President's Time
In keeping with May's Rotary theme, History, once again President Debbie segued into today's program with the History of Group Study Exchange.
In January 1964, the RI Board of Directors and The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees approved Group Study Exchange as an official Rotary program. Thirty-four teams from 17 pairs of districts participated in the first round of exchanges during the 1965-66 and 1966-67 Rotary years.
But young people had been traveling the globe with support from Rotary clubs well before this decision. In 1950, six young men from England went to New Zealand, led by English Rotarian Geoff Morton and financed by clubs in Yorkshire. They traveled the country, staying with Rotarians along the way.
Rotarian Ralph Vernon proposed a similar endeavor in 1955 to clubs in northern New Zealand, who wanted to commemorate Rotary’s golden anniversary with a district-wide effort. District 39 (now districts 9910, 9920, 9930, and 9940) created the Rotary Overseas Travel Award program, and John Ledgerwood, of the Rotary Club of Hamilton, led the first team on a trip to Great Britain.
The program was so successful that district leaders in New Zealand decided to continue it after the anniversary celebrations had ended. Over the next few years, teams from New Zealand traveled to Canada, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, and the United States. New Zealand Rotarians welcomed visitors from these countries as well as from Pakistan.
In the early 1960s, the Trustees began considering programs for non-Rotarians that would promote international goodwill and understanding. One plan was for small groups of young business and professional men to travel from one Rotary district to a district in another country.
Harold T. Thomas, a New Zealand Rotarian who served as RI president in 1959-60, shared information about the Rotary Overseas Travel Award with the Trustees. Soon after the Board and Trustees approved Group Study Exchange, Vernon and other Rotarians with experience in group exchanges and vocational training were invited to finalize the details of the new Foundation program.
In the nearly five decades since, more than 70,000 young men and women have traveled the globe as part of Group Study Exchange teams.
DUES ARE DUE: Invoices were sent to everyone on May 1st, for the Dues and Registration (lunch money) for the coming Rotary year. Pay before June 30th and take a 20% discount on lunch. That's substantial so you might want to follow up promptly. If you want to pay twice a year you may also select that as a payment option and take a 10% discount on the cost of the lunch for the year.
at the
Coral Gables Museum
Rotarians have been invited to attend the June 3rd birthday party for Coral Gables' founder, George Merrick. We're celebrating his 126th birthday!!! The festivities begin a 1:00 p.m. and run through 4. And it's FREE. All that's required is that you RSVP to the Museum to Caroline at 305.603.8067 or
Rotarians Needed
Shake-A-Leg Bay Day - May 19th
Five non-profits are joining together with Shake-A-Leg to bring over 100 kids to spend the day at SAL and on the bay. This is the perfect community service event - it's all about the kids - and they'll be coming from the Overtown Youth Center, Charlee and a number of other local groups.
Judy Pantoja is coordinating the event. She needs a minimum of 15 Rotarians willing to stay for the day, beginning at 10 a.m.. There's an ice cream social at 3 p.m., and everyone's welcome to attend, even if you can't spend the day with the kids. Sign up sheets are in the back.
There are no birthdays or Rotary anniversaries in our club this week!!!
Foundation Minute
by Abe Horowitz, Foundation Chair
Introduction of Visitors & Guests
by Dick Bullman
Mr. B was not very happy today ... he only had one single guest to introduce and by the time we got around to introductions he'd gone off to a dentists appointment with you-know-who also wasn't here today ...
Although he was not there, President Debbie introduced us to Kent Crook of Wiremaster Electric.
Dick urged us to bring more folks with us next week. He needs the work!
Dick urged us to bring more folks with us next week. He needs the work!
Vocational Service Minute
by Frank Sexton

Happy $$$
Happiness pays so keep on smiling.
Working Rotarians - May 10, 2012
Greeter - Steven Spann
Registration - Rodney Langer
Collections - John Porro
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Rodney Langer
Pledge - Steve Magenheimer
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Richard DeWitt
Given to - Lan Nghiem-Phu & Frank Sexton
Pin Drawing Gift - Yoli Woodbridge
Pin Drawing Winner - Walter Alvarez
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Reza "Ray" Dehbozorgi
4 Way Test - Joe Witz
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Richard DeWitt
Given to - Lan Nghiem-Phu & Frank Sexton
Pin Drawing Gift - Yoli Woodbridge
Pin Drawing Winner - Walter Alvarez
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Reza "Ray" Dehbozorgi
4 Way Test - Joe Witz
Today's Program

Group Study Exchange Outbound Team Reports!
Yoli Woodbridge, District Chair for the Group Study Exchange for 2011-2012 introduced us to two of the six members of our Outbound Team that visited Australia, District 9650 in March.
The team leader was Carl Lanke who is the current President of the Miramar-Pines Rotary Club. His club has only 18 members so he wears many hats in addition to taking off for a month to lead the GSE Team!
In addition to Helen Quinn (a member of our Rotaract Club who was sponsored by our Club) who visited with Carl today, the other Team members were young professionals from around the District. Byron Beard, Kelly Garces, Grace Dessa and Aresh Dehghani.
They slept in 11 beds in 32 days. They were fed six times a day. They were educated, entertained and cared for by some of the coolest people you'd ever hope to meet. Carl was very impressed with the amazing Rotary project that Australians have undertaken and completed. Especially in light of the fact that most of the Clubs have fewer than 30 members.
In Port Macquarie Rotary built life guard stations all along the beaches. In Tamworth they helped purchase and equip the emergency rescue helicopters. In Gloucester, if you stop to take in the incredible view, chances are the rest stop shelter was built by a Rotary Club. It gave Team members a whole new perspective about Rotary.
Helen, who works at Take Stock in Children, a not-for-profit dedicated making life better for kids, was able to have vocational visits at a similar non-profit in Australia. She was pleased because this GSE trip allowed her to build professional connections with other people in other countries. Helen presented President Debbie with banners from 14 Australian Clubs.
The 2012-2013 Group Study Exchange is going to India. Yoli is seeking a qualified Rotarian Team Leader AND five young professionals interested in learning more about their vocations in the world! Contact her if you're interested or if you know a young professional who might benefit from this experience.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Mike Fernandez from Save Matheson Hammock presents the other side of the argument for the construction of the proposed marina at Matheson Hammock Park.
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"The question isn't 'what do we want to know about people,'
it is rather, 'what do people want to tell about themselves?"
Mark Zuckerberg
Scene Scenes
Proof that Debbie had a guest
today! Kent Crook on the left.
Do you suppose Bill is trying to sell
Luis a "package"??
We know what he's selling!!!
No Ana sandwich for Frank this time!
Join us next week,
Same time, same place,
Same great bunch of Rotarians!!
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