Police in Maryland arrest a man who left his cell phone charging in a house he had just burgled. Seems he plugged it in to recharge while plundering the house of jewelry and electronics, then left without it. They believe he is responsible for some 50 burglaries and he was busted by "sheer stupidity."
It was a good week for Scorpios after Allstate Insurance Compan released a study that found that Scorpios had the fewest accidents last year, while Virgos had the most. Allstate assured customers that "astrological signs have absolutely no role in how we set rates." Then why'd they look in the first place?
Don't Miss 2011 Mayoral Candidates Forum
Next Thursday, February 24
Invite your neighbors to lunch.
997 North Greenway Drive
997 North Greenway Drive
Chance & Dance Tickets
On Sale on Our Website.
On Sale on Our Website.
Just click the PayPal button and use any major credit card. Speaking of Chance & Dance .... the Casino Prizes keep getting better ... now, in addition to A Week to Ski in Burlington with airfare and rental car, we have a Weekend in Panama including hotel, air and an eco-tour for two. OR you can spend the weekend in the Al Capone Suite at The Biltmore Hotel with a cabana and Sunday Brunch, OR you and three friends can take a trip on the Goodyear Blimp. That's just a few of the prizes ... It's going to be a great Birthday Party and it's all for the benefit of CoralGables@HOME and the low income seniors in Coral Gables. The Party is March 4th, our 65th Birthday, at Coral Gables Country Club beginning at 6:30. $150 buys dinner, open bar by Bacardi, dancing to the Sultans of Swing and $50 in chips to get you started.
Significant Events of the Week
Tuesday, February 22 at 6:00 p.m. there will be a meeting of the Community Service Committee at the Taurus in Coconut Grove. Be there or be square.
Lots of Rotarians born on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces .... interesting in light of the club's birthday on March 4 (purely Pisces). Natives are humanitarian, rebellious, compassionate, selfless and unrealistic. Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to Bill Quesenberry on the 18th, Rob Hatfield on the 19th, Fred Baddour and Greg Martini on the 21st, Hank Langston and Ron Shuffield on the 23rd.
Only one Rotary Anniversary this week, Bill Quesenberry. He's been quite a Rotarian for the last 15 years. Thanks for your Service Bill.
Rotarians have a long standing tradition of involvement in other worthy civic and community organizations. The Orange Bowl Committee is one of those. The Committee was founded by Keith Phillips Grandfather, Keith and Mayor Don have both served the organization. Now Luis is the incoming President. Congratulations Luis! Can we get good tickeets because we know you? It's fair for all conccerned!
Rodney's choice of professions is a logical extension of his involvement in his family's business, and Investment/Holding Company. He handles properties that range in price from $1 to $20 million. Most people are represented by a good commercial realtor when they're involved in large transactions. Rod says he would hope that anyone would feel comfortable asking him for a "second opinon" . He's good for that.
Only one Rotary Anniversary this week, Bill Quesenberry. He's been quite a Rotarian for the last 15 years. Thanks for your Service Bill.
Vocational Service Corner
Rodney Langer - Commercial Real Estate
His overview of the current market ... things have picked up. There are lots of opportunities right now. Work with a good broker. Now is the time to start looking for the good deals - we are almost at the bottom of the market.
Happy $$$$
The Diva took over again in the absence of the good Dr. Randy. She was happy he wasn't here ... Debbie Swain was happy to have Coral Gables Architect Jorge Kuperman as her guest today. She was also conditionally happy that her sister, who lost 80 pounds and just ran the New Orleans Marathon has convinced Debbie to run with her next year! Diane Thurston is happy to be leaving for New Zealand for a month. It's one of the places on her bucket list. Dick Golden got his turn early to tell a somewhat funny story about a little girl's siren on her fire truck ... Mayor Don was happy to announce the appointment of Luis Boue as second VP of the Orange Bowl Committee. Deena Bell was happy her firm has received recognition from the South Florida AIA at the Coral Gables Museum exhibit. Jorge Kuperman (Debbie Swain's Visitor) wasn't really sure what Happy Dollars was about but he was happy to be her guest as he is new in the neighborhood (137 Giralda Avenue) and is REALLY happy that he can make a living with what he is most passionate about - architecture. HAPPINESS PAYS. KEEP ON SMILING.WORKING ROTARIANS - FEBRUARY 17, 2011
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton & Hadley Williams
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Yolanda Woodbridge
Pledge - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Ed Morris
Given To - Betty Metcalf & Chris Tyson
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Carol Brock
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Fred Baddour
50/50 Winner - Miki Spiejers
5- Way Test - Fred Ortiz
Today's Program
Sergei Novikov “Speaking Music”
On January 21, 1991, Norikov found himself in a life-changing position. He had been in this country for only 3 weeks, and had no where to go and no one to call for help, leaving him to sleep on the street. He realized that just because he was in a free country did not mean he was a free man, that it was up to him to pick himself up, and that no one was going to pick him up. He then made two decisions - to pull himself up and that he was going to have a happy and prosperous life. Novikov set out to find any opportunity to play piano for income, and offered his services to a funeral home. He was called to play classical piano for a funeral, and earned his first $100. He had learned his second skill, not to give up.
Norikov had dreamed of a free life in America as an 11 year old, secretly listening to “The Voice of America” on the radio. After 10 years and $100,000 in expense, he finally obtained his green card and became a free man.
Norikov compared living his life to jazz music. The left hand represents the principal and guidelines he learned, while the right hand is actions in a particular situation. Norikov treated us to one classical piece and one jazz piece on keyboard. He is married and lives 8 months in Maine, and 4 months in Miami.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Coral Gables Mayoral Candidates Forum
Thought of the Week
by Carol Brock
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
Mark Twain
Scene Scenes
See you next week!
Same time, Different location...
Meeting will be held at
Coral Gables Country Club
997 North Greenway Drive
Coral Gables.
12:15 p.m.
Same great bunch of people.
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