Sunday, February 27, 2011
Eco Stoves - Safe Cooking, Clean Air in Copan, Honduras

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Vol. 65 No. 34 Notes from the Podium
This week in America, four workers have been fired from a Utah Wal-Mart for tackling and disarming a gunman. Wal-Mart policy requires workers to "withdraw" if a suspected shoplifter pulls a gun, but the four say they had no choice when the gunman put his weapon in one worker's back. One man said learnign he'd been fired "felt worse than when I had a gun in my back."
Ir was a good week for getting poked after Columbia University researchers found that 83 percent of prostitutes have Facebook pages, and that the average hooker now gets a quarter of all clients that way.
We are very grateful to Nick DiDonato, Jannette Alix and the staff at Coral Gables Country Club for their quick response to our request for an alternative site for today's meeting. It was seamless and we appreciate their cooperation and professionalism.
Coral Gables Rotary celebrates it's 65th Birthday next Friday, March 4, 2011. And we are celebrating with a party that benefits Coral Gables Seniors through CoralGables@HOME. Chance & Dance, our Speakeasy is an evening full of entertainment. There's the Casino where you can win some BIG prizes, dinner, and open bar, and dancing to the music of the Sultans of Swing. It's $150 per person and the price includes $50 to get you started in the Casino. It's going to be a terrific party and one you don't want to miss. RSVP today to Terry Long (terryclong@bellsouth.net) or buy your tickets with any major credit card on the home page of our website at www.coralgablesrotary.org. Some of our sponsors include Bacardi USA, Coral Gables Country Club, Community Newspapers, CRB Environmental Services, Stanfill Funeral Home, Robert J. Fewell Real Estate and Mercedes Benz of Coral Gables to name just a few.
COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE: March 12 - Habitat for Humanity - 7 am. until 3 pm. Sign up now.
March 17 - John Martin's St. Patrick's Day Festival - we're pouring the beer (not drinking it!) 5 to 11 pm. Sign up now for a two-hour shift..
Congratulations on 17 years of Service.
Hold your happiness for next week. In the best interest of our program today, HAPPY DOLLARS was cancelled. We expect you to be doubly happy next week to make up for not having an outlet for your cheer.
City of Coral Gables Mayor Forum
Tom Korge, Jim Cason, Don Slesnick
Moderated by Frank Sexton
The three candidates running for the office of Mayor of Coral Gables in the upcoming election (April 12) were our guests today in a forum moderated by Past President Frank Sexton.
Born and raised in South Florida, Tom Korge attended University of Florida Law School, with additional degrees in finance and tax law. He has worked at the US Tax Court and as a US Congressional Assistant. Before returning to his home town in 1988, he practiced with a national law firm in D.C. Tom teaches income tax law at eh University of Miami and is the current chair of the City’s Planning and Zoning Board. He and his wife Debbie have three sons
James Cason is a graduate of Dartmouth College with an MA from Johns Hopkins University. He most recently was the US Ambassador to Paraguay and previously he served as Chief of the US Interests Section in Havana, Cuba. The Interests Section is maintained in lieu of a normal embassy. He has served as advisor to US Atlantic Command and NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic as well as his diplomatic service in many European and Central and South American Countries. He has been married to his wife, Carmen, for 38 years.
Don Slesnick has served 4 terms as our mayor. A veteran of the Vietnam War, he was also a US Army Advisor to NATO forces in Germany. He retired from the Army after 27 years as a Lt. Colonel. Don attended Miami Senior High, University of Virginia, and received his Law Degree from the University of Florida, and received his MBA from FIU. Don has been extensively involved in south Florida community and charitable organization, and the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions. He has been married to Jeannett for almost 40 years, and has 2 children and 3 grandchildren.
In their opening statements, Mr. Cason said that it is his desire to keep the City Beautiful but he promises that he will not stay forever. Mr. Korge proclaimed his love for the city and his intention to address our current fiscal crisis and invest wisely for the future. Mayor Slesnick is proud of his 10-year record of accomplishments on behalf of the City and believes we are well positioned for the future. Each of the candidates was asked to respond to questions provided in advance by members of our club. The final question posed by our historian and moderator Frank Sexton was "Which U.S. President was responsible for the naming of Coral Gables?" Do you know the answer? Each candidate was then given an opportunity to make a closing statement in this cordial forum where each demonstrated his professionalism.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Performance Selections by Actors' Playhouse
See you next Thursday at our usual place, Westin Colonnade Hotel, at the same time, 12:15 with the same great bunch of Rotarians.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Mayoral Candidates Forum - February 24, 2011

February 24, 2011
The Three Candidates for Mayor of Coral Gables
(running in the election of April 12, 2011)
will respond to questions in a panel discussion format.
