Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Coral Gables watched as a woman in an indigenous mountain community of Copan made a tortilla and cooked it on an eco stove, which she had just received one day before. The Rotary Club of Copan, the Rotary Club of Coral Gables and the Stove Team Organization, http://www.stoveteam.org/ have recently completed a project to bring these stoves to remote areas where cooking is done on either open fires or stoves which destroy the environment by utilizing the tree canopy as fuel and create a lot of smoke which the families and children breathe. The Eco Stoves cook with small branches and generate heat for cooking without smoke and with small branches which are a renewable source of fuel. After our visit to the factory where the stoves are made locally in Copan, and the visit to the mountain village we were treated to a delicious lunch of empanadas, chicken, rice, plantains and dessert. The chicken and empanadas were cooked on the Eco Stoves. Delicous ! One of our cooks who didn't have one of the Eco Stove was given one that day by Rotary Club of Coral Gables Rotarians.
I can't wait to hear more - what a great trip!
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