Sunday, July 21, 2013

Community Service Projects

Coral Gables Rotary Partners 
Citizens for a Better South Florida

Community Service Chair, Lorraine Sheldon indicated the Neighborhood Tree Planting event held on July 20th in the Little Gables, was a great success. Citizens for a Better South Florida hosted the event and received assistance and grants from Miami-Dade County and the Forestry Service.

Volunteers from the Rotary Club of Cora l Gables, local schools, neighbors and the homeowners themselves planted 28 trees in total. The event also served to educate people on how to plant trees and take care of the new plantings. 

Here's a little known fact:  an average city has a tree canopy covering 33% of it's land area.  Miami's canopy coverage is only 12%.  Sounds like we have a lot more to plant!

Volunteers also planted trees across the street from the beautiful new green homes that were designed by Fellow Rotarian Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo.  Thank you to all our volunteers and to Citizens for helping to increase Miami's green canopy for everyone to enjoy!

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