Frank Sexton is the Moderator.
If you live in Coral Gables
this upcoming election is important for you.
Invite your neighbors.
The meeting will be held at
Coral Gables Country Club
997 North Greenway Drive
Coral Gables
12:15 p.m.
Coral Gables Rotarians Visit International Projects in Honduras
Led by International Service Chair, Catarina Jimenez, 10 Rotarians and their spouses spent a long weekend touring Honduras to see the results of our recent International Service Projects in the area.
Over the past two years our Club has donated wheel chairs for children in need throughout the region. They have partnered with the Rotary Club of Tegucigalpa in a project to provide cook stoves to the people of the outlying areas near Copan.
Rotarians traveling with Catarina included Yolanda Woodbridge, Bill & Melissa Quesenberry, Terry Long, Bill & Rita Oates, Dick & Terri Golden and Jon & Judy Arthur.
Vol. 65 No. 33 Notes from the Podium
Police in Maryland arrest a man who left his cell phone charging in a house he had just burgled. Seems he plugged it in to recharge while plundering the house of jewelry and electronics, then left without it. They believe he is responsible for some 50 burglaries and he was busted by "sheer stupidity."
It was a good week for Scorpios after Allstate Insurance Compan released a study that found that Scorpios had the fewest accidents last year, while Virgos had the most. Allstate assured customers that "astrological signs have absolutely no role in how we set rates." Then why'd they look in the first place?
997 North Greenway Drive
On Sale on Our Website.
Only one Rotary Anniversary this week, Bill Quesenberry. He's been quite a Rotarian for the last 15 years. Thanks for your Service Bill.
Sergei Novikov “Speaking Music”
On January 21, 1991, Norikov found himself in a life-changing position. He had been in this country for only 3 weeks, and had no where to go and no one to call for help, leaving him to sleep on the street. He realized that just because he was in a free country did not mean he was a free man, that it was up to him to pick himself up, and that no one was going to pick him up. He then made two decisions - to pull himself up and that he was going to have a happy and prosperous life. Novikov set out to find any opportunity to play piano for income, and offered his services to a funeral home. He was called to play classical piano for a funeral, and earned his first $100. He had learned his second skill, not to give up.
Norikov had dreamed of a free life in America as an 11 year old, secretly listening to “The Voice of America” on the radio. After 10 years and $100,000 in expense, he finally obtained his green card and became a free man.
Norikov compared living his life to jazz music. The left hand represents the principal and guidelines he learned, while the right hand is actions in a particular situation. Norikov treated us to one classical piece and one jazz piece on keyboard. He is married and lives 8 months in Maine, and 4 months in Miami.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Coral Gables Mayoral Candidates Forum
Meeting will be held at
Friday, February 11, 2011
Core Essence & Mission of Rotary International

The RI Strategic Plan
I n 2001-02, as Rotary International entered its second century of service, it began developing a strategic plan to guide the organization. The plan has been reviewed and updated periodically since.
In 2009, the Board conducted an extensive review of the RI Strategic Plan. This review included surveying 14,000 Rotarians worldwide about the organization’s priorities, conducting focus groups to assess Rotary’s image in different countries, and analyzing other data and research. The revised plan, effective 1 July 2010, reflects the results of this research and also unifies the strategic direction of RI and The Rotary Foundation.
Core Essence
A worldwide network of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social causes to change lives in communities.
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Get Your Tickets for Chance & Dance Now!

Vol. 65 No. 32 Notes from the Podium
Only in America, an Ohio man is suing the Ocean Creek Golf Club claiming the course's design caused him not to see an alligator that ripped his arm off. The course has signs warning of the presence of native alligators but the victim says the dark, brackish water of the pond on the 11th hold makes it difficult to see "large aggressive alligators" waiting for golfers chasing errant balls.
It was a bad week for propoganda after China Central Television shows a Chinese J-10 Fighter plane during a training exercise. The clip was actually filched from the movie Top Gun. Also a bad week for terrorism after a suicide bomber in Moscow was blown to bits when an unexpected text message to a cell phone attached to the bomb detonated it. The message was from her phone service provider wishing her a happy new year!
Chance & Dance is our 65th Birthday Party. Chance & Dance is our major fund raiser this year. It benefits CoralGables@HOME. Past President and respected Rotarian Frank Sexton spent a few minutes telling us why we need to support this effort. MONEY. Yes, 85% of the proceeds from this event go to our very worthy beneficiary but 15% is retained by our Foundation. This is money that we NEED to continue our good works around the city and around the globe. In 2007, the year end balance in our Foundation was $122,000. At the end of 2010 it was just $60,000. We've spent a lot and need to replenish. So Frank urged everyone to do their part to support this event. For the sake of the good things it can do for the seniors in our community and for the things that we can accomplish through the Magic of Rotary with just a little bit of money. Buy your tickets on our website home page at www.coralgablesrotary.org.
