Cleve Allen was the grand old man of RCCG and President of our Club in 1947. When you read his annual report of the accomplishments of the Club in 1947-1948, you notice that one of the things he was most proud of was "keeping the cost of lunches down to $1.25 per week." Too bad Cleve is no longer with us. We could to call on him when the Westin comes to us for an increase!
Cleve was invited to join the Rotary Club of Coral Gables in its Charter Year, 1946. He had been in Rotary 12 years at that point, having joined in 1935. He had already served as District Governor of the entire state of Georgia in 1940-1941.
At age 39, after serving in the "big war" as a Lt. Commander, Cleve was elected to the 14 member Board of Directors of Rotary International. He was a member of the RI Board in 1950-1951.
Cleve met and chatted with THE Paul Harris. It was the first of three such meetings. He was famous in Rotary circles long before he joined our Club. In fact, he made his name in Rotary making flat foot jumps over single beds at Rotary International Conventions!
Cleve Allen was a notable member of Coral Gables and his Rotary history was 12 years older than our Club's. When he passed away in 2000, at the age of 92 he had 58 years of Perfect Attendance.
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