Friday, July 30, 2010
Roots by Cholly Capps
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 5 Notes from the Podium

Researchers claim to have solved the world's oldest riddle ... they have concluded that the chicken came before the egg. A protein in the chicken's ovary was found that is necessary for the egg. Probably a yolk.
DUES ARE STILL DUE and after tomorrow no more 15% discount on lunch. You know that you could use that savings to pay for your annual sustaining membership contribution (the voluntary one at the bottom of the invoice)to The Rotary Foundation, and still have money left over. REMEMBER - EVERY ROTARIAN EVERY YEAR for $2 every week. Pretty cheap when you think about what that money does....
SWEDISH GIRLS COMING TO CORAL GABLES NEED HOMES! Did that get your attention? October 25 the Inbound GSE (Group Study Exchange) Team arrives in our District. We need homes for the five of them for three days. The team leader is Ana Maria Niilson. Isn't that Ann Margaret's real name?? Could it be? If you are able to open your home to one or two girls or the guys, please contact Yoli Woodbridge.
TOMORROW IS JULY 30. That's our Club's first 5th Friday. Join us and bring your BFF, your SO, your BGF or your spouse. We're being hosted at the Hubbard Alvarez Bungalow by Kelly Sastre and Citizens for a Better South Florida from 6 until 8 p.m. Munchies and wine by Lovables. $10 per person. It's also a great way to introduce a prospective new member to our Club. The address is 138 NW 16th Street. It's right by the new Marlins Stadium (or the old Orange Bowl, depending on your frame of reference). See you tomorrow night? Last chance to RSVP is NOW.
HICKS MOVING AND STORAGE HAS BEEN BUSY collecting good stuff for the November Yard Sale. Thanks this week to Miki Spiejers (yes, again) and Ana Fournaris and Clark Ainsworth (who donated the stuff he's not taking to Santiago) and Dan Brandt who has advised us we will have an antique pool table to sell too! Thanks everyone. Keep it coming. We have lots of projects to fund this year.
KRISTIE HOUSE COLLECTION GOES UNTIL AUGUST 5. If you don't want to go to Office Depot and buy school supplies just drop a couple of $$ in the orange bucket on the registration table and the committee will do it for you.
NOBODY'S READING THIS BLOG...know how we know? Nobody identified the minister in last week's Notes. Come on people ... participate. The world's oldest blogger died yesterday at 104. You too could live forever.
DISTRICT DOLPHIN GAME AND TAILGATE PARTY is coming again this year. December 5 the Dolphins play Cleveland. We've got 50 great seats and a free bus and the tailgate party when we get there. Tickets are only $45. Dick Golden and his buddy Ed Morris (who says last year was really FUN) are coordinating so contact either one of them for more information.
Confident, generous, domineering and stubborn. That pretty much describes Leo native Lan Nghiem-Phu who celebrates his birthday on August 3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAN!
CELEBRATING THEIR ROTARY ANNIVERSARY THIS WEEK, THE Donald Trombly - six years, J.B. Spence - 11 years and the vanishing Ron Shuffield - 26 years. Rotary's lucky to have you all!
NEXT WEEK'S SPEAKER is Robert Molleda from the National Hurricane Center. The subject, "Preparing for the Inevitable". You won't want to miss this one for sure!
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado & Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Jack Witty
Pledge - Bruce Kerestes
Singers - Bill Quesenberry, Deena Bell, Abe Horowitz
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Mr. Bling Eddie Snow
Given to - Brent Nagel and Bil Quesenberry
Pin Drawing Gift - Deena Bell
Pin Drawing Winner - Abe Horowitz
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Donald Trombly (!?!?!)
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people ... they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." Thomas Jefferson
As you go through your week remember ... If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of the world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. Count your blessings.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
In the Rotary Spotlight ...

