50/50 Raffle - Deena Bell-Llewellyn
50/50 Winner - Tom Dixon
4 Way Test - Abe Horowitz
Today's Program
A strong advocate for universal health care to happen "somehow", he feels that we as a country have a moral imperative and a business imperative to work out such a system. But there are forces at play that are not self correcting. Young people do not want to pay for insurance and the insurance companies don't want the sick ones only. Something has to give.
There are a lot of anomalies in South Florida that don't exist elsewhere. One third of the population has no insurance compared to a national average of 17%. In Massachusetts less than 6% are uninsured. This causes a cost shift to the private sector resulting in a high cost for insurance because of the high number of uninsured. The three factors that most affect the market are:
COST: $2.5 trillion in health care costs going up at two to three times the rate of inflation, two times more to 50% more. By 2050, 100% of GDP will be devoted to health care.
ACCESS: 47 to 50 million people have no insurance and use emergency services only. Emergency doctors must treat them in the ER. Thus the costs get shifted to int he insurance companies. If they can get everyone into the risk pool, the young and healthy would buy in to treat the old and unhealthy.
QUALITY: There is a huge disparity in costs and treatments. There is a 600% difference in the cost for back surgery for example between hospitals, markets and practitioners. The US is rated number 34 for reputation for evidence based medicine. To define quality you have to look at clinical outcomes and consumer satisfaction.
The medical care industry wanted a three course meal and instead Congress served them a 17 course banquet that will take ten years to implement. There are some good things in the Affordable Health Care act such as the insurance company's must allow children to remain on their parents insurance until age 26. But there is zero information out there. Most providers delayed cutting doctors fees and now they've been cut 23%. They left out the undocumented people which forces them to get emergency room treatment.
Then there's the constitutional issue - the mandate. Car insurance is mandated by the Sates. If the mandate is deemed unconstitutional then it remains to be seen if the entire plan is dissolved since the entire concept was based on having everyone in the risk pool. We all await the decision of the Supreme Court.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: President Debbie Swain's End of the Year Recognition Program.
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"Man becomes great exactly in the degree
in which he works for the welfare of his
fellow man."
Mathatma Ghandi
Scene Scenes
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