This week a story about a Texas teenager who broke curfew and her parents made her babysit pro-bono for 30 hours. In fact, they took out an ad in the local paper offering her services. Interesting way to keep kids compliant!
And a Colorado man who's been banned from Safeway for one year because he ordered big breasts - referring to the chicken - not the employees.
Yoli is still selling balls - slowly. We've only bought 50. We need to buy one for every member so would the remaining 75 people please buy your balls? The Gates Challenge Golf Ball Drop is scheduled for AFTER our November 4 Golf Tournament.

KIDS LEFT FOR COLLEGE? Time to clean out their rooms and simplify your load. Donate the no-longer-needed teenage essentials to the 2nd Ever Rotary Yard Sale. Donations are accepted until November 13. But don't wait. Drop it off now and get it out of your way! We have some gorgeous furniture and collectibles. AND, Dan Brandt is donating an Antique Pool Table. It will most likely have a reserve and we will probably make it a silent auction over the weekend of the sale. But at least we'll have it there to play pool. $5 a ball can make some hefty $$ for our charitable work. The proceeds from the Yard Sale will be divided between the International Committee and the Community Service Committee and both need to reinforce their finances to help us to continue to Build Communities and Bridge Continents.
PRESIDENT-ELECT DEBBIE SWAIN has decided that she will drag this club into the new age of technology whether we like it or not! We are now on FACEBOOK. Check us out and if you like this club, say so. And don't be surprised if we're pushing you to go to this Blog on our Facebook Page ... one way or t'other we're gonna get you. Just give up and play. Social media is where it's at.
Meticulous, practical and conservative are the traits of Virgos like Jim Roen who celebrates on Saturday, September 11. Happy Birthday Jim!
Congratulations are in order for Eddie Snow, celebrating 22 years of Rotary make-ups, Tom Dixon with 16 years of service and Joan (Giving Tree) Reitsma who has been in Rotary for 13 years this week.
Working Rotarians - September 9, 2010
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Rolf Frankfurther
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Open the Meeting - Ed Morris
Invocation - Keith Phillips
Pledge to the Flag - Ed Morris
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Dan Scipione & Ted Pappas
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Terry Long
Given to - Carlos Bolado & Debbie Swain
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Rodney Langer
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Margaret Steele
5-Way Test - Fred Ortiz
Today's Program
Louis Piche
Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI)
“Crime Prevention Seminar”
The FCPTI was established in 1982 in the Office of the Attorney General to provide Crime Prevention training, but is not part of that Office. Mr. Piche described protective measures each of us can take.
Property safety – FBI statistics show that a burglar goes on to another house if he thinks you're coming home soon, so have a deterrent. Put “be right back” note on the front door, turn the radio to a talk show, install good deadbolt door locks, remove the crank from jalousie windows, install secondary window locks, sliding door mechanism to prevent lifting off the track, a “Beware of Dog” sign, alarm company signs, large dog bowl out front, and large muddy work boots on the front porch. Windows can be covered with security film that holds shattered glass together. Hotel door wedge alarms can be used when traveling.
Personal safety – Women are most vulnerable in parking lots. Take valuables out of your purse and carry it in a pocket, just let therobber take the purse. Always carry police strength pepper spray which is only available from police stores or gun shops.
ID Theft – Computers should be secured, a credit report from three major credit companies should be reviewed every year. This is is free thanks to the Federal Trade Commission. Store credit card phone numbers on cell phones. Shred everything. Thieves dumpster dive.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: "The Future of Print Media" will be discussed by Anders Gylenhaal from The Miami Herald.
For Rosh Hashanah: " If I am not for myself, who will be fore me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"
Rabbi Hillel
Scene Scenes
Today, September 9, 2010
1 comment:
Brenda Starr!! wow. we must be iomportant.
Bill Q
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