This Week in America (actually in New Jersey), a manager for a fashion house is suing the firm for $2 million because they made him work in "unstylish" New Jersey where the strain of leaving Manhattan for strip malls in Hackensack and Paramus led to his mental breakdown from the smog and the "cheesy stores..."
And this at the same time as the town of Hopewell, NJ is banning chickens from mating on all but ten days of the year because, "you can never tell exactly when a rooster will crow."
ON A SAD NOTE, our former member, Jerry Rand passed away this week. He just celebrated his 100th Birthday. Jerry held the distinction of being the oldest person to ever be a Red Badger in our Club. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.
Linda and Bill Flederbeck returned to our Club for a visit today and brought with them their very own Rotary Youth Exchange student. She's from Denmark and they decided to show her Coral Gables while she was out for Spring Break. It was nice to see them again. You may recall that they moved back to Pennsylvania right before they were going to join our Club in 2008.
Congratulations to Past President Chris Morrison for 31 years of Perfect Attendance!
Happy Rotary Anniversary this week to Edgard Mann who's been tormenting the women in our club for 25 years.
Pioneering and courageous, dynamic and impulsive, Aries natives are centered in "I AM", Say "Happy Birthday" this week to J.B. Spence and Jordan Steele today and Eddie Snow, who is our April Fools baby!
Happy $$$$
Working Rotarians - March 31, 2011
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Ed Morris
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Superman
Given to: Rodney Langer & Catarina Jimenez
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Yoli Woodbridge
50/50 Collections - THE Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Hank Collins
5 Way Test - Carol Brock
Today's Program
“The Miami River Greenways Project”
Bret Bibeau, Managing Director
Horacio Aguirre, Representative
Miami River Commission
The Miami River Commission is made up of members appointed by the Governor and local elected officials. Every project on the Miami River must go to the Commission for a recommendation to the 38 affected governmental agencies. The navigable portion of the Miami River extends from its start at the Brickell Avenue Bridge to Le Jeune Road. The Miami River Greenway Action Plan adopted a plan for 10 miles of accessible pathway. This requires retrofit of the entire stormwater system, which is the largest source of pollution into the River. So far 3.25 miles are complete, and another 2 are under construction.
The Miami River features 6 City Parks, a historic district, a hospital district, the Marlins Stadium, and marine yards. The Commission is working hard to promote use of the River and the Greenway – to show that it is clean and it is safe. In an effort to make it clean, the entire River has been dredged to its original design depth of 15’, and now Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal are being dredged. The sediment cannot be disposed in Florida, due to its high dioxin content, originating from long–abandoned garbage processing facility, and from the hospitals.
Everyone is encouraged to attend Miami Riverday 2011 at the Lummus Park Historic District (250 NW North River Drive) this Saturday, April 2. There will be tours, boat rides, and kids activities.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Coral Gables Citizens Crime Watch, Coral Gables Police Department, Patrick O'Kiel, Retired Chief of Police.
Thought of the Week
"Those who are not looking for happiness
are most likely to find it,
are most likely to find it,
because those who are searching
forget that the surest way to be
forget that the surest way to be
happy is to seek happiness for others."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Scene Scenes
Join us next week, same day,
same place, same time
and the same great group of Rotarians!
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