President's Time
A Mississippi woman was awakened last week by a naked man crashing through her ceiling. When she jumped out of bed to investigate a loud noise she found the nude male stranger standing in the middle of the living room and a big, gaping hole in the ceiling. The man begged her for a pair of shorts, settled for her jacket and then fled. Police said he'd entered the crawl space above the townhouse apartment to evade a manhunt.
Also last week ... a British man's life was saved by a gang of muggers who beat him up and slashed him with a knife. The 33 year old man was sent for a CT Scan after the assault, whereupon doctors discovered he had a brain tumor. Emergency surgery removed the tumor and saved his life.
COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE: April 23 is VA Bingo. Sign up and spend two hours of your Saturday afternoon with some of the guys from the greatest generation. It's only two hours out of your life but it means the world to the Vets.
April 29, 2011
Final 5th Friday of 2010-2011
Abe Horowitz
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Word has it that there will be a drawing for an investment account!
It's 6 until 8 p.m. - It's only $10
Bring your wife, girlfriend, significant other or prospective member.
Another FINE FELLOWSHIP EVENT brought to you by
Rotary Club of Coral Gables....
He picked up his permanent badge today.
and did the Introductions of our visitors and guests.
Seems Mr. Bullman has turned into Froggy the Gremlin
and his trainee was no where to be found.
Good job Mead. It's about time!!
Welcome to Rotary Forever.
Now that you know the secret handshake you can never leave.
Judy Pantoja, Community Service Chair, presented (fake) checks to our two beer pouring partners from St. Patrick's Day. Additional volunteers for John Martin's incredible party were provided by our own Coral Gables Rotaract Club, represented by their immediate past president Amanda Hermes. Rotaract gets $500 for their efforts. The money is already spent on transportation for 30 kids from the Overtown Youth Center they took to Kennedy Space Center for the last flight of the Space Shuttle. Christine Galliano from Deliver the Dream was on hand to accept their check for $1,000 for all their hard work too, Deliver the Dream provides just what their name implies for children and families of the critically ill.
Only one single Aires birthday this week. Adventurous, ambitious, fun loving, energetic and impatient, say Happy Birthday this week to club Treasurer, Carlos Bolado.
Lots of years of service being celebrated this week. Happy Rotary Anniversary to Brent Nagel, 17 years, Chuck Whitcomb, 12 years, Brad Forte, 5 years, George Reeves, 4 years and Bob Schreiber 3 years. Congratulations to all.
Diva Does $$$$
In the absence (again!) of the good Dr. Groh, Diva did her best to find happy Rotarians including Lan Nghiem-Phu who was happy for old sailors when he went out with Gary Sisler and they ran aground...quite a story. Walter Alvarez is happy that his wife is happy because Texas A&M's Women's Basketball won! Debbie Swain was happy that her future daughter-in-law was auditioning for XFactor today. She's never sang professionally but she want's to give it a shot. Greg Martini was also happy because his wife is happy because she has been invited to display her Recycled Art at the Pinecrest Gardens Earth Day event on Sunday between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. So everybody come! Lots to do for all ages. Mayor Don said he really wasn't happy until Diva curtsied and called him "your highness" as he reminded us all that in four days the campaign will be over! He admonished everyone to get out and vote. Gloria Burns was happy that Rick Tonkinson was just featured in a major national publication - very impressive! THE Donald Trombly was happy to have done the Peace River excursion with Greg Martini and the Cub Scouts. Special thanks to Fred Baddour who came along and helped the boys to identify bones and things they found. Jack Witty didn't want us to miss Dick Golden too much so he resurrected an old joke about a lady who bought a parrot - but his version was cleaned up a lot - his parrot claimed to be Suzy Swinger. Aaron Glasser was happy to see our speaker today, an old friend and the head of Crime Watch. Margarita Tonkinson was pleased to have our first Ambassadorial Scholarship candidate with her today, Amanda Hermes, Past President of our own Rotaract Club. She's also expecting a second applicant's submission before the deadline on April 15. The winners will be selected on May3 at a District meeting. We will have three outbound Scholars from 6990. And finally the Diva gave us an update on her bucket list ... the Boston Marathon is in just 11 days. She won't be here next week but pray for her! In the meantime, happiness pays so keep on smiling.
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu & Chris Morrison
Open the Meeting - Dan Scipione
Invocation - Miki Spiejers
Pledge - Rosendo Castillo
Singer - Bill Quesenberry
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - THE Donald
Given to - Greg Martini & Felix Pardo
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - THE Donald
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & THE Donald
50/50 Winner - Felix Pardo
5- Way Test - Hank Collins
Today's Program
The speaker today was Patrick O. Kiel the director of Coral Gables Citizens Crime Watch. He spent a lifetime in the Police Department and uses his knowledge to empower residents to PAY ATTENTION. When you see something or someone that doesn't appear normal, call the police.
Everyone should have the Police Department phone number on speed dial. It is (305)442-1600. Everyone should also have ICE information on their cell phones in case of emergency.
He stressed the importance of using caution when giving out your personal information Don't make purchases on line or bank online. If you do, make sure that you are using a secure site. Never give out your birthdate, social security number, credit card or bank account numbers to anyone. Shred pre-approved credit card notices, pre-approved checks, and any banking or credit card information before putting them in the trash. Review your credit card statements to make sure there are no unauthorized purchases.Do not carry your social security card with you - make sure it is stored in a secure location.
Many of us have burglar alarms - which are essential in creating an obstacle for a potential burglar. We should make sure it is on when we leave the house. And we should make sure it is on when we go to bed at night.
Many of us have burglar alarms - which are essential in creating an obstacle for a potential burglar. We should make sure it is on when we leave the house. And we should make sure it is on when we go to bed at night.
Don't wait until you have an incident to have a Crime Watch Meeting in your neighborhood. Be proactive, organize one before there's a problem so that there never will be one.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Asa Hochhauser, Caregiver Services Institute will speak to us on Long Term Care Insurance.
Thought for the Week
by Hadley Williams
"Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have it your way."
Daniel Vare
Scene Scenes

Join us next week. Same place, same time
and same great group of Rotarians.
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