A MEMBERSHIP MINUTE was presented today by Ana Fournaris. She asked PE Debbie Swain why it was she joined Rotary. Debbie said it was for what she now knows is the FELLOWSHIP of Rotary. Deena Bell joined because she was used to giving back and didn't think she was doing enough of it. And in Rotary, what you put in you get out. She joined for the SERVICE. Ana herself said that she joined Rotary at the urging of former Mayor George Corrigan who said that good Rotarians always can MAKE A DIFFERENCE. So why not bring in someone you know who is looking for these kind of opportunities. They'd be happy in our Rotary Club ... they'd have fellowship, they'd do service and they would be able to make a difference. And we'd have another good Rotarian!!
NEW GAMBLERS - Bill Martinez, Stanfill Funeral Home and Fred Baddour, CRB Geological & Environmental Services
NEW WARD BOSS - Abe Horowitz, CFP, Dick & Terri Golden, Poe's Hardware & Sutton Brick
TEMPERANCE LEAGUE - Frank Sexton, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Kerdyk Real Estate and Donlevy-Rosen & Rosen.
Today's Program
Charles Miller, Director of Development
Children’s Heart Foundation
One million babies each year are born with a congenital heart defect. It is the #1 birth defect worldwide. Birth defects are more prevalent in countries outside of the US due largely to inadequate health care, prenatal care, malnutrition, chemicals and poverty. 94% of birth defects, and 95% of infant deaths happen outside of the US.
Worldwide, one in every hundred babies is born with a heart defect. In the US, no matter what their financial means, care is available. This is not the case in other countries. For 16 years, the Children’s Heart Foundation has provided surgery, supplies, and education to those in need oversees. This year alone, they will have 45 two-week trips performing surgery on 20 kids per trip, or 900 kids this year. The cost of the service is $2500 per kid, all funded through donations, including Rotary, which provides about $300,000 per year. These surgeries are provided to kids in Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Columbia, Bolivia, Brazil, Haiti, Iraq, Russia, India and Egypt.
Kids are kids the world over. Can we save one more? Is it worth it? www.childrensheartfoundation.org
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: "Speaking Music" Sergei Novikov, a Russian immigrant who learned to communicate through his musical skills.
See you next week. Same time, 12:15, same day, Thursday, same place, Westin Colonnade Hotel, and the same great group of people..
Friday, February 4, 2011
Full 2011 - 2012 Board of Directors Announced
2011-2012 Board of Directors

President: Debbie Swain
President-Elect: Walter Alvarez
Past-President: Sally Baumgartner
Vice President: Rick Tonkinson
Secretary: Dan Scipione
Treasurer: John Porro
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jack Witty +
Community Avenue of Service: Deena Bell
International Avenue of Service: Bill Quesenberry
Vocational Avenue of Service: Frank Sexton +
New Generations Ave of Svc: Pat Morris+
Membership Avenue of Service: Greg Martini
Club Meeting Service: Rodney Langer
Programs: Mead McCabe
Retention: Bill Martinez
Civic & Charity: Kelly Sastre +
Foundation: Abe Horowitz +
Development: Terry Long +
Public Relations: John Wallace +
Rotarygram: Yolanda Woodbridge +
Director at Large: Margarita Tonkinson
+ Appointed
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Vol. 65 No. 31 Notes from the Podium
It was a Good Week for men with cavities after a German dentist bought low cut dresses for herself and her nurses to distract patients as the "sight of cleavage narcotizes and distracts them from the pain rather quickly..." It was also a good week for poetic justice as three robbers who preyed on motorists stuck in the snow near Kansas City were arrested when their getaway car got stuck in the snow! It was a Bad Week for meter maids after an Australian created an iPhone app that lets users alert one another when they see agents issuing tickets, an idea born out of frustration after he paid $1,000 in parking tickets last year.
MAYORAL CANDIDATES FORUM on Februaruy24. Please submit your questions to Gene Witherspoon no later than February 20th. Invite your neighbors and friends who vote in Coral Gables. It's a great way to get to know who you're voting for in April.
CHANCE & DANCE UPDATE We're pleased to welcome our 2010 Citizen of the Year, Robert J. Fewell as a sponsor for our Birthday Party Fund Raiser. Mr. Fewell is the Program Sponsor. The Program for our event is really special. It's the 65 year history of our Rotary Club. A real keeper!
