Presidents Time
It's with deepest sympathy that we extend our best wishes to Terry Long and her family on the death of her mother, and to Gene Marriutto on the death of his brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
If you get a minute, send a note or make a call to Carol Brock who has had surgery on her wrist and is now in therapy. Also Dan Scipione who began his second round of chemotherapy this week.
A member of the South African GSE Team from Mexico needs housing in Miami for three days - May 25 through 27 - if you have a spare room and can accommodate this young man it would be greatly appreciated! He is going to be in Miami starting the 21st but has already found housing for the first four nights of his stay. If you can help, contact Yoli Woodbridge and she will facilitate.
COMMUNITY SERVICE UPDATE: Saturday is a very busy day for Coral Gables Rotarians. There's Bingo with the Vets from 1:00 until 3:00. And then there is BAY DAY at Shake-A-Leg. Judy Pantoja is really excited about the project this year ... there are five not-for-profits involved and 125 kids are confirmed as coming. We still need between seven and 10 more volunteers to work four hour shifts - from 10 until 3 - with each group of kids. It's great fun, very rewarding and there is a (shhhh....) cocktail party for the volunteers afterwards. Sign up now. You'll be glad that you did!
Foundation Minute
by Abe Horowitz
She has achieved the equivalent of eight Paul Harris Fellowships, the original plus seven which gets her a beautiful pin with TWO RUBIES. it's important that we stress the fact that it's rubies because apparently Abe hasn't bought any for his new wife yet ... he thought they were sapphires. RED, Abe, not BLUE.
Congratulations and thank you Yolanda Woodbridge for your generosity of purse and spirit for all things Rotary.
Congratulations to Andrea Covre!
New member Andrea Covre has been diligent in the pursuit of his permanent Rotary badge. He's been on the fast track to accomplish this goal. His diligence paid off.
Sponsored by Andrea Fusero, Andrea happily removed his Red Badge and welcomed his new status as a "Permanent Rotarian" as his sponsored pinned on the new white badge. Now that he knows the secret handshake he's a Rotarian FOREVER.
City of Coral Gables
Employe of the Month for May, 2012
Eddie Hernandez introduced us to his employee, Lizbeth Riveria from the Parking Department. Eddie says that in his opinion, they picked the best person for this recognition. Lizbeth has worked in parking for the past 13 years and she's one of the best employees he has.
Congratulations Liz. Keep up the good work!
Here come those cusp babies again! People born on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini are stubborn, persistent, clever, creative, devious and self indulgent! Say Happy Birthday today to Ed Morris. On the 20th it's Dan Scipione and on May 23rd Jon Arthur.
Happy Rotary Anniversary to Julio Velis who has been in our club for six year on May 18th. Commissioner Frank Quesada who celebrates his first year on May 19th and Jim Roen who has been a member for 14 years on May 21st. THANK YOU! For all your years of service!
Introduction of Guests & Visitors
by Dick Bullman
Deena Bell Llewellyn brought her husband Charlie, who's sort of become a fixture - the forever guest! Jim Roen brought Peter Zavarita who used to be a Rotarian in the Coconut Grove Club. Mead McCabe brought Attorney Carlos Padron who was accompanying our speaker, Mike Fernandez.
Not very many visitors today so Dick was able to make "quick work" of it. But he wasn't really happy about it. Make Dick happy - bring a guest next week.
Happy $$$
Working Rotarians - May 17, 2012
Greeter - Steven Spann
Registration - Rodney Langer
Collections - John Porro
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Frank Sexton
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Rodney Langer
Pledge - Yoli Woodbridge
Singers - Bill Quesenberry
DeWitt Law Silver Dollars - Bill Forshee
Given to - Jon Arthur & John Porro
Pin Drawing Gift - Yoli Woodbridge
Pin Drawing Winner - Jim Roen
50/50 Raffle - Gloria Burns & Donald Trombly
50/50 Winner - Rodney Langer
4 Way Test - Ed Morris

4 Way Test - Ed Morris
Rodney Langer won the 50/50 Raffle today!! In addition to $21 for the day, he pulled the King of Hearts and won the entire pot - $561. He donated half of his winnings back to the Scholarship Fund to honor Terry Long's mother. Rotarians are terrific people!! Congratulations Rodney.
Today's Program
Michael B. Fernandez is a resident of Coral Gables. His family came from Cuba to New York in 1964. They moved to Miami in 1975. He spent three years in the US Army. A graduate of University of Miami, he is in the healthcare service company business. He's active with United Way and University of Miami where he serves as Vice Chair of UM Medical Affairs. In 1995 Ernest & Young names him "Entrepreneur of the Year". He's never sat on a condo board or been active in his HOA. He's never been involved in City politics. Nothing in his history has prepared him to be a political advocate.
Then in December of last year he heard from his neighbors about the boat warehouse that was in the planning stages to be built at Matheson Hammock Park. There had been a meeting of the HOA and they were told that it wouldn't impact their homes at all. It couldn't even be seen from his house. So he started doing some investigating.
He met with the Buonicontis and their representatives. He has the utmost respect for the men, the family, their mission and their cause. There is nothing personal in his campaign to stop them from building this boat warehouse in Miami Dade County's FIRST recreational low density park. He objects to a for profit business venture on county land in the City of Coral Gables that will result in lower property values for the people living adjacent to the park and a diminishing of the quality of life for everyone around there. The 500 ft. building doesn't belong there. Picture a 50 story high rise building, laid on it's side. That's what is being proposed for Matheson Hammock.
In six months they have collected 11,000 signatures from all over the world. In fact people have signed a petition to stop this building from 47 states and nine countries. It seems that one of the tours available to Miami visitors is a bus tour to Matheson Park. And people who have seen the park are appalled at what is being proposed. It is more than three million cubic feet of space being constructed at the water's edge. Between the noise (beep, beep, beep every time a fork lift backs up) and the site pollution, from gas, oil, soap and chemicals from fiberglass repairs, we are going to lose the Park forever.
While he supports the Buonicontis both financially and personally for
the work that they do, what they do has nothing to do with this proposed
boat storage facility. It will be run by a company called Aquamarine.
They (the developers) will pay Miami Dade County $7 million over the
next 10 years as rent for this site. But studies have shown that it's
construction will decrease the value of adjacent homes and property by
$7 million in only four years. Know the facts. There is still time to stop it. The City of Coral Gables will listen to its residents. Save Matheson Hammock.
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Pedro Garcia, Miami-Dade County Property Appraisor
Thought of the Week
by Abe Horowitz
"To measure a leader,
put a tape around his heart,
not his head."
John C. Maxwell
Scene Scenes
See you next week,
Same time, same place,
Same great bunch of Rotarians!
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