This week in America an Ohio sixth grader has been given a detention for flatulence on the school bus. The 11 year old thought it was pretty dumb, he didn't do it on purpose, but the bus driver said otherwise. Also this week in New York City a 13,000 square foot nighclub for dogs opened in lower Manhattan. It features massage, aromatherapy, an indoor lawn, a workout room, doggie sushi and a disco complete with a mirrored ball. And we wonder what's wrong with the world?
THE YARD SALE IS THIS WEEKEND we need people to work. We start at 7 a.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. on Sunday and go til 5 p.m. each day. We've got lots of great stuff to sell and should make some decent money. But we need bodies. The proceeds will be split between the International Committee and the Community Service Committee based on the percentage of man hours contributed by each. The sale is being held at 7000 Old Cutler Road, on the Cocoplum (Cartagena) Circle on South LeJeune Road.
November 20 is Thanksgiving VA Bingo. Join us at Veteran's Hospital from 1 until 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon to entertain the Vets. They love it.
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP FOR THE HOMELESS is where Coral Gables Rotarians like to spend Thanksgiving morning. Sign up now to feed the homeless from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Our Club's Foundation donates $1,000 to buy the food and then we serve it. You'll have a great time and do something really nice for those in need.
Happy $$
Diva did it – she was happy about completing the NY Marathon George Reeves went to hear the Singing Miamians. Dan Scipione remembered his brother in law who passed away 2 weeks ago Dick Golden just returned from Morroco and told an awful joke about the Police in Morroco who stay safe? Mike Freeman was happy to be here for the first time in a year even though he’s been a member for 35 years. Jm Roen’s son Brandt’s Belin Rowing Team took 2nd in the largest regatta in the US. J Guarch was happy his mom got a new knee or her 86th birthday and also happy that Diva finished the marathon in 5:32. Abe Horowit was happy to have played in the Golf Tournament and thanked Chirs Morrison and Rolf Frankfurter for all their hard work. Gloria Burns is excited to see Oliver and was happy to be at Joan Reitsma’s grand reopening last night because the food was awesome catered by Lovables and Chris Tyson was happy to be here to keep up his weekly $5 for scholarships. Keep smiling, happiness pays!
Program Today:
We are treated with the Actors' Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre with a preview of their next week's show, from which three wonderful songs are performed just for our club. How spoiled can we be?
November 17 - December 26, 2010
One of the most beloved musicals of all time, Oliver! vividly brings to life Charles Dickens' timeless characters with its ever-popular story of the boy who asked for more. With a cast and orchestra of over 50, the sensational score is full of Lionel Bart's irresistible songs including Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself, You've Got to Pick-a-Pocket or Two, I'd Do Anything, Oom Pah Pah, As Long As He Needs Me and many more. The winner of two Tony Awards, Oliver! has played in 22 languages worldwide and is sure to be a holiday treat for the whole family.
Next week program - November 18, 2010:
Presentation by Florida Power and Light
We are treated with the Actors' Playhouse at the Miracle Theatre with a preview of their next week's show, from which three wonderful songs are performed just for our club. How spoiled can we be?

November 17 - December 26, 2010
One of the most beloved musicals of all time, Oliver! vividly brings to life Charles Dickens' timeless characters with its ever-popular story of the boy who asked for more. With a cast and orchestra of over 50, the sensational score is full of Lionel Bart's irresistible songs including Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself, You've Got to Pick-a-Pocket or Two, I'd Do Anything, Oom Pah Pah, As Long As He Needs Me and many more. The winner of two Tony Awards, Oliver! has played in 22 languages worldwide and is sure to be a holiday treat for the whole family.
Next week program - November 18, 2010:
Presentation by Florida Power and Light
Working Rotarians - November 4, 2010
Greeters - Langer/Bell-LlewellynRegistration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge - Rodney Langer
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Arne & Tammy Themmen, Dan Scipione & Cal Winter sang “For Those at Sea” in honor of Veteran’s Day.
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Ana Fournaris
Given To - George Corrigan & Barbara Stein
Pin Drawing Gift - Deena Bell
Pin Drawing Winner - John Wallace
5-Way Test - Gloria Burns
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Sally B
by Dick Golden
"If I am not for myself, who will be?
If I am only for myself, what good am I?
If not now, when?
Rabbi Hillel
Scene Scenes - November 11th, 2010
That's all, folks... See you next week... Don't forget our garage sale! So... See you this weekend!
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