Monday, October 24, 2011

WE ARE THIS CLOSE .... World Polio Day

Rotarians Gearing Up
for World Polio Day

otarians around the globe are planning events to raise polio eradication awareness and funding TODAY for World Polio Day, October 24, 2011.

Australian club members are working with the Global Poverty Project on a petition drive aimed at persuading world leaders to fully fund the critical work of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Supporters can sign the petition online.

The Global Poverty Project has scheduled an End of Polio Concert on 28 October to coincide with the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia. Rotarians have joined with the group to lobby leaders to put polio eradication on the meeting agenda. Hugh Evans, cofounder and CEO of the Global Poverty Project, is a scheduled speaker at the 2012 RI Convention in Bangkok, Thailand, in May.

"Global collaboration has ensured that eradication is within reach," says Michael Sheldrick, the group's polio campaign manager and a member of the Rotary Club of Crawley, Western Australia. "Our generation has a chance to realize a historic opportunity and ensure that no one else ever has to fear this disease. That’s why it’s vital we commit to finish the job."

Among other events planned around World Polio Day are these:

  • Rotarians in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, are organizing a Walk to End Polio Now, aimed at drawing 4,000 participants and raising money for Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge to match $355 million in grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in support of polio eradication.
  • The Rotary Club of Venezia-Riviera del Brenta, Italy, has organized a Run to End Polio fundraiser as part of the 23 October Venice Marathon.
  • Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs in Canada and the United States are coordinating a Wake Up Across the Continent polio awareness initiative during the week of 24-28 October. Each club is encouraged to participate and to publicize its activities, share ideas, and post images on Facebook.
  • Rotarians in Finland will conduct a "This Close" campaign with ads in print, on television, and online 24-28 October, and they plan a fundraiser on World Polio Day.
  • Rotarians in Canada have arranged for the "This Close" TV public service announcement and other polio-related programming to air on CBC nationally throughout October.
  • Rotarians in Africa have started a "This Close" page on Facebook for World Polio Day, encouraging fellow Rotarians to replace their Facebook profile photo that day with their "This Close" photo from
  • The Rotary Club of Linlithgow Grange, Lothian, Scotland, is sponsoring a Scotch Hop dance fundraiser on 29 October to benefit Rotary's challenge.
  • Rotary clubs in Boston will present A Festival of Voices: Singing Out to End Polio Now on 23 October, with all proceeds to benefit the challenge.
  • The Nepal PolioPlus Committee will host a one-day seminar on polio in conjunction with the local UNICEF office.

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