Jim and Mary Margaret Roen came to Miami from New Orleans, Louisiana in 1985. At that time Mary Margaret was finishing going to Loyola School of Law in New Orleans at night and working during the day as a medical technologist. Upon graduation she was employed by attorney Stanley Rosenblatt where she worked in the areas of medical malpractice, personal injury, wrongful death, products liability and Big Tobacco. Mary Margaret continues to practice law in those areas.
In 1985, Jim worked for Coldwell Banker Commercial Estate on Brickell Avenue. Jim worked in commercial real estate for 15 years during which time he achieved two of the highest professional designations obtainable, the Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), considered by many as a Ph.D. in commercial real estate and the Society of Industrial Office Realtors (SIOR). In 1987, Jim, at the age of 44, went to law school and graduated in 1990. Jim practices in the are of business, real estate, breach of contract and commercial debt/judgment litigation. Any type of monetary dispute.
Jim and Mary Margaret have two children, Brandt, 16, and Catherine, 15. Brandt will be a junior at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School and Catherine will be a sophomore at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart. Both children are quite involved in rowing and have done very well.

Jim and Mary Margaret are both AV rated by their peers. Fewer than 3% of practicing attorneys are so rated. Jim and Mary Margaret will be happy to provide our fellow Rotarians with legal counseling in the above areas of practice or to refer you to another AV rated attorney in any other areas of the law. Jim has been a member of the Rotary Club of Coral Gables since May, 1998. His firm is Roen & Schneider, P.A.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Rotary Foundation One Minute Message

District 6990 Simplified Grants provide up to $2,500.00 and allow Rotary clubs to identify, plan, and fund worthy projects in their own communities or internationally. Grants can fund improvements such as kitchen equipment for a food pantry, assistance for after-school programs, dictionaries or encyclopedias for primary school children, or renovations to a playground. The more we contribute to The Foundation’s Annual Programs Fund, the more opportunities and funding we will have for such projects. The Rotary Foundation allows us to “do good in the world” here in our own community, as well as internationally as we go about, “BUILDING COMMUNITIES - BRIDGING CONTINENTS” Every Rotarian Every Year!
Friday, July 23, 2010
New Fisher House at VA Health, Miami

But this isn't the only involvement we have with VA Miami.
A couple of years ago, our Club donated $1,000 to assist with the construction of a new Fisher House at VA Miami. We responded to a request from Col. Lettie Bien, USA (ret), who was charged with raising two million dollars from the community to complete the five million dollar investment in the Fisher facility, the other donors being the Fisher Foundation and the VA who provided the land.
A Fisher House, as you may know, is a modest but most functional living facility where families of wounded military and indeed veterans with longer term health issues can stay free of charge to be close to their loved ones during convalescence. A Fisher House will have a common area, kitchen, library, and some 20 individual bedroom areas. There are some 38 located at VA hospitals throughout the United States.
The construction of Fisher House Miami is complete (see pic) and the VA team is in process of furnishing the interior areas. It's located near the west parking area of the VA property.
Lettie advises that it will be inaugurated sometime in October and our Club will be invited to attend given our support of the project.
Going forward, while the VA and the Fisher Foundation will support the cost of a basic hotel type staff, the House will need volunteer support also. Perhaps our membership can help. I'll keep everyone advised.
George Reeves
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 4 Notes from the Podium
President's Time

