It was a bad week for a young man from Ohio who was charged with a misdemeanor for barking and snarling at a police dog, after telling the police , "The dog started it."
Then there was the New Mexico man who drove around for three days without realizing that his girlfriend in the passenger seat had died. He said he thought she was merely asleep but grew concerned when her skin acquired a bluish pallor and drove her to the emergency room.
Judy & Madeline |
Community Service Chair Judy Pantoja presented Madeline Kerr Ferry, President of Coral Gables Rotaract Club, a check for $500 for their volunteer efforts on behalf of our St. Patrick's Day Beer Fest for John Martin's.
Don't forget to bring supplies to next week's meeting for the school in Honduras. OR if you don't want to go shopping we will also pass the hat.
District Awards
In addition to the recognition our club received at District Assembly for 2010-2011, PDG Jim Norton gave to two awards that got lost in his office and are long overdue. During President Abe's year, (2008-2009) the Club also made a big impact. Today Past President Abe received an Eagle for our contributions to The Rotary Foundation and Judy Pantoja received one for her outstanding job as Community Service Chair. A little late but well deserved. Congratulations to you both!
Here we are at the threshold of Taurus, sign of the Bull! Taurus natives tend to be reliable, persistent, self indulgent and inflexible. Say Happy Birthday this week to Rosendo Castillo on the 23rd, Bonnie Blaire and Kelly Sastre on the 24th and Kirk Landon on the 27th.
Happy Rotary Anniversary this week to Jordan Steele who came to us from Kiwanis 29 years ago. Also THE Donald Trombly (nobody knows how long for sure...) and Zoltan Pintar for two years. Thanks for all your collective years of service.
Congratulations to PEE Walter Alvarez
He's celebrating seven years of Perfect Attendance.
And he was here today to accept his recognition!!
Happy $$$$
Dr. Randy was nowhere to be found but today we know where Diva is! She's laid up at home with a busted ankle. NO she didn't do it at the Boston Marathon, she did it on her way there! So THE Donald took over the position of chief happiness locator for today and first up was Yoli Woodbridge who reported that Susan is very happy about the beautiful orchid plant we sent her but very depressed about her ankle. Rosendo Castillo is happy that Saturday marks another year in his life. He won't be here next Thursday, he's going to meet his newest granddaughter, 3 month old Zoe. And he's glad that tax season is over! Dick Golden is back from tulip land and had what he termed a "seasonal" joke about a priest who ran into a homeless guy with arthritis ... the punch line had to do with the Pope. You had to be there ... Walter Alvarez was happy and sad today. Last week he told you about his pregnant cat. She gav e birth to four beautiful kittens. The other cat got jealous and killed one of them! And two of the remaining have Judy P's name on them. Frank Quesada is both happy and thankful for all in Coral Gables who helped him get elected, he's grateful for the old and new friends and thankful that three weeks ago his mom was declared "cancer free". Then there's Abe Horowitz who seems to be turning into Rolf. First he took over the Treasurer's job. Now he's shaved his head to be bald. Is this something we need to worry about? And the worst part is that all his beautiful, dark, curly hair is gone! Eddie Snow had an unbelievable three weeks ... first there was the robbery in his store where he nailed the robber and held him until the police came. Then he had to have unexpected open heart surgery. But he's back and he looks great and it's wonderful to see him! Judy Pantoja was happy today because she is blessed to know Bill Martinez. A good friend, only 38, passed away unexpectedly and Bill took care of everything for the family as they don't live here in South Florida. She will always be grateful for his caring and assistance. Margarita Tonkinson is happy that we have submitted two excellent candidates for this year's Ambassadorial Scholarship awards. There are seven applicants total for the district and four will receive the scholarships to study abroad for a year at Rotary's expense. Also she's happy because they are moving tomorrow to their new office in Coconut Grove. But she said not to worry, they're not planning to change their Rotary Club! Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Greeter - Rolf Frankfurther
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz & Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton & Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Miki Speijers
Pledge - Steven Spann
Singers - Arne Themmen & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Bill Martinez
Given to - Madeline Fir Kerry & Michelle from Rotaract
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Gene Witherspoon
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns & THE Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Dan Scipione
5-Way Test - Greg Martini
50/50 Winner
Today's Program
Elihu Phares, District 6990 Rotary Foundation Chair 2010-2011
The Rotary Foundation has provided lifesaving immunizations in, loans for small business and scholarships to thousands of college students. Conceptualized at the 1917 International Convention, the first donation to the endowment was made at the International Convention in 1918. Then in 1928, it was given the name, “The Rotary Foundation” (TRF). I wasn’t until Paul Harris’ passing in 1947 that it began to gain the funding that has made it what it is today.
TRF is supported entirely by Rotarians and friends of Rotary. Expenses are borne by the interest on the annual giving, which is held for three years before becoming available for grants. Not one penny of the money given is spent on administration, and it is administered by volunteers.
There are three programs in TRF: Annual Programs, The Permanent Fund (Endowment), and Polio Plus. Polio Plus has raised $900 million since it was started in 1985, and has been used to immunize 2 billion children. In that year, there were 350,000 cases of polio. In 2010, there were only 1924 cases. So far this year, there are only 58. The Permanent Fund is money that is never spent It's where the money goes from the major donors, benefactors and the like. Rotary wants to build the Permanent Fund to $1 Billion by 2020.
It's already three-quarters of the way there. Only the interest from this fund is ever touched. It's what pays the cost of administration for Rotary worldwide.
The Annual Fund is what we are support when we give our annual sustaining $100. This is money that comes back to each district within three years of giving in the form of matching grants, district grants, etc. The Annual Fund provides Ambassadorial Scholarships, Rotary Peace Scholars, GSE Teams and all the many other wonderful things that Rotary does. It's only 37 1/2 cents a day. From Every Rotarian Every Year. It's your obligation as a Rotarian.
District 6990 is one of the highest contributing Districts in all of Rotary. Coral Gables Rotary is one of the most generous among all 51 cluts in this District. We have much to be proud of including the Gates Challenge Golf Ball Drop which has raised nearly $300,000 for PolioPlus for our District. But this year we're running behind. We've only donated 64% of our $13,200 pledge to The Rotary Foundation for this year.
So give till it feels good. It's only $100 but it changes lives all over the world.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Daniel Armstrong, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Pediatrics, University of Miami.
Thought of the Week
by Diane Thurston
"What is the spirit of moderation? It is the temper which does not press a partisan advantage to its bitter end, which can understand and will respect the other side, which feels a unity between all citizens ... In a word, which has faith in the sacredness of the individual."
Judge Learned Hand
Scene Scenes
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