This week Sal the cat received a summons for jury duty. The Massachusetts cat was listed by it's owner on the U.S. Census and so Sal received a jury summons. His owner requested disqualification based on limited language skills and was informed that Sal "must attend" jury selection as "jurors are not expected to speak perfect English..." Also, police in Belarus raided a traveling circus after the jugglers kept flubbing their stunts and the "exotic" animals turned out to be be a few poodles and a crocodile. The circus owner claimed that the real animals got stuck in customs.
A big "THANK YOU" to Bonnie Blair for hosting the semi-annual New Member Orientation Dinner at her home on Wednesday evening. Catering was by Lovables so the food was fantastic. As a few more newbies advance towards their permanent badge, Membership Chair Yolanda Woodbridge gave each of them the opportunity to tell us what they thought about our club, our best practices, etc. It was gratifying to hear that new Rotarians like our club because of it's friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Virtually the same sentiments were echoed by the old Rotarians who are new to our Club. The primary reason that they moved to our club is because we're so friendly, we do so many cool things and we have so much fun! Of course we do ... it's the 5-Way Test. And RI President Ray Klinginsmith, in this month's Rotarian Magazine, spoke of Rotary DNA and that the most important of Rotary's Core Values is FELLOWSHIP. Rotary builds lasting friendships between it's member because fellowship is the basis for our service.
CHANCE & DANCE UPDATE: By now you should have received your Save the Date Card for our upcoming 65th Birthday Party Speakeast, Chance & Dance, benefiting CoralGables@HOME. SO SAVE THE DATE. On March 4, 2011, Rotary Club of Coral Gables turns 65 like so many millions of baby boomers.
We will celebrate at Coral Gables Country Club, the place where we started out 65 years ago. The evening begins with a Bombay Sapphire Bathtub Gin Party, and music by the Sultans of Swing will take you back to the Jazz age. Dinner will be an informal affair with food stations all around and an open bar for the evening donated by Barcardi USA. The casino will be open all night long and the prizes you can win are pretty awesome. This is one party you don't want to miss. Tickets are $150 per person and include $50 in chips to get you started with the games of chance. You can purchase your tickets on our website using any major credit card. Simply click on the Paypal button for a completely secure transaction. It's gonna be a great party. Buy your tickets now!
PE Debbie Swain was presented with her double sapphire Paul Harris pin today by Foundation Chair, Rick Tonkinson.
Rick was full of praise for the example that our incoming leadership sets for all of our members by becoming multiple Paul Harris Fellows.
If you are are currently a sustaining member and would like to secure your first, second or third PHF, please contact Rick and he'll let you know what it will take to move to the next level. Remember, PHF funds are for the Annual Programs Fund. The money comes back to us in three years and we get to use it for the many international projects that we undertake.
Bob Schreiber is committed to Paws 4You. Every Saturday he drives their van from the shelter to whichever location they are presenting the dogs that day. And he could use some help. He's pleading for help. If you can drive a van and you love dogs, please volunteer to assist one Saturday a month.
The van belongs to Paws 4 You, the dogs are transported and whomever drives them stays with them, walks them and transports the remaining dogs back to the shelter at the end of the day. It's needed. It's rewarding. Contact Bob for more information or to sign up at
Randy Grohs $$$ for Scholarships Today
But he worked hard to do it as the lovely Diva is gone for two weeks. Dan Scipione gave $5 to educate us on the value of Vitamin D supplements. It only takes a simple blood test to find out that you're missing too much sunshine sitting in front of the computer. Get tested because it will drastically improve your immune system when you're getting enough of this important vitamin. Walter Alvarez invited everyone to attend the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans beginning May 21. He and his wife Annette have many friends there. They're making all kinds of arrangements for us to have extra fun with local Rotary Clubs. AND she's making reservations at one of the best restaurants in NOLA for a club dinner on Sunday evening. If you've never been to an RI convention, this is the one to go to ... it's close and it will be a ton of fun. Ed Morris had important dollars today as he explained about the Love Fund. He urged us all to contribute something to the fund - proceed of which go to the families of fallen police officers and the two who were shot this week leave behind young children. Help if you can. Chris Tyson said that we make a lot of money at his expense but that's okay. He's happy that the interviewer for the national survey company that called him yesterday found it hard to believe that he is 82! Miki Speijers was happy because she bought some expensive gifts and promptly left them someplace and some kind soul found them and returned them to Peterbrooke where she was able to get them back. Ted Pappas wasn't particulary happy, he just wanted to stand next to a pretty girl like Miki but he did say that he's grateful to be back from -5 degree weather in Detroit. Margarita Tonkinson was ecstatic about last night's dinner at Bonnie Blaire's house. The people were all wonderful and she had a great time. And further to Dan's instructions, she wants everyone to know that your body won't absorb calcium without vitamin D. So take your D. Terry Long was ecstatic about her upcoming kayak trip to the Everglades this weekend. She only hopes that she can stay in the kayak for the entire nine miles. KEEP SMILING, HAPPINESS PAYS.
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Abe Horowitz & Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Open the Meeting - Dan Scipione
Invocation - Greg Martini
Pledge - Aaron Glasser
Singers - Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Noelle Galperin
Given To - Ed Morris & Walter Alvarez
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione & Dr. Chapunoff
Pin Drawing Winners - Walter Alvarez & George Reeves
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns
50/50 Winner - Miki Spiejers
5-Way Test - Deena Bell Llewelyn
Eduardo Chapunoff, M.D.
Author, “How Not to Drop Dead!”
Our speaker was the author of books with compelling titles, such as “Answering Your Questions About Heart Disease and Sex”, and “Morbid Obesity – Will You Allow it to Kill You?”, and “How Not to Drop Dead! A Guide for Prevention of 201 Causes of Sudden or Rapid Death”,
Dr. Chapunoff wrote “Answering Your Question” because he found that patients were too embarrassed to ask questions. “Morbid Obesity” explores options for those patients that are overweight by more than 100 lbs, including bariatric surgery – which he recommends to only 1% of the morbidly obese. This excess weight increases risk of heart attack, stroke and cancer. Prospective candidates for surgery first need to undergo psychological screening to help ensure the success of the surgery.
“How Not to Drop Dead!” addresses unexpected, and usually avoidable, deaths. Although devastating, death due to illness can be accepted, deaths that are unnecessary, such as medical error and many accidents, are difficult to accept.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - Tony Villamil, Dean, St. Thomas University School of Business. "The Economic Outlook for 2011"
by Bill "Digger" Martinez
"What you possess in the world will be found
on the day of your death to belong to someone else.
on the day of your death to belong to someone else.
But what you are will be yours forever"
Henry VanDyke
See you next week, same time, same place,
same great bunch of Rotarians.
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