DUES ARE DUE now. You can still take advantage of the 15% discount if you pay by the 30th of July. And don't forget your Sustaining Membership. It's only $2 a week for you but for an under-priviledged child in Thailand it's ONE FULL YEAR of education expenses. EVERY ROTARIAN EVERY YEAR.
5TH FRIDAY is July 30 at the new headquarters office for Citizens for a Better South Florida. For the neophytes, every month that has five Fridays, RCCG has a party. It's a fellowship thing ... spouses, friends, prospective members can come too. It's $10 per person. You get catering by Lovables and alcholic libations from 6 until 8 p.m., at some Rotarian's place of business. It's FUN. It's cheap. It's a great way to party with your Rotary friends, and who knows where you'll end up for dinner after? RSVP to Terry Long.
THE 2ND-EVER ROTARY YARD SALE COMETH. In November. But if you want to lose your junque now, we have a warehouse. Call and we'll arrange to meet you there so you can dump your treasures. At the first-ever yard sale we made $10,000. We had some awesome furniture and collectibles. Hopefully we can do that well this time too. All of the proceeds from the Yard Sale will go to the Club Foundation to be used for matching grants for many of our community and international projects.
Enter Leo the Lion, the Sun King. Natives are loyal, pretentious and a little vain. Say Happy Birthday to Gene Witherspoon on July 24.
Did you know that Gloria Burns has been giving kisses for raffle tickets every week for the last 21 years. Happy Rotary Birthday Gloria! Time sure flys when you're having FUN!
Scholarships didn't Groh very much today as Dr. Randy couldn't find many happy Rotarians. They're all on vacation. But we can always depend on Dick Golden for a story about some cows who were artificially inseminated - no bull! Bill Oates came up to say goodbye. He's going to teach at Indiana University for the upcoming school year but he'll be back. JB Spence showed us a story on Consigliere Abe Horowitz. Found the story in Community News, with the photo, in the post office! hmmmm. JB said we should all be very proud of Abe. We are! Dick Golden returned to announce the District Dolphin Football Day. This year it's December 5th. More information will surely follow. We hope more people will be happy next week. Happiness Pays so keep on Smiling!
Maria Klara Rodriguez
Outreach & Education Program Supervisor
Kristi House
“Ending the Epidemic of Sexual Abuse in Miami-Dade County”
Kristi House was named for a 9 year old girl, pregnant with the child of her mother’s boyfriend 19 years ago. The State Attorney formed a Task Force, and the result was Kristi House. Kristi House was organized to provide services to other sexually abused children and their families.
The Orolowitz-Lee Chirdren’s Advocacy Center, is their headquarters today, located just across the street from the State Attorney’s office. It was opened in 1999. Kristi House works with the Florida Department of Children and Families, the State Attorney’s office, and local law enforcement. A child brought to Kristi house will meet a case coordinator assigned to lead the child through from the first interview, then for a medical examination, and to therapy, all in a home like environment. Services are also provided in satellite office is Miami Gardens and near the Falls. A therapist travels to Homestead to provide services.
Kristi House provides case management, therapy, and transportation free of charge to the child and the non-offending family, as well as community education. Project GOAL (Girls Owning Their Lives and Dreams) has recently been introduced to help children who are caught up in the sex industry. Statistics show that the average age for child prostitution is 12.
The statistics are frightening. One in 7 children is sexually abused while on the internet, 1 in 4 boys and 1 in 6 girls are sexually abused by the age of 18, an average of 56 children per month are brought to Kristi House. There are an estimated 39 million sexual abuse survivors in the US (75% will never even tell someone about their abuse). Kristi House exists to provide these victims with the stability and counseling they need to get their lives back together.
Ms. Rodriguez also graciously thanked the members of RCCG for their generosity over this past month. We've been collecting school supplies for the coming year and our members donated $500 for the same purpose. They are VERY grateful.
WANT A RED TICKET? FORGET YOUR ROTARY PIN? Now you can purchase a pin at the door. The Greeter will have a supply of Coral Gables Rotary Pins, for $5 you get TWO red tickets, two chances to win the pin drawing and you get a pin!
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table - John Wallace
Invocation - Jack Witty
Pledge - Donald Trombly
Singer - Bill Quesenberry
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - SUPERMAN George Reeves
Given To - Jorge Suarez & Dick Bullman
Pin Drawing Gift - Deena Bell
Pin Drawing Winner - John Wallace
50/50 Raffle Tix - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Rob Hatfield (donated to Kristi House)
5-Way Test - Yolanda Woodbridge
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK by Donald Trombly
"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Community Service - Kristi House School Supplies through August 5th

The drive to provide needy and sexually abused childrne with school supplies will continue through August 5th.
A big THANK YOU to all our generous donors !!!
NEEDED ITEMS: pens, pencils, erasers, 3-ring binders, wide ruler 3-ring paper,
highlighters, pencil sharpeners, spiral notebooks.
You may also donate by cash, credit card, loose change or write a check to The Rotary Foundation of Coral Gables, Inc. and we will shop for you.
To learn more about Kristi House and the School Supplies Drive, click on the link below:
I will have a box at the meeting for supplies and cash and credit donations may be made
at the registration table. See me, Yoli Woodbridge, Judy Pantoja, or Bob Schreiber for
more information. Donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Community Service Minute
So if, on August 23 you find you've got two hours to spare, join us at the VA Hospital nursing home and play Bingo with the Vets. It means the world to them. It's FUN for all concerned. It will make you feel good, AND these Vets are really cool!
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Rotary Foundation One Minute Message

