July 4th is a big day in the US. It's our Independence Day (ID.) It is a US national holiday. This is almost a yearly event that many of us at the RCCG get together to celebrate. This event was announced on this blog about a month in advance. Today is the day. This year in particular, it cannot be any truer that we are here to fulfill our newly added (just here at RCCG) the Rotary 5th Way test: Is it fun for all concerned? It sure was. But we also got together to plan for the next events of Service Above Self. A planning was discussed to form a team of bloggers to keep this blog dynamic and full of vigor... so... visitors, come here to read often. You'll be glad you did. But today... despite the storm brewing, the heat, the humidity and the mosquitoes...
Rotarian Keith rode his ID power bike to bring a big fan to chase away the heat and the mosquitoes...

Matheson Hammock park has plenty of room for adults and kids to have fun...

Fred Baddour got his WW II vintage jeep to deliver food and drinks... so Prez Sally B was all smile...

PP Wiley, VP Hadley and Biil Q wisely staying in the shade sharing jokes and drinks...

The jeep generated long and serious discussions... among the beautiful oak trees of the hammock... and Sally B and Larry...

Finally... There was plenty of food... Shorty's grilled chicken, ribs and all the trimmings... We also managed to host a stranger to a good picnic meal.

Everyone had plenty of fun... and some work was planned as well... Now we're ready to get to the real work for the new year.
So long... Bookmark this page to return for more... Our club meets on Thursdays.
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