This week a Maryland firm is renting drug-sniffing dogs to parents for $200 an hour. It's called Dogs Finding Drugs. Purdue has announced they will be holding a Quidditch tournament with 9 other universities. But instead of flying around like Harry Potter they will stuff broom sticks between their legs and run around on a field. This week Michael Jackson was named the world's top-earning dead celebrity by Forbes, with $275 million in music and movie revenues in the past year. And finally, a street person in Manhattan who dresses as Elmo has been getting aggressive because people take his picture but don't give him any money for it. He thinks that's just rude!
Today's meeting was held in conjunction with the 7th Annual Rotary Golf Classic, we had hamburgers and hot dogs at The Biltmore Hotel. Some 85 people were in attendance including the golfers AND the Rotary Club of Miami who decided a wet day was a good day to have a joint meeting of our two clubs. Welcome to President Ann de LasPozas, Robin and Susan Shelly, DGEE Ted Eldridge and other members of the Miami Club. Glad you could make it. The rain didn't appear to "dampen" any of the golfers spirits but they seemed a little "drippy" when they came to lunch. But the weather held until the 12th hole.
Next week - 2nd-Ever Rotary Yard Sale. We need volunteers to set up on Friday and to man the sales on Saturday and Sunday. The proceeds from the sale will be split between the committees that provides the most volunteers. The split will be based on the % of volunteers that come from International and Community Service. It's Fair to All Concerned!
Determined, forceful and secretive describes the Scorpios with birthdays this week including Dick Golden on November 5, Mayor Don Slesnick on the 7th and Aaron Glasser on the 10th. Happy Birthday boys!
David Mitchell is celebrating 11 years as a Rotarian this week as well. Thanks for all your service David.
Happy $$
Diva pinch-hit for Dr. Randy again today and found a few wet but happy Rotarians. She was happy she's going to run the NYC Marathon this coming weekend! Frank Sextion was happy to wet and cold playing golf/ Bill (Digger) Martinez had some golf story about playing at the ladies T? Ann de LasPozas, President of the Miami Rotary Club was just happy to be here. Walter Alvarez (has pretty good legs!) and he was just happy the other guys let him play. He has his worst round ever but a great time. Linda Singer also from the Miami Club was happy we were finally having a joint meeting of our two clubs. Ana Fournaris just returned from Cartagena and a convention but was pleased to have made the acquaintance of Coral Gables' first Sister City. George Reeves just wanted to thank everyone for their support of the baskets for the troops in October. We sent 800 care packages. Thomas Eugene of the Miami Club was happy to see a Florida Gator who was overdressed. Margarita Tonkinson is happy that her son Steven has returned home. J Guarch (who will never let Susan down) is happy he has adopted a new college football team. Auburn - and they beat the Gators. Keep smiling, happiness pays!
Working Rotarians - November 4, 2010
Greeters - Deena Bell & Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Invocation - Pastor Perry
Pledge - Deena Bell-Llewlyn
Singers - Rosendo Castillo & Linda Singer
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Yolanda Woodbridge
Given To - Ann de LasPozas & Rodney Langer
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Brandt
Pin Drawing Winner - Trish Hoffman
5-Way Test - Aaron Glasser
"It's better to be out in the rain playing golf
than to be stuck in the office."
Adam Grossman,
Senior Vice President for Public Affairs
Miami Dolphins
Sun Life Stadium was the host of both the Super Bowl and the Pro Bowl earlier this year. When the Marlins move out, improvements are planned that will make it a more football friendly stadium. There are plans to add a canopy that would cover the entire facility in case of inclement weather, and a reconfiguration of the seating bowl to bring seats closer to the field. They hope to attract other venues to the stadium, and look forward to a waterpark to be constructed across the street that should attract visitors to the area.
The Dolphins and Sun Life Stadium are actively involved in community efforts. After the earthquake in Haiti, they raised enough money to send more than 30 Shelter Boxes to Haiti. Next weekend they are teaming with the University of Miami to host a bicycle ride to raise money for the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
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