Tuesday, September 13, 2011

District Mixer - Monday, September 12, 2011

Second District Mixer 
Seasons 52 - Coral Gables

Although you'd expect that the crowd would be mostly Coral Gables Rotarians, though we were well represented there were members of 24 Clubs,  a total of 97 Rotarians, guests and friends that came to schmooze with District Governor Todd and other District notables.  

Representing Coral Gables were Yoli Woodbridge, Sally B., Carol Brock, Carlos & Terry Bolado, Hadley Williams, Donald Trombly, Deena Bell-Llwellyn and Charlie and friends, Carol Alexander, Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo, George Reeves, Gloria Burns and even our Maxwell, Rotaract President came.

If you didn't you should have.  It was great fun and a good opportunity to meet Rotarians from Weston, Miami and points north and south.  
It was also a good opportunity to network Rotary to total strangers in the restaurant.  We picked up a few prospective members from the evening.  There's another one coming soon.  Stay tuned and we'll let you know when.

Gov. Todd, CJ & Doug Maymon

Maxwell, Yoli, Gloria & Bram

Gov. Todd, Maxwell & Bram (Rotaractors)

Carol & The Pirate (Tom Pratts)

George Reeves & Terry Bolado


Deena Bell Llewellyn said...

Charlie, Lorraine and John, my friends, had a wonderful time at this mixer! We stayed for dinner afterwards and met lots of interesting people!

Deena Bell Llewellyn said...

oh...and my friend John, who was visiting from Atlanta, is going to join Rotary in Atlanta as a result of meeting all the great Rotarians at this event.