President’s Time
to the August 30th Meeting. We are starting the meeting with a few
The Golf Ball Drop tickets will be sold from now until November 29. The
proceeds will be going to The Rotary Foundation and not to Polio Plus as I had
told you before.
August 31, 2012: First Fifth Friday at Snow’s Jewelers, 6-8PM, $10.
Sally B volunteer to organize all the 5th Fridays. Thank you, Sally!
September 8, 2012; Freedom 5K Run at JC Bermudez Park, 9AM-12 Noon
September 15, 2012; Coastal Cleanup at Matheson Hammock, 9am-12 noon.
September 22, 2012; Veterans Bingo, 1-3PM
September 22, 2012; Diabetes Walk, Marlin Stadium, 7:30-9AM
All of you are invited to participate in these event
and remember they count as make ups.
Happy Birthday:
Horowitz Today, August 30
Perfect Attendance:
Walter gave Yoli Woodbridge her pin for 18 Years of Perfect Attendance.
Rotary Anniversaries:
Jim Hirschmann 6 years
Dixon 18 years
Snow 24 years
Metcalf 25 years
Corrigan 28 years
Rodney Langer introduced our visitors today; Woody
Beckham, guest of his father Bill, and Rosendo Castillo came to visit us today
as Yoli’s guest.
Randy as always was happy to do Happy Dollars for our scholarship program. Greg Martini for Fred Baddourwho was very happy about the CRAVE party and wanted to
thank Gloria for organizing this event. Bruce
Kerestis’s on August 24th.
He was born in Croatia,
served in Italy and was brought to the
Biltmore when it was a VA hospital to recuperate. He like the Gables so much that
he returned after college. He worked in Insurance and lived in the Gables. It
was the real America
dream! Walter Alvarez was happy and
sad because last week he took his youngest son to College. He was happy for
Patrick because going to college is a great experience but he was sad because
he misses him. Eddie Snow is happy
to welcome Rotarians to his store. He is excited about his new location. Arnie Perry Needs a place to store his 68 Chevy Malibu, please let him
know if anyone has a place for him to store his car. Dick Golden’s joke today was about a guy in a bar who hears two
ladies with British accents so he wanted to buy them a drink. He told the bar
tender “to take the drinks to the British ladies.” The ladies were not happy: they told him “we
are not British, we are Welsh.” Ok, he said to the bartender, give these two
“Whales a drink.” President Walter
announce that $196 dollars were made at the CRAVE event. This money will go to the Membership
Committee for Development.
Today's Speaker
Nicole was driving one day with her boy friend and he fell asleep so the car turned over and she was injured. Nicole is in a wheel chair but she is involved in sports and many other activities. She does hand cycling , Adaptive Alpine Skiing, Wheelchair Rugby and since she now lives in Florida, also goes sailing with Shake a Leg. She can walk a little but she likes to take great challenges.
Nicole would love to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games. She is learning how to play ping pong so maybe she can participate in both Sports. She has a wonderfully positive attitude and feels that you cannot let fear control you. In 2011, she went to Hamilton, Canada to participate in the Rotary Mobility Regatta.
Rotary Regatta is sponsored by all the club in Canada
and that year it took place in Hamilton.
She also told about a great fundraiser they do in Ontario that involves a big piggy bank with
the Rotary logo in its nose. They collected $30,000 dollars. Nicole left us with the thought that nothing
is impossible if you are willing to try it.
Working Rotarians –August 30, 2012
Greeter -
Registration - Aaron
Collections - Debbie
Table - Steven
the Meeting -Jack
Invocation - Dick Bullman
Pledge - Steve
Singers - Bill
Q,/Dan S.
of Visitors/Guests - Rodney
Drawing Gift - Yoli
Winner - Mead
Witt Law Silver Dollars - Dick
to - Randy
Groh/Richard De Witt
Raffle - Don
Winner - Eddie
Way Test - Bill
Thought of the Week
by Sally B.
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't
take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too
long to make."
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