President's Time
This Week in America a teenager who burgled an apartment in suburban Chicago later told police that he'd killed the homeowners goldfish because he didn't want to leave any "witnesses" to his crime ...While in Virginia a middle school child was suspended after he opened a door for a female visitor who's arms were full because students are banned from opening exterior doors. The School Superintendent said that gallantry is no excuse, there's a system in place and it must be "consistent."
Chance & Dance, our casino birthday party /fund raiser on Friday night was a great party and very successful. There were 150 people in attendance and we raised $20,000, 85% of which goes to the beneficiary, CoralGables@HOME. Be sure to pick up the program from the event (Yoli has them) as they are really a short and interesting history of the 65 years of your Rotary Club. Thanks to everyone who helped make the event possible.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Walter Alvarez reminded everyone to sign up on line for Saturday's Habitat for Humanity Project in Liberty City. He promised them 20 able-bodied volunteers.

VA Bingo is next Saturday, March 19th from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m. It's only two hours out of your Saturday but it means the world the the Vets confined to the VA Nursing Home. Join us. It's fun!
The sensitive, intuitive, secretive fish seem to dominate our club, probably because it too is born under the sign of Pisces. Say Happy Birthday this week to Noelle Galperin on March 10, Jerry Santeiro on the 11th, Viresh Dayal and Mike Freeman on the 12th and George (Superman) Reeves on the Ides of March.
Say "Hello" to our Newest Member
George Teruel
George is the Director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Mercy Hospital. He was born in Miami, graduated from FIU with a Masters of Business and a Bachelor of Health Service Administration and is a member of the FIU Alumni Association. George isn't entirely new to Rotary ... he was an Interactor in high school. He is married to Maria for 12 years and they have two young boys, Gavin and Matthew. Be sure to say "hello" and welcome George to our Club.
Happy $$$
The good Dr. Randy made it one more week to help Scholarships Groh while allowing happy Rotarians to tell their stories ... beginning with Dan Scipione who was happy to announce that he has avoided the need to take any statin drugs because in 40 days he lowered his cholesterol from 226 to 175 and his triglycerides from 336 to 116. Bill Quesenberry is happy because this is a BIG weekend for sailing races coming up however he's not participating, he's signed up to work at the Doral Cadillac Golf Tournament as a score keeper. Walter Alvarez was happy that son, a sophomore at Virginia and his four roommates have been here for Spring Break and he's happy that they're going back tomorrow! Steven Spann was happy that he won the umbrella in last week's pin drawing raffle because he sure needed it to get to the meeting today! Hadley Williams was ecstatic that is beautiful little granddaughter Quinen is starting school in August. Ed Morris was pleased to see a name in our history book that he hasn't heard for a long time .... Roy Bovard, formerly a dentist - his dentist before the good Dr. Randy - on Alhambra Circle. Christy Galiano from Deliver the Dream was happy her organization has the opportunity to help us at the St. Patrick's Day party. Dick Golden told a not-so-good joke about an old dude with great eyesight who could see where the golf balls went but then couldn't remember (!?!?). Judy Pantoja would be REALLY happy - actually she'd pay extra - if it would mean that Dick doesn't tell any more bad jokes. Aside from that she's happy that we have such great participation for St. Patty's Day. Terry Long is happy to announce that the Scholarship Committee has awarded nine scholarships totaling $11,500, due in no small part to the efforts of Dr. Randy and the Diva with Happy Dollars. JB Spence received a plaque honoring him as an official Kentucky Colonel despite the fact that he is modest and unassuming. But calling him Colonel certainly won't offend him. Eddie Snow was happy to have been able to celebrate his mother's 89th birthday on Sunday. HAPPINESS PAYS SO KEEP ON SMILING!Working Rotarians - March 10, 2011
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Invocation - Frank Sexton
Pledge - Keith Phillips
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Andrew Dixon
Given to: Aaron Glasser & Gene Witherspoon
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - David Mitchell
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Sally B.
5-Way Test - Debbie Swain
Today's Program
Alan Veingrad
Former NFL Offensive Lineman
"Inspiration and Motivation Through Life"
Alan Veingrad is a former NFL offensive lineman, playing for the Dallas Cowboys and the Green Bay Packers. His experiences while playing football gave him great insight into those things we should do to improve our lives. Alan stressed the importance of awareness and his personal experiences where minor adjustments allowed him to change his focus and increase awareness. He learned that “you don’t need much to be happy.” Minor adjustments that change focus can make life better. He relayed anecdotes about other players and his coaches – and described that his favorite teammate, Michael Irvin, “showed up early and stayed late” – a hard-worker.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Coral Gables Interact Rotary Scholarship Winners Recognition Program presented by Terry Long, Chair of the Scholarship Committee.
Thought of the Week
by Greg Martini
"A problem well stated is a problem half solved."
Charles F. Kettering
Scene Scenes
Join us next week - same time, same place
same great bunch of Rotarians.
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