A BIG Success
Our Foundation raised $4,572.30
selling "treasures" Saturday and Sunday.
selling "treasures" Saturday and Sunday.
There were a lot of people who helped make our Second-Ever Rotary Yard Sale a big success. First and foremost all of you who have helped to stock our shelves for the past year as we moved and stored and stashed the good stuff that you contributed to the cause.
To name just a few of the DONORS ... John & Louise Wallace, Miki Spiejers, Diane Thurston, Clark Ainsworth, Ana Fournaris, Bill Quesenberry, Keith Phillips, Don Trombly, Bonnie Blaire, Joan Reitsma, Gloria Burns, and a whole lot of people referred to us by CoralGables@HOME. And of course to Dan Brandt owner of Antique Pool Tables, for donating a gorgeous pool table, which did not sell. But the work it took to move it, set it up, break it down and take it home was a tremendous donation of just Dan's time and we really appreciate it.
On Friday morning at the crack of doom, MOVERS Dick Golden, Bill Quesenberry, Bob Schreiber and John Wallace showed up at the warehouse and spent the morning lifting, moving and loading stuff on to the 25 ft. moving van which was donated to us by Withers Moving & Storage.
At the same time, THE Donald Trombly, his trusty Lincoln "truck" and Gene Witherspoon traveled around Coral Gables picking up last minute donations from generous citizens and Rotarians and delivered them to the sale site.
We could not have made it through the weekend without the able and never-ending assistance of Aaron Glasser, Bill Quesenberry and Walter Alvarez. All three of them spent their entire weekend in Cal's driveway helping to speed the sales along and move the lookers through. Thanks go as well to all of the Rotarians who came out to help for a couple of hours here and there throughout the weekend. It's a labor intensive project and you guys didn't let us down.
The Yard Sale Site and the long terms storage of our Junque was provided to the Club by Cal Rosenbaum. Although he's not in Rotary, he's of it and is a Major Donor to RI. So a big thanks goes to our Host and "Hondler" for making it all possible.
If you know anybody who has an interest in buying that pool table, it's still for sale. Dan will include delivery, set up, new felt and all the trimmings for the excellent price of $1,200. All of which will be donated to the Rotary Foundation of Coral Gables.

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