Every new President seems to have a gimmick. Sally B is no different ... enter the BLUE FOLDER. An idea borrowed from Past President Frank Sexton, she promises that she will keep us up to date on the important things happening around the country. Only in America. It was a good week for drunks with good aim, after the World Beer Pong Tournament in Atlantic City awarded $50,000 in prizes. Said one contestant; "we get hammered and make cups all day. That's my life."
DUES ARE DUE. Pay by July 30 and get a 15% discount. Added to the bottom is a voluntary contribution to The Rotary Foundation of $100. Every Rotarian Every Year should be giving $2 a week to continue Rotary's work around the world. Our Club's Foundation Goal is 100% Sustaining Members. Help us meet that goal.
COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE Today and the rest of the month we'll be collecting school supplies for Kristi House. It all goes for the young women in need. Also, buy a decadent ice cream sundae outside by the desserts. The Westin is donating all of the proceeds to Give A Kid The World. So bump up your cholesterol count and have some ice cream. VA Bingo is Saturday, July 17 from 1 until 3 p.m. Only two hours out of your life but it means the world to the Vets.
Cancer natives are gentle, conservative and slightly defensive.
Happy Birthday to Don Vickers on July 12.
Dr. Groh is back and he is unhappy because Susan keeps asking him the same question 30 times, what did you get in Hawaii???? Debbie Swain is VERY HAPPY. GO HEAT!!!! Chris Tyson will be making up at District 1190, Western Switzerland starting next week. Chris Morrison Membership Chair for District, was in Grand Bahama last week for the Chartering of a new Rotary Club, Grand Bahama Sunset on Friday and the installation of the Freeport Grand Bahama Island Club on Saturday. Good excuse for water sports. Dick Golden had a parable instead of a joke...he found a wallet and didn't know what to do but he wanted to learn a lesson. Guess he didn't learn it when the lion got his hand. Rosendo Castillo paid his $5 for the long winded introduction he gave his lovely wife France and his report on the fun that everyone had at the Rotary Convention in Montreal. Bill Martinez was very sad at the passing of Miami Herald reporter Bea Moss who was a great lady and gave Rotary much publicity. A Memorial Service will be held at Stanfill on Saturday at 4:30. Frank Sexton related a charming story about the Rotary Centennial Park that we created in Chris Morrison's year as President. He had the opportunity to see just how cool it is when he spent the afternoon with his two grandsons, Nicholas and Derrick as they frolicked on the jungle gyms. Susan Guttmann was excited that Dr. Randy had returned and again asked the all important question ... did he get a LEI while in Hawaii. But she was more excited about the possibility of LeBron with the Heat. Dick Golden returned to offer a suggestion for applauding our visitors and guests. He says we're kinda "white bread" about it so he issued a challenge to do it better. He'll check back with us later. Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz
Head Table Assignments - Debbie Swain
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Jack Witty
Pledge - Dick Bullman
Singers - Dan Scipione
Introductions - Dick Bullman
Happy Dollars - Randy Groh
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Rob Hatfield
50/50 Sales - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - William Isasis
Dewitt Law Silver Dollars - Elizabeth “Lovables”
Given To - Yoli Woodbridge & Joan Reitsma
5 Way Test - Dick Golden
Barbara Stein, David Arisco and the cast from Actors Playhouse's new show, "Are We There Yet" entertained us today at the meeting with songs from what is sure to be a really hilarious show all about the buttons your parents push your whole life. It's a musical and a Family Survival Guide. It opens July 9th. Don't miss it.
NEXT WEEK'S SPEAKER Dr. Richard Souviron, D.M.D., will discuss forensic dentistry and how he helped secure convictions for both Ted Bundy and Richard Specter. This is a program you don't want to miss.
Rotary Club of Coral Gables meets weekly on Thursday at 12:15 at the Westin Colonnade Hotel in Coral Gables. We start on time. We end on time. We always have a good time. Join us sometime!
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