President's Time
This week in America the Wakefield Massachusetts Track and Field team handed out t-shirts with the team's initials WTF. School officials said they were unaware of the initials meaning in text-speak. LOL.
Meanwhile, a Florida man is suing a restaurant for not teaching him how to eat an artichoke. He claims he suffered severe abdominal pain and discomfort after eating an entire grilled artichoke. Seems the restaurant failed to explain that you only eat the tender, inner leaves of the choke.
Yard Sale is over and can be acclaimed a terrific success. We sold $4,572 of other people's treasures. Thanks to everyone who donated, moved, worked, and cleaned up. And a REALLY BIG THANKS to The Donald Trombly's Moving & Storage.
2010 is winding down really quickly now ... get ready for the end of the year AND ...
Christmas Toy Drive starts this week. This year it benefits the LODGE, a non-profit organization serving children who have suffered domestic violence. Bring your unwrapped toys to the meetings between now and December 16.
Thanksgiving Service Project at Community Partnership for the Homeless ... It's what Coral Gables Rotarians like to do on Thanksgiving morning. Keeps us grateful and grounded. Join your fellow Rotarians from 10 until 1 next Thursday at the Homeless Assistance Center at 1515 North Miami Avenue. Our Foundation bought the food and our members serve the meal to hundreds of homeless families. Be sure to wear your Coral Gables Rotarian at Work shirt.
2010 Caroling Competition begins Wednesday, December 1st.
It's how Coral Gables gets into the Christmas spirit! Enjoy five nights of some of the most talented children in South Florida performing all kinds of holiday music. Performances are free. It starts nightly at 7 p.m.
Volunteer to help Coral Gables Interact sell hot chocolate, cookies, brownies and other assorted junk for the five nights of the event. It's their major fund raiser for the year. But a little adult supervision never hurts. Besides, you'll have a front row seat for the performances every night at 550 Biltmore Way, Coral Gables. In front of the beautiful poinsettia tree.
Rotary Day at the Miami Dolphins is Sunday, December 5th. Dick Golden has the tickets. It promises to be a really fun day.
Ring Bells for the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 11th at the Publix at 2451 LeJeune Road, right here in Coral Gables. It's a terrific opportunity to spend a couple of hours with your fellow Rotarians, raising money for one of the most dependable charities in the country. It's also a great way to network with your neighbors as they do their Saturday shopping. Sign up for a two-hour shift. You'll really enjoy it.
GET READY FOR MOOSE MILK. New Year's Day will be the 40th anniversary of one of the best parties Coral Gables Rotary does all year long! From 11 until 2 on New Year's Day we have some really awesome food and milk the moose for all he's worth. You're not really a Coral Gables Rotarian until you've milked the moose at least once.
Thanksgiving Service Project at Community Partnership for the Homeless ... It's what Coral Gables Rotarians like to do on Thanksgiving morning. Keeps us grateful and grounded. Join your fellow Rotarians from 10 until 1 next Thursday at the Homeless Assistance Center at 1515 North Miami Avenue. Our Foundation bought the food and our members serve the meal to hundreds of homeless families. Be sure to wear your Coral Gables Rotarian at Work shirt.
2010 Caroling Competition begins Wednesday, December 1st.
It's how Coral Gables gets into the Christmas spirit! Enjoy five nights of some of the most talented children in South Florida performing all kinds of holiday music. Performances are free. It starts nightly at 7 p.m.
Volunteer to help Coral Gables Interact sell hot chocolate, cookies, brownies and other assorted junk for the five nights of the event. It's their major fund raiser for the year. But a little adult supervision never hurts. Besides, you'll have a front row seat for the performances every night at 550 Biltmore Way, Coral Gables. In front of the beautiful poinsettia tree.
Rotary Day at the Miami Dolphins is Sunday, December 5th. Dick Golden has the tickets. It promises to be a really fun day.
Ring Bells for the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 11th at the Publix at 2451 LeJeune Road, right here in Coral Gables. It's a terrific opportunity to spend a couple of hours with your fellow Rotarians, raising money for one of the most dependable charities in the country. It's also a great way to network with your neighbors as they do their Saturday shopping. Sign up for a two-hour shift. You'll really enjoy it.
GET READY FOR MOOSE MILK. New Year's Day will be the 40th anniversary of one of the best parties Coral Gables Rotary does all year long! From 11 until 2 on New Year's Day we have some really awesome food and milk the moose for all he's worth. You're not really a Coral Gables Rotarian until you've milked the moose at least once.
Congratulations to Aaron Glasser
He received his Permanent Badge today! Aaron hasn't stopped working since he walked in our door. It's hard to believe that with all he does he was still a Red Badger.
Welcome PERMANENTLY Aaron.
Welcome PERMANENTLY Aaron.
ROTARY CLUB OF CORAL GABLES RECOGNIZED at the District 6990 Conference Cruise. We were one of four clubs in the entire district the be cited by Rotary International for our "financial support of Rotary's $200 Million Challenge to fulfill our promise to the children of the world to eradicate polio." Pretty cool, huh? It's because our club created (thank you Chris Morrison) and hosted the Gates Challenge Golf Ball Drop which by itself raised more than $130,000 over the past three years for Polio Plus. We also produced a Concert to End Polio with the South Miami Club last year.
Golf Tourney and Helicopter Golf Ball Drop Report.