This week’s The Rotary Foundation “One Minute Message” is about Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY)
Every minute of every day someone’s life is being improved by our Rotary Foundation. Wells are being dug in India, blind children are using Braille typewriters in Brazil, toilets are part of improved sanitation in Sri Lanka, and dental treatment is available to the needy in Nicaragua. In a world where the divide between the haves and have-nots is growing, we as Rotarians must do our part and “do good in the world.”
Every Rotarian, every project, and every contribution makes a difference every year. It's only $2 a week but it means the world to the rest of the world.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Vol. 65 No. 3 Notes from the Podium

Presidents Time
The Blue Folder yielded a story today about a 75 year old woman who required knee replacement surgery after the baseball mascot, Phillie Phanatic sat on her lap. Of course she's suing.
DUES ARE DUE and you can still get a 15% discount on lunch if you pay by the end of this month. That's a chunk of change. Pay early and often. Get your membership card from Terry Long.
FIRST 5TH FRIDAY is July 30, from 6 until 8, hosted by Citizens for a Better South Florida at their new historic Bungalow by the Orange Bowl. Rotarians, partners, and prospective members are invited. $10 per person for cocktails and hors'douvres prepared by Elizabeth Lovables.
GOOD JUNQUE NEEDED for the second-ever Rotary Yard Sale. We have a warehouse. If you want to clear it out of your life call and we will open up for you. Thanks so far to John Wallace, Miki Spiejers, Susan Guttmann and Amanda Hermes for their cool donations.
INTRODUCTIONS are under attack! Some people think we should loudly proclaim 'HELLO TOM" (or Dick or Harry) to make our visitors and guest fell really welcome. Others would prefer to applaud, while still others adopt a wait and see attitutde. How do you think we greet people each week?
THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS ARE ALL CUSP BABIES, they're gentle and conservative like Cancer but loyal and domineering like a Leo. Say Happy Birthday to Debbie Swain on July 19th and Randy Groh on July 20th.

