The monthly bingo games we host at the VA Community Living Center, Miami, is one of our Club's long standing outreach projects. We have conscientious member attendance -- even though it's on Saturdays -- and the some 25 vets, and their dog Jericho, appreciate our attention and look forward to our bingo events which include modest prizes and healthful refreshments. Prez SallyB is in charge and calls the balls.....but Yoli's presence looms large as she presides over the treasury of prizes, supplies refreshments from a seemingly secret larder and keeps an eye on everyone. You'll all recall that member "Mick" Zeiller, a Navy veteran, died a couple of years back and his widow, Chardy, donated $5,000 to the VA Community Living Center in his name and there's a commemorative plaque on the wall of the recreation area where we conduct the bingo games. The Club supports the bingo project with these funds.
But this isn't the only involvement we have with VA Miami.
A couple of years ago, our Club donated $1,000 to assist with the construction of a new Fisher House at VA Miami. We responded to a request from Col. Lettie Bien, USA (ret), who was charged with raising two million dollars from the community to complete the five million dollar investment in the Fisher facility, the other donors being the Fisher Foundation and the VA who provided the land.
A Fisher House, as you may know, is a modest but most functional living facility where families of wounded military and indeed veterans with longer term health issues can stay free of charge to be close to their loved ones during convalescence. A Fisher House will have a common area, kitchen, library, and some 20 individual bedroom areas. There are some 38 located at VA hospitals throughout the United States.
The construction of Fisher House Miami is complete (see pic) and the VA team is in process of furnishing the interior areas. It's located near the west parking area of the VA property.
Lettie advises that it will be inaugurated sometime in October and our Club will be invited to attend given our support of the project.
Going forward, while the VA and the Fisher Foundation will support the cost of a basic hotel type staff, the House will need volunteer support also. Perhaps our membership can help. I'll keep everyone advised.
George Reeves
But this isn't the only involvement we have with VA Miami.
A couple of years ago, our Club donated $1,000 to assist with the construction of a new Fisher House at VA Miami. We responded to a request from Col. Lettie Bien, USA (ret), who was charged with raising two million dollars from the community to complete the five million dollar investment in the Fisher facility, the other donors being the Fisher Foundation and the VA who provided the land.
A Fisher House, as you may know, is a modest but most functional living facility where families of wounded military and indeed veterans with longer term health issues can stay free of charge to be close to their loved ones during convalescence. A Fisher House will have a common area, kitchen, library, and some 20 individual bedroom areas. There are some 38 located at VA hospitals throughout the United States.
The construction of Fisher House Miami is complete (see pic) and the VA team is in process of furnishing the interior areas. It's located near the west parking area of the VA property.
Lettie advises that it will be inaugurated sometime in October and our Club will be invited to attend given our support of the project.
Going forward, while the VA and the Fisher Foundation will support the cost of a basic hotel type staff, the House will need volunteer support also. Perhaps our membership can help. I'll keep everyone advised.
George Reeves
1 comment:
Awesome update George. Thanks for doing it. Please let us know what what our club can do from a service standpoint to help the Vets and their families during a difficult time in their lives.
Sally B.
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