President's Time
This week a Tacoma Washington Bar has suspended its weekly goldfish racing night because PETA says the loud noises and bright lights terrify the fish. It was a bad week for the Orange County Florida Fire Department after the home next door to the firehouse burned down before firefighters could respond. And last but certainly not least congratulations to the lady who was mistaken for a car thief after blowing her horn and flipping off the guy in front of her who stopped for a yellow light. The cops said when they saw the WWJD bumper sticker, the Chose Life license plate, a Follow Me to Sunday School sticker and a chrome plated christian fish emblem they naturally assumed she had stolen the car.
COMMUNITY/INTERNATIONAL SERVICE: We collected for school supplies for Copan, Honduras once again this week. The total so far is $253. Bring more bucks for the bucket next week.
May 14 is Veteran's Bingo. Join us at the Veteran''s Hospital at 1:00 until 3:00 on Saturday. The Vets just love to have us there and we love to be there as well. Just two hours but it means the world to them.
Persistent, stubborn, dependable and a little greedy are just a few of the traits of those born under the sign of the Bull. Taurus is in full force. Say Happy Birthday this week to Jorge Triay on Friday, May 6th.
We have two very special Rotary Anniversaries this week, Noelle Galperin and Catarina Jimenez each with three years in our club. They've really made an impact. Thanks girls for all your Rotary Service.
VISITING ROTARIANS were with us today from Rotary Club of Grigota, Santa Cruz dela Sierra, Bolivia. Rodolfo Soto and his wife. He is a past president of his club serving as Secretary this year (and not for the first time!) Also with us today was El Marques de San Fernando, the Ambassador of Spain from Madrid. Welcome to everyone!
Happy $$
THE Donald filled in for our missing Happy $$$ fund raising team and he did a pretty good job. Walter Alvarez was happy today because it's his youngest son's birthday and in honor of Cinco de Mayo they've been giving him tequila since he was two! Dan Scipione advised us of the new cocktail, the Bin Laden, two shots and a splash. Arne Themmen was passing out stickers for Mother's Day by the Singing Miamians. Call him if you want to be a big hit. Four guys in tuxes sing two songs and present the lady of your life with a bouquet of flowers. Call him now. Rick Tonkinson is happy that they have finally moved into their new offices at 24th and South Dixie Highway. Come and visit Tonkinson Financial anytime. He was REALLY happy that son Steven was recognized for his work with Shelter Box USA. He was named Advisor with a Heart by the Journal of Registered Representatives. Dr. Phil Boswell invited interested Rotarians to his house on Saturday night a 6:30 for the Interact Club's Installation Dinner. Come and watch the changing of the guard within this great Club. Dick Golden's jokes haven't gotten any better with his world travels. Today's was about a Jewish lady stuck in the toilet with a yarmulke ... you don't want to know. George Reeves is happy to report that the 25th Annual Fleet Week was a resounding success. There were 8,000 visitors to the USS Annapolis submarine. He and Aaron Glasser got to tour a Tomahawk. Martarita Tonkinson is happy that our Club has two candidates for the Ambassadorial Scholarships on Saturday. Best of luck to Alexa Goodman and Amanda Hermes. Yoli Woodbridge was really happy to see Dar Aran for the first time this year. Dar Aran was reallly happy that the visitors from Bolivia coerced him into coming today ... he missed us! Happiness Pays - Keep on Smiling!!!
It's really good to see some of our members who seldom come. When you're qualified for Rule of 85, attendance requirements are relaxed (when your age and your years of service total 85) so we don't often see old friends like Allan Heard and Dar Aran - both of whom showed up today! Nice to see you. Don't be such strangers!
Working Rotarians - May 5, 2011
Greeters - Rodney Langer & Rolf Frankfurter
Registration - Deena Bell
Collections - Abe Horowitz & Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Open the Meeting - Dick Golden
Invocation - Joan Reitsma
Pledge - Diane Thurston
Singers - Arne Themmen, Bill Quesenberry, Dan Scipione & Carol Brock
Thought of the Week - Steve Magenheimer
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Richard DeWitt
Given to - Dr. Phil and Dick Golden
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Betty Metcalf
50/50 Collections - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner- Rodolfo Soto
5 Way Test - Dan Scipione
This Week's Program
David Arisco, Artistic Director
The 39 Steps will be playing in the Balcony (upstairs) theater. Tickets may be purchased through the box office at 305-444-9293 or online at
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM - The Martin Hughes Coral Gables Rotary Citizen of the Year Presentation
Scene Scenes
Same time, same place,
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