President Sally B went to New Orleans to attend RI's Annual International Convention and she was ably replaced by Vice-President Hadley. Missing thus are the weekly anecdotes only our Prez Sally B could tell. Sorry, folks! However, know that Hadley was very presidential today. Firm but Fair!
No report was available but our members are currently helping the Special Olympics golf event that is still ongoing as we speak.
VP Hadley reminded us that the installation for our club's next Rotary year will take place on June 30th. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.
This week marks the birthdays for two of our beloved members: Say Happy Birthday to Terry Long and Steve Magenheimer. Errata: Terry is really a New Year Baby so today cannot really be her BD. However, it's always nice to have wishes for a happy BD regardless, so, Happy BD, Terry. Why not?
Happy $$$
None of our regular heavy weights were present to take charge raising $ for scholarship (where are you, Dr. Groh and our Diva???) But our club is deep in talent and our feather weight Luis Boue stepped in to order our Rotarians to be happy... or else! Abe Horowitz was not shy to say he's happy to have commissioned a new two-piece suit from Bolado Clothing, and boldly (no punt intended) displaying his new suspenders. PN Walter Alvarez was happy that he went to New Orleans to join the other 29 thousand Rotarians at the world at the International Convention. Hadley Williams was proud and happy to be President for a day today. Diane Thurston is ecstatic she is again going to Colorado to escape the Miami heat for the next 6 months. Dan Scipione was very happy first that the Miami Heat looks like they are winning all the way to the NBA finals, and also that he is going to Tennessee for a weekend to be with only guys. (Now, yours truly editor won't be happy if he were him, only guys?) Ed Snow was happy to announce that a reception is being planned on June 8th at the Biltmore hotel to honor our member Don Slesnick, former Coral Gables mayor. Please plan to come join the party.
Working Rotarians - May 26, 2011
Greeter - Rodney Langer
Registration - Aaron Glasser
Collections - Carlos Bolado
Head Table - John Wallace
Special Needs - Chris Morris/Lan Nghiem-Phu
Invocation - Joan Reitsma
Pledge - Greg Martini
Singers - Only Dan Scipione because Dick Bullman would not cooperate
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Don Trombly
Given to - Dr. Phil & Diane Thurston
Pin Drawing Gift - Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Winner - Trish Hoffman
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Steve Spann
(given back to scholarship)
(given back to scholarship)
5-Way Test - Everbody
Today's Program
Henri Chuang
Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei City, Taiwan
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami
Our speaker, Mr. Henri Chuang of Taiwan spoke to us about the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami.
First, he noticed that Taiwan is not well known in our country and always tried to educate all he met about Taiwan such as where it is located: an island the size of the Netherlands which is a mere 100 kilometers from mainland China. With a background in foreign service, he was educated with a BS in journalism and a couple of Masters degrees. He served as a member of the PR design team for Taipei in 2000 - 2003. Mr. Chuang also taught undergraduate courses at Purdue University.
He gave us a fast and concise lecture about Taiwan (formerly Formose, meaning opulence in Italian given first by the Italian traders who first got to the island.) The lecture covered Taiwan's geometry, its language which is Mandarine Chinese spoken by about 95% of its population of about 23 million. He gave us a valuable tip about what to do if we wanted to learn written Chinese. Go for the more difficult formal written style and not the simplified Chinese as the latter will not help you to read the Chinese literature. Mr. Chuang walked a fine line when he spoke about the relationship between Taiwan and mainland China. As it is well known, the relationship is full of tension. However, they seem to have worked out a temporary solution that is acceptable to both. The agreement is to recognize that only one China exists, but its status can be interpreted differently form either the Taiwanese or the mainland Chinese side. Both parties recognize the importance of having eased trade and commerce and many agreements have been worked out to facilitate commerce across their borders. Despite all these arrangements, Taiwan looks towards the US for help and aid in strengthening their defense which includes the purchase of modern fighter air crafts. Recognizing that their security is at stake, Taiwan, via its reforms in true democracy, aims to conform to international norms regarding human right issues and contributes in meaningful ways while participating in aid to other nations in needs.
In response to questions, Mr. Chuang said that they have universal health care, but like many other nations, they also have financial problems to resolve in order to achieve a good health care system that is available to every one who needs it. Also, there is no censorship in Taiwan and its population has wide access to all media formats.
NEXT WEEK'S MEETING: June 2, 2011: The Boot Camp Program
Chief Donald Coffey, Miami Correctional
First, he noticed that Taiwan is not well known in our country and always tried to educate all he met about Taiwan such as where it is located: an island the size of the Netherlands which is a mere 100 kilometers from mainland China. With a background in foreign service, he was educated with a BS in journalism and a couple of Masters degrees. He served as a member of the PR design team for Taipei in 2000 - 2003. Mr. Chuang also taught undergraduate courses at Purdue University.
He gave us a fast and concise lecture about Taiwan (formerly Formose, meaning opulence in Italian given first by the Italian traders who first got to the island.) The lecture covered Taiwan's geometry, its language which is Mandarine Chinese spoken by about 95% of its population of about 23 million. He gave us a valuable tip about what to do if we wanted to learn written Chinese. Go for the more difficult formal written style and not the simplified Chinese as the latter will not help you to read the Chinese literature. Mr. Chuang walked a fine line when he spoke about the relationship between Taiwan and mainland China. As it is well known, the relationship is full of tension. However, they seem to have worked out a temporary solution that is acceptable to both. The agreement is to recognize that only one China exists, but its status can be interpreted differently form either the Taiwanese or the mainland Chinese side. Both parties recognize the importance of having eased trade and commerce and many agreements have been worked out to facilitate commerce across their borders. Despite all these arrangements, Taiwan looks towards the US for help and aid in strengthening their defense which includes the purchase of modern fighter air crafts. Recognizing that their security is at stake, Taiwan, via its reforms in true democracy, aims to conform to international norms regarding human right issues and contributes in meaningful ways while participating in aid to other nations in needs.
In response to questions, Mr. Chuang said that they have universal health care, but like many other nations, they also have financial problems to resolve in order to achieve a good health care system that is available to every one who needs it. Also, there is no censorship in Taiwan and its population has wide access to all media formats.
NEXT WEEK'S MEETING: June 2, 2011: The Boot Camp Program
Chief Donald Coffey, Miami Correctional
Thought of the Week
by Steve Magenheimer
Korean war veteran
Korean war veteran
For the Memorial Day Weekend ...
"Let us remember the reason for the holiday, rather than observing it as the first weekend of the summer. Let us remember those who went and gave up parts of their lives, and in some cases, made the ultimate sacrifice, so we may continue to live in peace and happiness."
Scene Scenes
Join us next week,
same time, same place,
same great bunch of Rotarians!
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