AND SPEAKING OF RANDY GROH .... Randy was happy to see his partner Dr. Richard Souvrion as our speaker today. He said Dr. Dick has great history with Coral Gables. He was George Merrick's Dentist! Diva Guttman was curious what Dr. Randy had clipped to his belt today, was that an umbrella? She doesn't like the new Hello greeting. Past President Wiley Hicks is happy to be back in the back at his old table, (wearing shades and pretending nobody notices him). He thanked Yoli for his beautiful album of Presidential Memories. Hadley Williams was happy that Fred Baddour brought a full bar to the 4th of July party and since he got to take home the beer he had to be doubly happy. Chris Morrison was rubbing in the statistics from the National College Athletics Rankings, Stanford #1, UF #2, USF #5 UM #58. Todd Lary from the Miami Sundown Club is happy that our club will be co-hosting the Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Germany this year. We'll get to know Sebastian before the year is out. Don Trombly wanted to put our fears to rest ... he's not on a leave of absence. He's actually been working and on another camping vacation. Luis Boue wanted to put Chris Morrison to rest once and for all by infomring him that drugs, curling, bowling and ironing do not count as ranked college sports, so Standford didn't really win! KEEP SMILING. HAPPINESS PAYS!
Will the REAL Dr. Phil Please Stand Up?
The “other” Dr. Phil is a shameless self promoter from Texas. Both are PhD’s that graduated in 1979 but the “other” Dr. Phil has been sued more! Our own Dr. Phil Boswell is a psychologist/psychotherapist in Coral Gables. He practices with his wife, Dr. Barbara Goldman. They specialize in children and adolescents. Unlike Psychiatrists, they don’t prescribe drugs. They do help a lot of people. AND, our Dr. Phil isn’t just entertaining, he has a license to practice!
Lydia Calvo-Florentino, Coral Gables Police Department
Sgt. Andrew Wiedenfeld introduced us to his star employee. Lydia works in the records division. One of her primary duties is to oversee the continuing education program for the police officers. That’s just a portion of what she does, and does well. We’re lucky to have such devoted people working for the City Beautiful. Congratulations Lydia and keep up the good work.
Dr. Richard Souviron, D.M.D.
“Forensic Dentistry”
Dr. Dick Souviron was the forensic Odontologist who solved the Ted Bundy murder case after the horrific vents on an evening in January, 1978 when four young women at FSU were brutally murdered. Souviron explained that forensic dentistry was first practiced by Paul Revere, who used his dental expertise to identify a body. Souviron works thru the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner, at the impressive Joseph P. Davis facility. The largest in the country it holds 550 bodies, in five separate chambers and includes a facility large enough to examine vehicles and layout parachutes. Dentists are called on to identify remains because it is reliable, fast, accurate, and cheap. A skull can be used to determine gender, race, age and distinguishing features. Some of his other work included identification of the 19 victims of the Chalks seaplane crash in 1973. He shared some of his more recent cases including one in which the unsub attempted to destroy the the teeth, of the victim, but he is able to help with identification with the remaining features, and a photograh to determine who it wasn’t. With examples of bite marks he demonstrated how the pattern left by the teeth is as unique as fingerprints and leads to the criminal identification.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Bianca Fernandez, Kristi House will speak on the needs of abused and battered girls.
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Hadley Williams
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Invocation -Jack Witty
Pledge - Jim Roen
Singers - Dan Scipione, Bill Quesenberry, Rosendo Castillo
Community Service - Terry Long
Introductions - Dick Bullman
DeWitt Law Silver Dollar - Tom Dixon
Presented to Hadley Williams & Betty Metcalf
Pin Drawing Donated by - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Pat Morris
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Don Trombly
50/50 Winner - Alfredo Iglesias
5Way Test - William Isaias
by Rodney Langer
Mark Twain once said,
“there are three kinds of lies ... lies, damn lies and statistics.”
The Gift of Sight Continues !
and medicines at a cost of $300 each, to opthalmalogic eye surgery patients, which are performed gratis by eye surgeons in Chandigarh, Punjab, INDIA. Thanks to Jo and our
twin club in the twin City Beautiful in Chandigarh, INDIA, surgeries have been performed
on 108 persons in need to date, saving their sight and enriching the quality of their lives.
Below are the latest surgeries reported by A.P. Singh of the Chandigarh Club.
Surgery No. 105
Ms. Muskan, a 12 years old resident of Bhangi Colony, District Saharanpur, UP was operated successfully for eye-disorder. Dr. Amod Gupta of Advanced Eye Centre, PGI, Chandigarh, operated on her on 26th May, 2010. Mr. Ahmed Hassan, father of the patient is a rickshawpuller in Saharanpur.
Surgery No. 106
Mr. Nasib Singh, a 60 years old resident of Ambala City, Haryana was operated successfully for eye-disorder. Dr. Amod Gupta of Advanced Eye Centre, PGI, Chandigarh, operated on him on 28th May, 2010. Son of Mr. Nasib Singh, working as helper with Contractor of white washing.
Surgery No. 107
Mrs. Bhupinder Kaur, a 65 years old resident of Bassi Pathana, District Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab was operated successfully for eye-disorder. Dr. Ramandeep Singh of Advanced Eye Centre, PGI, Chandigarh, operated on her on 3rd June, 2010. Mrs. Bhupinder Kaur is alone in family and depend on old age pension.
Surgery No. 108
Mr. Rafik Ansari, a 50 years old resident of District Sasaram Rohtas, Bihar was operated successfully for eye-disorder. Dr. Amod Gupta of Advanced Eye Centre, PGI, Chandigarh, operated on him on 4th June, 2010. Patient is a labourer.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Rotary Foundation “One Minute Message” - PolioPlus

