Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Community Service Minute

Coral Gables Rotarians at Work

On the third Saturday of every month you'll find a team of devoted Coral Gables Rotarians down at the Veteran's Hospital playing Bingo. For a couple of hours we spend time with some of the people who have given a lot for the freedom of our country. Now they're old and ill and alone and living in the nursing home. We bring them cookies (sugar free of course) and punch, and entertainment for a few hours. Winners get coupon books worth $5 each in multiples of $20 per win. Coupon books are currency at the VA.

So if, on August 23 you find you've got two hours to spare, join us at the VA Hospital nursing home and play Bingo with the Vets. It means the world to them. It's FUN for all concerned. It will make you feel good, AND these Vets are really cool!

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