Chris Morrison again thanked our many golf tourney sponsors and reported that this year's Rotary Golf Classic raised nearly $8,000 for our Charitable Fund and the Gates Challenge Helicopter Golf Ball Drop raised aproximately $35,000 to eradicate polio.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE OPTIMISTIC, INTELLECTUAL, IRRESPONSIBLE SAGITTARIUS MEMBERS OF OUR CLUB this week, including Gene Mariutto on November 19, Julio Velis on the 20th, Felix Pardo on the 23rd, Alfredo Iglesias and Keith Phillips on the 26th, Tom Dixon on the 28th and Rolf Frankfurter on December 1.
Fred Ortiz is celebrating 27 years as a Rotarian this week and Bill Oates is celebrating 22 years. Thank you both for all your years ofService.
November is Foundation Month
70 Sustaining Members recognized for their donations
Sustaining Membership in The Rotary Foundation is the real obligation of every Rotarian. It's only $2 a week but it can make the difference between life and death for some child somewhere in the world. Our Club's goal and promise to The Rotary Foundation for 2010-2011 is that we will have 100% of our members contributing to EREY. Every Rotarian Every Year. Because if all of the 1.2 million Rotarians give $100 every year, The Rotary Foundation can achieve it's goal of a $1 Billion by mid-century. And that's money that comes back to every club in the form of matching grants that allow us the accomplish incredible things throughout the world. All of us can afford 27 cents a day to help save the world. Become a Sustaining Member of The Rotary Foundation today.
Happy $$
Randy can't Groh Scholarships when he's not around and Diva's gone too. But Tom Dixon is no neophyte when it comes to being happy. He was happy because he has completed cataract surgery and the results are awesome. Dan Scipione was ecstatic and with good reason ... several months ago he was diagnosed with acute leukemia. After months of tests and analysis the results are in .. he's okay!!! Hadley Williams was happy to have been to Phoenix to visit his daughter and granddaughter. Ramon Ferrer announced three tickets, worth $112 each, for Saturday's Race at Homestead Speedway for a raffle today with proceeds to our Foundation. Luis Boue just returned from a vacation in the Pacific Northwest which is beautiful. But folks out there reminded him that we live in a pretty spectacular place everyday and hardly ever take the time a see it. Terry Long was happy that her Scholarship Committee has identified $11,000 for scholarships to students at Coral Gables High School this year. In addition to Happy Dollars we received $1,500 from the Tonkinsons, $3,000 from the California Community Foundation through David Sanchez, $1,000 through Joan Reitsma and Thrivent. Chris Morrison also just got back from the Pacific Northwest but it rained the whole time HOWEVER, Stanford won their game 41-0 which puts them at 9/1 which ranks them 7th in the country...their best since 1951. J Guarch and his wife became empty nesters in August and he's happy that the kids are all coming home for Thanksgiving weekend. Chris Tyson is just happy that he can make the special effort to come to weekly Rotary meetings because of all the special honors he's received Rotary is the best. Dick Golden announced that he has the tickets for Rotary Day at the Dolphins and he told a really AWFUL joke that should have cost him extra. Gabriel DeAramas of Santas for Seniors wanted to thank us for our donations last week and he's happy to be celebrating his 5th wedding anniversary this week. Happiness pays, keep on smiling.TODAY'S PROGRAM
Daniel Hronec and Joey Padron
Florida Power and Light
FPL is in the planning stage of expanding the Turkey Point plant by adding two new nuclear plants. In past years, they have instituted conservation programs that have defrayed the need for thirteen new plants. However, they still need to add more capacity, replace facilities and add fuel diversity. Natural gas is currently used for 64% of power production. Gas is clean and available in the U.S., but there a risk relying on natural gas since it is only available through two pipelines into Florida.
Once the new nuclear plants are online, new transmission lines will be needed. Based on engineering studies and public input, routes have been proposed. Concerns from the public have included threat of magnetic fields related to large lines, and the preference to have lines installed underground. However, underground lines are significantly more expensive (15 times).
Anyone who wants input to be heard can still do so. The certification hearing will be in 2012, with the final decision to be made by the governor and cabinet.
Working Rotarians - November 18, 2010
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Deena Bell
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - John Wallace
Special Needs - Ed Morris
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Jim Hirschman
Pledge to the Flag - Dick Golden
Singers - Arne Themmen & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Luis Boue
Given to - Gloria Burns and Marta from J's office
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Brandt
Pin Drawing Winner - Jim Hirschmann
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Trish Hoffman for Jim Skinner
5-Way Test - Steven Spann
Javier Betancourt, Deputy Director Miami Downtown Development Authority
"Downtown Miami - the Epicenter of the Americas"
Thought of the Week
by Dick Golden
"A Government that robs Peter to pay Paul,
can always depend on the support of Paul"
George Bernard Shaw
Scene Scenes
Chris Tyson introducing his daughter
J. Guarch was the high bidder for the racing tickets from FP&L. But J says he doesn't even like racing!!! Still he bought the tickets under duress from Auctioneer Dick Bullman and companion bidder Fred Baddour. Thanks J.
See you December 2, same time, same place.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Be sure to join us at Community Partnership for the Homeless on Thursday from 10 until 1. Gobble Gobble.
1 comment:
Who's measuring how good my jokes are? I claim fowl (it must be a turkey making the decisions) Anyway, happy Thanksgiving.
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