In 1985, Rotarians made a promise to the children of the world to eradicate polio. Since PolioPlus began, the number of polio cases worldwide has declined by 99 percent, thanks largely to the efforts of Rotarians around the world. Rotarians have committed nearly US $881 million toward global polio eradication efforts. Already, five million children are walking who would have been paralyzed, and more than 1.5 million lives have been saved. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for Rotary’s leadership and vision.
There have been no new cases of Polio in India for the last six months. There has been a 99% drop in cases reported in Nigeria over the past year, from 300 cases down to just 3! Rotary has fundamentally changed the game in our favor. And now, with the advances in the vaccine the cost is down to only 10 cents a dose.
None of this would be possible if it weren’t for Rotary’s leadership and vision. What a wonderful legacy we are leaving to the children of the world. Doesn't it give you goosebumps?
Goodbye Polio! Thank you Rotary! "Bridging Continents, Building Communities"
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Joint Water Filter Project with Twin Club in Chandigarh, Punjab, INDIA

$10,000 will supply 92 schools with drinking water filtering equipment purchased locally in India and installed in schools in poor areas where drinking water quality is considered unhealthy.
The Rotary Club of Coral Gables contributed $4,100 to this project from contributions by club members, the Rick and Margarita Tonkinson Foundation and our Charitable Fund. This is a DDF (District Designated Funds) project, not an RI Matching Grant.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Every new President seems to have a gimmick. Sally B is no different ... enter the BLUE FOLDER. An idea borrowed from Past President Frank Sexton, she promises that she will keep us up to date on the important things happening around the country. Only in America. It was a good week for drunks with good aim, after the World Beer Pong Tournament in Atlantic City awarded $50,000 in prizes. Said one contestant; "we get hammered and make cups all day. That's my life."
DUES ARE DUE. Pay by July 30 and get a 15% discount. Added to the bottom is a voluntary contribution to The Rotary Foundation of $100. Every Rotarian Every Year should be giving $2 a week to continue Rotary's work around the world. Our Club's Foundation Goal is 100% Sustaining Members. Help us meet that goal.
COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE Today and the rest of the month we'll be collecting school supplies for Kristi House. It all goes for the young women in need. Also, buy a decadent ice cream sundae outside by the desserts. The Westin is donating all of the proceeds to Give A Kid The World. So bump up your cholesterol count and have some ice cream. VA Bingo is Saturday, July 17 from 1 until 3 p.m. Only two hours out of your life but it means the world to the Vets.
Cancer natives are gentle, conservative and slightly defensive.
Happy Birthday to Don Vickers on July 12.
Dr. Groh is back and he is unhappy because Susan keeps asking him the same question 30 times, what did you get in Hawaii???? Debbie Swain is VERY HAPPY. GO HEAT!!!! Chris Tyson will be making up at District 1190, Western Switzerland starting next week. Chris Morrison Membership Chair for District, was in Grand Bahama last week for the Chartering of a new Rotary Club, Grand Bahama Sunset on Friday and the installation of the Freeport Grand Bahama Island Club on Saturday. Good excuse for water sports. Dick Golden had a parable instead of a joke...he found a wallet and didn't know what to do but he wanted to learn a lesson. Guess he didn't learn it when the lion got his hand. Rosendo Castillo paid his $5 for the long winded introduction he gave his lovely wife France and his report on the fun that everyone had at the Rotary Convention in Montreal. Bill Martinez was very sad at the passing of Miami Herald reporter Bea Moss who was a great lady and gave Rotary much publicity. A Memorial Service will be held at Stanfill on Saturday at 4:30. Frank Sexton related a charming story about the Rotary Centennial Park that we created in Chris Morrison's year as President. He had the opportunity to see just how cool it is when he spent the afternoon with his two grandsons, Nicholas and Derrick as they frolicked on the jungle gyms. Susan Guttmann was excited that Dr. Randy had returned and again asked the all important question ... did he get a LEI while in Hawaii. But she was more excited about the possibility of LeBron with the Heat. Dick Golden returned to offer a suggestion for applauding our visitors and guests. He says we're kinda "white bread" about it so he issued a challenge to do it better. He'll check back with us later. Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - Debbie Swain
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Jack Witty
Pledge - Dick Bullman
Singers - Dan Scipione
Introductions - Dick Bullman
Happy Dollars - Randy Groh
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Rob Hatfield
50/50 Sales - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - William Isasis
Dewitt Law Silver Dollars - Elizabeth “Lovables”
Given To - Yoli Woodbridge & Joan Reitsma
5 Way Test - Dick Golden
Barbara Stein, David Arisco and the cast from Actors Playhouse's new show, "Are We There Yet" entertained us today at the meeting with songs from what is sure to be a really hilarious show all about the buttons your parents push your whole life. It's a musical and a Family Survival Guide. It opens July 9th. Don't miss it.
NEXT WEEK'S SPEAKER Dr. Richard Souviron, D.M.D., will discuss forensic dentistry and how he helped secure convictions for both Ted Bundy and Richard Specter. This is a program you don't want to miss.
Rotary Club of Coral Gables meets weekly on Thursday at 12:15 at the Westin Colonnade Hotel in Coral Gables. We start on time. We end on time. We always have a good time. Join us sometime!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
5 Way Test for Coral Gables Rotarians
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
First Fifth Friday