Tickets and invitations will be available next week. Some of the cool prizes for the casino include a week's ski vacation in Burlington Vermont INCLUDING round trip airfare to Boston and an Enterprise rental car from Boston to Burlington. If you're a party animal you'd like to win the three day two night stay at The Biltmore Hotel in the grand Everglades Suite (that's the one that's haunted) on the top floor and use of a Cabana for the same period. You can stay over for brunch on Sunday. Or you can win a trip for four on the Goodyear Blimp! We are still putting together the casino prizes but you can be sure they'll be things you really want to WIN! Remember, MARCH 4, 2011.
CONGRATULATIONS TO PAOLO POSSENTI who has worked very hard to rescue the Miami Airport Rotary Club. It's now the Rotary Club of West Miami and he is the President-Elect. We're going to miss Paolo....he's been a member of our club since 1984 with Perfect Attendance. But we wish him luck and success with this new venture in Rotary. Now we have another place to make up. And it's a breakfast club!
ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE ... New member Bill Beckham's son was injured this week in a sports accident and has suffered a spinal cord injury. It appears he will be paralyzed. PLEASE, keep Bill and his family in your thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time.
It was just a month ago when German Spicker visited us from our Sister City Club, Rotary Club of Cartagena, Colombia. You will recall that he asked us to assist them once again in raising funds for equipment for the Children's Hospital. We pledged $2,000, matched by District and so did two other clubs and districts and suddenly, through the MAGIC OF ROTARY, we've got $38,000 for the purchase of the equipment they need. This just reinforces what can be accomplished by giving your $100 a year to The Rotary Foundation. This is what the Annual Programs Fund is all about!
Aquarians are known to be friendly, loyal humanitarians who are pretty unemotional. Does this sound like Allan Heard? Say Happy Birthday to Allan on February 6th.
We have lots of Rotary Anniversaries this week including Don Vickers, a member for 39 years, Greg Martini for 16 years, Kirk Landon, 11 years and Rodney Langer for two years. That's a lot of years of service. Thank you all and congratulations!
The good doctor Groh wasn't happy with the clap that he got from people today but he found happy Rotarians regardless ... Dr. Phil was happy that CGHS Interact is so very busy with the Kidney Walk, Autism project and collecting school supplies for a school in Haiti. They're a group to be proud of. Swiss Chris Tyson was impressed that both he and Mubarak are both 82 but Chris wants to set an example and step down as the Dictator of Coral Gables. Rick Tonkinson is happy to have been able to do business with a bunch of Rotarians. He just bought an office building on South Dixie Highway and was able to work with Carlos Ruiz (Miami Club) and our own Ron Shuffield (EWM) on the deal. He's moving in May. Dick Golden has returned and is trying his best to amuse us with a story about a fellow who was depressed because the superintendent of his apartment building was boasting of sleeping with all the married ladies ... it wasn't that memorable .... the joke wasn't ... J B Spence was happy to be celebrating 60 years of practicing law this week. The GI Bill made it possible for him to go to law school. He's had some 200 cases over his career and has won the most and lost the most. Walter Alvarez is happy to see Rudy Dominguez at the meeting. Arne Themmen had a bad dentist joke but is pushing Valentine's Day Singing Valentines for your sweetie. Gloria Burns was happy to see Ron Shuffield at the meeting today and she also wanted us to know that Rick Tonkinson was voted #43 of the top 100 small business owners in South Florida. Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Dean, St. Thomas University School of Business
The Economic Outlook: 2011
There is better news for the next year. 2011 – 2012 should have 3 – 3.5% growth, compared to a “normal” rate of 5%. The recession was a perfect storm, with three crises occurring nearly simultaneously: (1) The big decline in home prices / equity, (2) financial crisis, (3) a global economic downturn. We are now doing better – the recovery is gaining momentum. During the next two years, the economy will gather significant strength. The global economy will improve, which will bring international business to south Florida. The equity market will improve, making more credit available to the credit-worthy. Inflation should remain stable this year.
Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties are doing better than the rest of the state – due in large part to diversification, with particular growth in the areas of life science, private education, and international investment. The real estate market is improving. In 4/2005, there were 2800 houses inventory, increasing to 17,000 by 7/2008. In 12/2010, the inventory had declined 52% to 8,000.
2010 was a transition year, and in 2011 – 2012 some industries are improving. The weakest industries are new construction and manufacturing (except medical components). The greatest risk we face is public sector finance activity, and the fiscal imbalance and in all levels of government.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: "Blue Babies, Bombs and Bad Places", Charles Miller, Director of Development for the Children's Heart Foundation.