President's Time
18,2012: Veterans Bingo from 1-3 PM.
20, 2012: Foundation and Board Meetings at John Martin’s at 5 PM.
August 24, 2012: Social
at CRAVE, Village of Merrick Park 5:30 until 7:30
August 25, 2012 District
Membership Development Meeting, 8:30 AM. Check the calendar on www.ri6990.org
and register there.
August 31, 2012: First Fifth Friday at Snow’s Jewelers, 6 until 8PM, $10.
September 15,
Coastal Cleanup at Matheson Hammock, 9am-12 noon.
President Walter reminded us that all these events count as make-ups.
Inbound Rotary Youth Exchange Students
Happy Birthday
Silverman August 22
Rotary Anniversaries
Pantoja 5years
Silverman 7 Years
A standing ovation was given to Jack Witty for his 52 years of Perfect Attendance. Congratulations, Jack!
Nichole M. Somarriba from
The Fire Department was the Employee of the Month for August. Her Boss, Division Chief of Operations, David
Martin, described Nichole as a very conscientious and responsible employee
Visitors and Guests
Abe Horowitz introduced our Guests today: Ana
Fournaris had three guests: her daughter Nicole, her granddaughter Danielle and
Andrew Alonge. Joe Lancaster brought his
daughter, Julia. J. Guarch came to
Rotary with Fernando Arau. Sally’s guests were the two exchange students plus
George Clinton and his son J.P.
Happy Dollars
Our Speakers Today
Our speakers today were our very own members, Tom Dixon, Ana Fournaris, Greg Martini and
Chris Morrison. They spoke, as our resident experts, about the trends in the local commercial and residential real estate market.
is one of the reasons the Miami
market is the 3rd strongest recovering luxury market worldwide, with
prices up 19.1%.
Tom Dixon
spoke about the commercial real estate market.
He noted that overall industrial market in the South Florida ares is
reported to be stronger than other US markets as a result f the effect
of international trade. However,
Miami-Dade is now a divided county, with strong demand for newer high quality
properties and weak to no demand for older functionally obsolete buildings in
all markets.
Greg Martini
gave members his observation on local real estate conditions from the
standpoint of a practicing real estate attorney. Greg summarized things as follows: the volume of sale is up but the values are
Finally, Chris
Morrison as a mortgage broker reminded us that the stronger the financials, the
larger the loan amount and the lower the rate.
He warned everyone that lenders adapt their rates to local conditions. You may see rates in the low 3’s on TV, but
not be able to get those rates in your home town. Also, one must be aware of closing points,
origination fees, and prepaid finance charges due at closing. These items can greatly increase closing costs.
The speakers
left documentation on the tables for attendees.
Hopefully, these talks will have sharpened everyone’s real estate saavy!
Working Rotarians –August 16, 2012
Greeter - Deena
Registration - Aaron
Collections - Lorraine
Table - Yoli
the Meeting - Jack
Invocation - Dick Bullman
Pledge - Andrea
Singers - Bill
of Visitors/Guests - Abe
Drawing Donated by - Gloria
Burns/Sally B
Pin Drawing Winners - Greg
Martini/Yoli W.
Raffle - Gloria
Winner - Julia
Four Way Test - Sally
Next Week’s Program:
August 23, 2012: Alberto Carvalho: Superintendent’s Report on Miami-Dade County
Public Schools. Mr. Carvahlo also will be accepting his honorary Rotary
by Lan Nghiem-Phu
"Truth, like light, blinds. Falsehood, on
the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object. "
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