In most countries with a five-day work week, Friday is the last workday before the weekend and is, therefore, viewed as a cause for celebration or relief. Most months have 4 Fridays and once in a while, a month has a fifth Friday: That is reason to celebrate.
On July 30th, you’re invited to come to the first 5th Friday for this Rotary year. 5th Fridays are held at a Rotarian’s place of business in any month that has five Fridays. So we are celebrating at Citizens for a Better South Florida’s new headquarters at 138 N.W. 16 Avenue, Miami, near the former site of the Orange Bowl. Past President Kelly Sastre is the CEO for Citizens and President-Elect Debbie Swain sits on the Board of Directors.
The CITIZENS Bungalow, formally known as the J. Hubbard Alvarez Bungalow, is the best example of a Belvedere Bungalow in the City of Miami. It was saved from the bulldozer by Dade Heritage Trust, which used its Preservation Fund to purchase the building in August, 2003.
The J. Jacob Hubbard house had been built circa 1921 in the Lawrence Estate Land Company Subdivision. It was home to Rolando and Mercedes Alvarez for 40 years, who enjoyed sitting in the rocking chairs on the breezy front porch with its oolitic limestone piers. Health problems and a desire to live near their daughter in Orlando, however, made a developer’s offer to buy the property, demolish the house and construct an apartment building sound attractive.
This event is for the Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Coral Gables and their guests. However, if you are interested to know about our organization, please pre-register using PayPal at our club's website and come join us as our club's special guests.
A Rotary Foundation Minute

Due to the hard work and generosity of Rotarians worldwide, The Rotary Foundation has improved lives for over 90 years. With ongoing financial support, The Rotary Foundation will continue to carry on Klumph’s dream well in our second century of service, as we go about the task of “BUILDING COMMUNITIES - BRIDGING CONTINENTS”.
Coral Gables Rotarians can do their part to support The Rotary Foundation by donating $100 a year to EREY. Every Rotarian Every Year giving just $2 a week to the Annual Programs Fund of The Rotary Foundation can make a difference for all we do. Imagine if EVERY ROTARIAN, all 1.2 million, gave $100 a year to The Rotary Foundation ... that's $120 million for our charitable and humanitarian projects EVERY YEAR.
The Prez Sez

Rotary is such a great organization, and Coral Gables is such a great club! We've been bridging continents and building community for 65 years. We need to let people know who we are. In honor of our 65th year,(and because we are such a cool club) everyone gets the t-shirt. That's also why we've got the new Coral Gables Rotary Pin. Wear both proudly. They only belong to a chosen few ... Rotarians from Coral Gables.
Get ready to party, to have fun, and to make the Rotary Club of Coral Gables BIGGER, BETTER AND BOLDER in the coming year. Wear your shirt. Wear your pin. Be PROUD that you are a Coral Gables Rotarian!!.