Presidents Time
The Blue Folder yielded a story today about a 75 year old woman who required knee replacement surgery after the baseball mascot, Phillie Phanatic sat on her lap. Of course she's suing.
DUES ARE DUE and you can still get a 15% discount on lunch if you pay by the end of this month. That's a chunk of change. Pay early and often. Get your membership card from Terry Long.
FIRST 5TH FRIDAY is July 30, from 6 until 8, hosted by Citizens for a Better South Florida at their new historic Bungalow by the Orange Bowl. Rotarians, partners, and prospective members are invited. $10 per person for cocktails and hors'douvres prepared by Elizabeth Lovables.
GOOD JUNQUE NEEDED for the second-ever Rotary Yard Sale. We have a warehouse. If you want to clear it out of your life call and we will open up for you. Thanks so far to John Wallace, Miki Spiejers, Susan Guttmann and Amanda Hermes for their cool donations.
INTRODUCTIONS are under attack! Some people think we should loudly proclaim 'HELLO TOM" (or Dick or Harry) to make our visitors and guest fell really welcome. Others would prefer to applaud, while still others adopt a wait and see attitutde. How do you think we greet people each week?
THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS ARE ALL CUSP BABIES, they're gentle and conservative like Cancer but loyal and domineering like a Leo. Say Happy Birthday to Debbie Swain on July 19th and Randy Groh on July 20th.

AND SPEAKING OF RANDY GROH .... Randy was happy to see his partner Dr. Richard Souvrion as our speaker today. He said Dr. Dick has great history with Coral Gables. He was George Merrick's Dentist! Diva Guttman was curious what Dr. Randy had clipped to his belt today, was that an umbrella? She doesn't like the new Hello greeting. Past President Wiley Hicks is happy to be back in the back at his old table, (wearing shades and pretending nobody notices him). He thanked Yoli for his beautiful album of Presidential Memories. Hadley Williams was happy that Fred Baddour brought a full bar to the 4th of July party and since he got to take home the beer he had to be doubly happy. Chris Morrison was rubbing in the statistics from the National College Athletics Rankings, Stanford #1, UF #2, USF #5 UM #58. Todd Lary from the Miami Sundown Club is happy that our club will be co-hosting the Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Germany this year. We'll get to know Sebastian before the year is out. Don Trombly wanted to put our fears to rest ... he's not on a leave of absence. He's actually been working and on another camping vacation. Luis Boue wanted to put Chris Morrison to rest once and for all by infomring him that drugs, curling, bowling and ironing do not count as ranked college sports, so Standford didn't really win! KEEP SMILING. HAPPINESS PAYS!
Will the REAL Dr. Phil Please Stand Up?
The “other” Dr. Phil is a shameless self promoter from Texas. Both are PhD’s that graduated in 1979 but the “other” Dr. Phil has been sued more! Our own Dr. Phil Boswell is a psychologist/psychotherapist in Coral Gables. He practices with his wife, Dr. Barbara Goldman. They specialize in children and adolescents. Unlike Psychiatrists, they don’t prescribe drugs. They do help a lot of people. AND, our Dr. Phil isn’t just entertaining, he has a license to practice!
Lydia Calvo-Florentino, Coral Gables Police Department
Sgt. Andrew Wiedenfeld introduced us to his star employee. Lydia works in the records division. One of her primary duties is to oversee the continuing education program for the police officers. That’s just a portion of what she does, and does well. We’re lucky to have such devoted people working for the City Beautiful. Congratulations Lydia and keep up the good work.
Dr. Richard Souviron, D.M.D.
“Forensic Dentistry”
Dr. Dick Souviron was the forensic Odontologist who solved the Ted Bundy murder case after the horrific vents on an evening in January, 1978 when four young women at FSU were brutally murdered. Souviron explained that forensic dentistry was first practiced by Paul Revere, who used his dental expertise to identify a body. Souviron works thru the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner, at the impressive Joseph P. Davis facility. The largest in the country it holds 550 bodies, in five separate chambers and includes a facility large enough to examine vehicles and layout parachutes. Dentists are called on to identify remains because it is reliable, fast, accurate, and cheap. A skull can be used to determine gender, race, age and distinguishing features. Some of his other work included identification of the 19 victims of the Chalks seaplane crash in 1973. He shared some of his more recent cases including one in which the unsub attempted to destroy the the teeth, of the victim, but he is able to help with identification with the remaining features, and a photograh to determine who it wasn’t. With examples of bite marks he demonstrated how the pattern left by the teeth is as unique as fingerprints and leads to the criminal identification.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Bianca Fernandez, Kristi House will speak on the needs of abused and battered girls.
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Hadley Williams
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Invocation -Jack Witty
Pledge - Jim Roen
Singers - Dan Scipione, Bill Quesenberry, Rosendo Castillo
Community Service - Terry Long
Introductions - Dick Bullman
DeWitt Law Silver Dollar - Tom Dixon
Presented to Hadley Williams & Betty Metcalf
Pin Drawing Donated by - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Pat Morris
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Don Trombly
50/50 Winner - Alfredo Iglesias
5Way Test - William Isaias
by Rodney Langer
Mark Twain once said,
“there are three kinds of lies ... lies, damn lies and statistics.”
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